What do you guys think...?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by rollin2techno, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Went out today and took this pic of the top bud, then some buds just below top bud to show the difference.

    Top looks about 1/2 withered. Lower ones, not at all. I just gave them a 3/4 diluted dose of 15-30-15 on Wednesday. I should have already been flushing I have them in a bucket that has holes in the bottom soil is potting with perlite & peat moss but (to me) it still seems like this bucket is dense and bot as airated as I would have liked.

    So how do I flush the best way possible considering how close they are to being time to pull?


    Toker2 likes this.
  2. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    You gotta pic of the whole plant? I am not so sure they are close to being ready to pull just yet.....

    I think you have some October-November plants, not September. By withered I assume you are judging by pistils. Unfortunately pistils are not an accurate way to judge as they can wither from many different things, even as simple as being touched. Go by triches and also they look like they have more filling out to do. I started plants outdoors this year and they are still like a month or more away from harvest. An indica might be ready but not all plants finish at the same time...

    Anyways I know I didn't answer ur flushing question, I just don't think it's time yet.
  3. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Do you have an example of a fully developed trichome so I can compare?
  4. godzilla

    godzilla rage against the machine

  5. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

  6. virago420

    virago420 Excommunicated

    Not trying to be rude but it looks like they have quite a ways to go. Like probably 4 weeks or more. They dont look like they are very far into flowering at all. Those buds are smaller than my CFL buds and your growing under the biggest lightbulb in the world. Dont even think about chopping until you have close to 100% cloudy trichomes. Good luck and be patient and chop when they are really ready. Peace

    Edit: You said your growing in a bucket with drainage holes in the bottom. When the time comes to flush (and its not nearly time) put something under the bucket to elevate it a bit so it will drain properly and flush the soil with water, twice the volume of the bucket. If its a 5 gallon bucket run ten gallons of water through it.
  7. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    All good man.

    Basically I have learned to watch the stigmas and once they turn 50-75% withered, pull it. Glad to know I am way off base cuz if they were to be pulled soon, I would have been disappointed in the yield. What's the best way to tell trich coloring without a loop or scope? Go buy one, eh?

    I used to think i knew shit cuz I read TMGG back to back ages ago but after joining this forum I have come to realize how ignorant I really was/am. lol

    Thx for the response.
  8. virago420

    virago420 Excommunicated

  9. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    less water? looks young

    be patient looks like it will be tasty, good luck:passit:

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