what fertilizer to use?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by mccrob, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. mccrob

    mccrob Herb Budmin

    here's what I got,(i'll get some pics once the busy work is done) got about fifty good females in the ground,I dig a hole big enough for 1 bucket(5 gallon)of 1 to 3 year old manure and 1 bucket of 5 to six year old stuff that's been screened to use as top soil.This in itself produces some wicked bud,but my ? is this.What are some good over the counter fertilizers i can get at a reasonable price(not only am I poor ,but I'm also cheap)I give them a few good shots of 20/20/20 but that's it other than the manure.(which is EXELLENT,I'd like to say what kind but it's from a very unique animal only farmed in certain parts of the country )any way I'm wondering what #'s for what stage of growth.and like I said I'll get some pics on real soon.
  2. Joe King Park

    Joe King Park Auto-Pilot Grower

    Alaska Fish Fertiliser And Alaska Morebloom

    Widely Available All Over North America

    This Is All I Used For Many Outdoor Seasons Whilst Growing On The West Coast Of Texada Island

    I Would Use Two Applications Of Alaska Grow , And Three Applications Of Alaska Morebloom ( NPK; 0-10-10 )

    Baby Bio ; Don't Go There , lol

    Also Do Not Use Time Release Fertilisers ; They Hold Back Flowering Due To Their High Nitrogen Content

    Try To Fill Your Grow Holes With Seaweed ( Starfish Is High In Phosphorous ) And Kelp Is Great Too

    Backfill With Soil, And Spread Some Winter Rye Seed On Top:wink:

    The Following Year Your Yield Will Be Ever So Bigger , And Ever So Tastier :wink:

  3. schui

    schui Excommunicated


    I would go with the poppy seed instead of winter rye, its just to aggressive.

  4. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    Im broke too, 10 10 10 is ok if ya wait till they can handle it.

    MG i guess would be cheap too or a knock off brand.
  5. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    If ur gonna use MG u might as well just use bagg seed from some mexican brick too! Never use MG unless thats the only thing u can find within 1000 miles of ur house. Go with a cheap organic fert. if anything. Me myself prefer Fox Farm all the way. They have 6 different fertalizers when used together at the righttimes produces some amazing plants. I also use fox farm for my garden. Well thats my oppinion :passit:
  6. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Not true. Many of us use MG with no problems at all, and not on bag seed either.

    If you are looking for something cheap and effective chemically, MG has many a good product that will work FINE if you don't over do it.
  7. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Ya know Lion, you bring up a good point. How much of the bad rap MG gets is because it's the first thing a new grower reaches for? The same guy with AN or FF would prolly burn the shit out their plants with those too. But since they use MG...it's the MG that gets the rap.

    I have my preferences but honestly believe that if given the correct NPK ratios I could grow decent weed with just about any manufactured fert. In the beginning it's more about learning to pay attention to your plants and learning to take it slow.

  8. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Ok i guess i didnt fully explain myself. I also have seen many plants grown very well with MG but IMO id rather not use a cemical fertalizer if i am eating or smoking the finished product. Half of MJ growers out there dont flush there plants the proper way leaving many harsh cemicals in the buds. While organic ferts. are much safer IMO yet still give a harsher taste. Now im not trin to stirr anything up this is all my oppinion.
  9. Joe King Park

    Joe King Park Auto-Pilot Grower

    If You Are Broke - Cow Manure Tea

    Cow , Horse , Sheep

    Make A Tea:thumbsup:

    DO NOT Use Chicken Manure Unless It Is Well Aged

  10. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    See i also grow the Mushies so i have about 2-300lbs just sittin in the garage. I use it in the gardens and for the mushies. I think it works great but a little fox farm add gives it that little kick!
  11. schui

    schui Excommunicated

    riht on man


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