Youve just been voted into office. The country is depending on you to save the economy and fight terrorism. What would you people do if you had that job? Please think carefully and be serious, you never know whos watching...
First, I would send in the best, most elite, covert military team possible to capture Bin Laden and Hussein both, and bring them back alive. Then I would sell tickets to watch their deaths by slow torture. As for the situation in the Korean peninsula, I would evacuate all UN troops close to the DMZ, and then carpet-bomb everything from the DMZ northward for about 50 miles. Nothing there but North Korean military bases anyway. Most of their military strength is right by the DMZ. Then we demand that Kim surrender all, or we continue on up the peninsula. Not that they rate as much of a threat to anybody but South Korea so far. (Edited by Mrs B at 10:33 pm on Feb. 6, 2003)
I'd first off put a stop to N.Korea (assuming you mean president of current) with thier "Nuculer"[sic]<--one of many dubyaisms, and I'd also put a stomp to iraq. I 'd then turn Golf courses into low income housing projects. I'd legalize marijuana and make federal grants easier to get and faster. Faster tax returns, every american should be issued a computer from the manufacturer of thier region this is to ensure electronic communication and advance into the current "technological" age as well as use as a learning tool, which is the biggest reason. I'd cut back salaries in congress and my own actually and start taxing the rich more and the poor less. I'd then stomp out corporate scandals and instead of prison time, make them pay restitution by fixing the streets, town, sidewalks, litter prevention , construction of roads, bridges, snow plow etc. HEHEHEh I could go on forever.
I'd kick out rangerdanger from a plane with NO parachute and use him as a human liberal bomb to kill Saddamm in one foul swoop!
I would slap the **** outta Ranger(I couldn't punch him), then let him rub my feet, while I planed for World Peace!!! (rub softer baby)Than I would Send Ranger to France to rub their feet!!! As a matter of fact there would be a new Government position, the Sec. of Rubbin' the Feet of Heros, and Ranger could be the diractor and send other "foot rubbers" all accross the world to sooth the feet of weary freedom fighters!!! That would be special!!!