I'm sure most of you own a Digital PH Meter...as 4 moi... ...mine is the one fer Poolz(not a digital!)...which is very inaccurate!! Becuz it'z color coded...what if your colorblind? I'm very terrible with colors...orange looks yellow...red looks orange-brown...what a mess... ...anyone can share their experience about their current/past digital ph meters? (Edited by hellostupid at 8:44 pm on July 11, 2003)
GDay HS. The digital meters are the way to go. Just remembert to look after, keep em clean and calibrate every now and then. I use the Hanna Waterproof Digital Tri-Meter. It can be set to read either PH,TDS,EC and temp. This one is about 2 year old and still has about 80% the original battery, (tells you when you turn it on).
hey i got a sharp digi ph meter from the shop here and its supposed to be water proof. well the thing worked for about a week then died and the dude at the shop would not exchange it or anything. paid $60 for it and no im back to the liquid testers they suck though. i think i might try one of those hanna tri meters because ive never owned an ec meter. how much did you pay for yours jay?
I have 2 meters, both by Sharp. They are waterproof up to the LCD, so if you drop them or completely submerge them they don't tend to work after that. My meters were about $60 each and will do the job, however if you can spring for the more expensive, completely waterproof combination meters like Happy Jay mentioned, I would think they would be the better choice.
Thanx guyz...you all were really a big help. I've been hearing alot of good thingz 'bout Hanna...so that'z what i'll probably buy... ....i'll take you guy'z advice and invest in a waterproof one...thanx big time!!! I hate liquid PH testerz!!
Yes, the Hanna make a good product, I like em anyways. The multi tester set me back $280Aus, ($140US), and was worth every bit. It can be fully submersed, is pretty sturdy, (can take a decent handling), and has replaceable test probes/elements. Alot of other testers just seem to ware out quick, then you gotta replace the lot. About as good as you can get for a test pen anyways. Ferty Time ingreadients at H.Jays. Tuckers up Girls.
A fellow grower paid $110 fer a "real-time" ph digital meter... ...should i invest in those or stay clear away from 'em? And HappyJay... you said that Digipens are a great bargain, am i right? Thanx guyz...i'm all ears...i trust u guyz... (Edited by hellostupid at 1:14 am on July 13, 2003)
If I found a real time meter for $110 I would jump at it. I found a tri-meter (TDS, EC, pH) for $240 and thought it too much. I would love to find a real time meter for cheaper than that.......the type I'm think of mounts on the wall and is wired to probes that are placed in solution.
You can get constant monitor digital tri-meters from Hanna for about $199 US. Or, you can get a tri meter pen for about $99-$149 US. OR, you can get a single function Ph pen for $49 US. I just use the $50 Ph pen, a $99 dollar Truncheon Stick for EC, and floating thermometers ($3 @ a fish store) in the ressies. I would have gotten the constant read tri-meter, best bang for the buck, but I have two ressies and would have to bought two of them, making them somewhat impractical for me. Hope that helps. Oh yea, keep em clean as HJ suggested to increase the life of the unit.
I use a Milwaukee SM100 digital ph tester. Haven't had it a very long time but it seems to work fine. Easy to calibrate and pretty idiot-proof. To keep the sensor bulb clean and in good shape, I store the pen in a 10:1 water to vinegar solution, in a cup on the counter. Keeps it clean, accurate and prolongs the life of the sensor.
I HATE those glass ph meters i had so much trouble with them not reading fast enuough and having to calibrate so much. I got an ISFET ph meter from IQ scientific www.phmeters.com and love it. It is the best you can measure 1 drop and it's just about instant also no glass which is great. I'd highly recommend it after trying the hanna crap.
The Hanna has proven to hold up even when my dog decided to steal it. The PH pens are pretty easy but do wear out if not taken care of.