When does night start?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Cannagirl, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Ok so for today in my town sunset was about 30 minutes before it got actually dark....so which do I count? Does it matter if it's still dim outside? Is this a question a person can really answer? Give me your best educated guess or hey if you really know, thad be great.....

    Does the sun have to be in the sky for photosynthesis to keep taking place or does dim light count as well? And what about morning, does the sun have to be in the sky for it to begin?

    (asking because I have 4 plants that I am growing outside....can't let them keep veggin or they will become root bound, but I have to cover them up at night and need to know how to work this around my schedual.... the earliest and latest I can have them uncovered and such.....)
  2. Dank Vapor

    Dank Vapor Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Typically, night is no more then moonlight, anything else will inhibit or slow hormonal changes for flowering. Any light present in the proper spectrum permits photosynthesis.

    So you would need to cover them to make sure they get 12 hours or darkness if they aren't getting it yet and you want to force flower. I'd cover like 1-2 hours before the sun sets, then once its dark, take the cover off before bed time since its dark and you don't need to think about it int he morning. Should give it a good 12 hrs of darkness.
    Cannagirl likes this.

    CIVILIZED "SAMSON.... Momma fell"

    Hi CannaGirl....I am a Nor-Cal,,, but So-Cal raised....Anyways....I know that Science says that sunrise is when the sun cracks the horizon line and and sunset is when the ball of orange is gone...but plant wise I think it is "Any light whatsover"...

    for this year the real Veg time is still coming...so if you want to flower outside plants now,...get started NOW.....

    Dependes on Variety also!...I once read that Indicas induced into flowering inside at 12/12. Then put into outside light in August....will remain flowering outdoors and finish.....interesting....Overall as of July 5th...Everything is till Vegging out!!!!

    Cannagirl likes this.
  4. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    oops just noticed.....could a mod move this to outdoors?

    Thanks both of ya!!! Cedarcloset that is a great idea about covering them a few hour before dark and then removing it. I will def be doing that!

    Hey Civilized i am completely new to outdoor growing but aren't the days going to get shorter from now on? I think right now is prime time vegging time as of the summer solstice back in June and now they will get shorter....unless I am totally wrong?

    Here is where I am getting my info for my town -


    But yeah I do know this is all moot as it is waaay off for actual flowering and no matter what I will have to cover them at some point....
  5. Joe King Park

    Joe King Park Auto-Pilot Grower

    If It's Brighter Than A Full Moon It's Too Bright

    Thats From The Growing In The Great Outdoors , By The Great Breeder Steve

    Tried Boxing Or Green Rubber Trash Cans To Control The Time

    I Started Force Flowering June21 For Some Early Herb

  6. Joe King Park

    Joe King Park Auto-Pilot Grower

    That Image Is June 19 Last Year:wink:

    Trash Cans For Plants Grown In The Ground , And Cardboard For Indoor

    I Find 9pm Through 9am The Best Times

    This Year My Plants Are On Wheels And Come Out To Frolick In The Sun Before Retiring Into Their Locked Bedroom

    The Cardboard Absorbs Most Of The Moisture If They Have Been Rained On , So No Moulds
  7. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    I'm jacking canna...sorry. And the light thing, I have no idea but it's a great question.

    JKP- It has to suck after growing on Texada to be wheeling plants around. Just thinking...

    take care.
  8. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still



    This is how I flowered my 1st plant! (indoors, before I built my closet).
  9. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Never ever ever doubt the ingenuity of a stoner who wants his/her bud.

    CIVILIZED "SAMSON.... Momma fell"

    Good Quote ResinRubber and SO TRUE....

    Cannagirl...You are totally right...I guess I was looking at it in the Life cycle of Growing rather than just "Sun Time"....For me I always planned that July was the biggest explosion in growth (mainly due to clearer weather)...plus the daylight hours are still as high as June. BUT YES...you are right they are backing down from 14 hours + back to 12-...I should know this all by heart since I took Meteorology in school for a while...I do know that the Summer Solstice on June 21 is the Longest day of Sunlight for the Northern Hemisphere..something like 14 plus hours a day and that was 2 weeks ago...it slowly goes back down the clock..maybe less than a minute a day...and Winter Solstice is Dec 22??? thats the shortest period of daylight in a 24 hour period.

    to what point does that backing down "Induce" flowering...I guess that depends on the variety....In So. Cal, my Outdoor Indicas (mainly), did not really show true flowers till August....I would typically harvest just before Halloween like and all plants done for Thanksgiving joy!!lol..

    Good Luck

  11. sumadinac

    sumadinac Germinated

    3 metric systems you got

    - Astronomical

    - Nautical

    - Civil

    For growing you need Civil counting.
  12. Dr. Dra

    Dr. Dra Veggy Stage

    Marijuana doesn't have to have exactly 12 hours of darkness in order to flower, occasionally some strains will flower with 10 or 11 hours of darkness. As long as the plant feels the light cycle changing and more darkness, it may start flowering. But like it was said before it all depends on the strain. for instance, my papaya plant is already budding, but my pure power plants and blackberries are still vegging.
  13. sumadinac

    sumadinac Germinated

    Actually there is few groups of plants in order by flowering time,plants who have light like a bloom trigger.

    Well Cannabis Sativa L. is in the group of plants who flow at and bottom 14 hours of light.Orig Canna gens will never start to flow at 15/9.

    That is for untouched strains,landrace.

    Ruderalis is another story and can bring confusion if some of granddads or grandmoms have that gen line.

    Biology says that.
  14. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    Deer Hunters rule of thumb, when you hold your hand out and can not see

  15. wwboy

    wwboy pro grow!


    indica and some indica/sativas will start to flower outdoors with light hrs not even close to 12/12---------hell some will even flower outdoor with a billboard light shining all night not far from them---ive got some out there that are 1wk into flower right now and were not getting 12 hrs dark at all yet---they should be done by mid oct or around the time we actually get close to 12 hrs dark--weird but out door plants just flower in less dark hrs than indoor--maybe not so much the pure sativas but then again some of those will too/just will never finish in time here in MI--good luck.
  16. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion

    day light

    i live in NW OREGON m& my pit bull is in flower now the la cnfidetial also my popsicle is not eve close the g13 either andthe purpl cush is just startin to show signs i'd have to use a refrigerator box fo the g13:bong2: :passit: :fly: i put a 13 watt pig tial standard screw in to keep te mothers and the indoor ones i veg out side from flowering sunlight is free and has the best light

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