when to plant

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by gene simmons, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. gene simmons

    gene simmons Guest

    I live in south florida. I'm a beginer this will be my first attemt in growing. I have about 30-40 seeds I've been saving. I want to know when to plant my seed outdors and if you can give me some tips on growing that would be great
  2. Disturbed1980

    Disturbed1980 Full Flowering

    in florida, if i was you since temps wont be a problem, I would have my seedling growing by early april. your plant will be the size of my oak tree, out in my front lawn. And depending on the strain, your looking at a massive yield. Alot of the tips you seek are in faq, and after you do some research you can ask more specific questions that you could not find anwsers to.

    I will say this, make sure your soil and water have a ph between 6 and 7, this is very important for reasons you will learn about. get some good soil, dont try to use dirt from your back yard. And make sure you atleast have 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight. I recommend 6 hours or more, I hve pics I can show you what happens to plants that dont get enough. (SSSSSTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTCCCHHHHH). If you use chemical ferts like peters or miracle grow, be very careful and only use half strenght at first. If money is not a problem use organic fertilizers.

    bugs will probably be a problem so prepare yourself, rangerdanger has a great pesticide, for preventative and infestations. its pretty easy to make but goat ball sacs smell better.

    there is a million things i could keep writing, take it one step at a time, and dont over love your plants cause they tend to get killed or damaged.

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