where can i get some nitrogen

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by dankroach, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. dankroach

    dankroach Developed Alternating Nodes

    i think my plant has a nitrogen defeciency, where do i get some nitrogen and how much do i apply. Shes flowering, about 4'6, in a 5 gal. bucket.
  2. ChronixGrower11

    ChronixGrower11 Burning in Lasagna Hell

  3. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    WHat Chronix means by no, is that plants dont need nitro during flowering. By the way how long has it been flowering for, and how do you figure that it has a nitrogen defeciency? When a plant is flowering it is essential that it has more P than anything. Less nitrogen is better during flowering. Now as your plant's buds mature more and more, you will notice more leaves biginning to yellow...this is totally normal, no need for nitro during flowering, only for veg. Give it all the P it can handle. Start at around half the dosage on the bottle, then gradually introduce more fert. DOnt forget to stop fertilizing your plants 2 week before harvest, this will insure better tasting buds!!

    good luck

    (Edited by Danno33 at 9:35 pm on Aug. 26, 2004)
  4. All4theGreen

    All4theGreen Germinated

    by P u mean Phosperate?

    I have a outdoor plant that is has been flowering for about 2 weeks now, and i want to make it healty and get the best buds i can out of it, What should i do? More P??

    Its about 5 feet tall in the garden was told its a 50/50 Indica /Sativa plant?
  5. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    Hey allGreen its me, the guy who said it was a 50/50 indica sativa (just a guess but looks to be) lol.

    Marijuana plants take up diffrent nutrients (either N,P,or K) at diffrent stages of its life. During flowering, which is your case, the plants loves P!! Give it a fertilizer that has low N, high P, and some K. Use the dosage on the fertilizing bottle, but at first use about 1/3 the recommended dose. you want to start small and gradually introduce more each time you fertilize. i recommend an organic fert, works better in my opinion.

    Something with an N-P-K of 0-5-2 would be the best example of what you need.

    fertilize maybe once a week, or once every 2 weeks. stop fertilizing 2 weeks before you harvest your buds...you dont want fertilizer to remain in those babies...better tasting thats for sure.

    So try it out and see how those buds grow!
  6. All4theGreen

    All4theGreen Germinated

    So p is what u want to add when in flowering process?

    how often to u want to add P??

    and what dosage
  7. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    If you can find a flowering formula as danno stated....rest assured that it will have directions. But remember...a little goes a long way!
  8. kennyde99

    kennyde99 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

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