Well this year i have a clone from one of my mother plants for the indoor grow. Yeah im only doin one outside due to not having that much time to take care of more + my indoor grow. So this clone is from the top of my White Rino mother started back in aug. of 08'. It has two main stems that are now about 12 inches tall after transplanting in to a 2.5 gal container. I will be transplanting her into a 10 gal container by the end of the month. The reason im keepin her in the container is that i need to move her aound as she will be in my backyard. I am using Fox Farm nutes and a professional organic dirt mix. one question i had is if i keep pruning all the lower tiny branches and extra side shoots that pop all over, will i get bigger better bud? I just wanna keep her thinner and possibly shorter. That is also another reason i am keeping her in a container, as i recall in CanadianDan's 3rd grow ( http://www.growkind.com/forum/showthread.php?t=31241&highlight=CanadianDan ) his plant in the 5gaql bucket didnt get really big. Well thanks for lookin and any input is welcome! i dont post much so most of u dont know me, but trust me im always trollin around gatherin info as needed. This is the best MJ site since OG got closed down!assit: Ill post pics in a bit but im really not big on them anymore. Fuckin cops!
OHHH yeah i wanna give special thanks to CanadianDan for posting that amazing grow log last year. He did a test side by side to see how much of a difference there is in growin in containers compared to putting them into the ground. The ones in the ground got hell of a lot bigger and if i recall right produced more. Fuckin amazing buds formed from both as from what i could see. Well again thanks man and cant wait to see what you got goin this year.assit:
I don't know if I fully understand what kind of a "look" you're going for but I can tell you some of what I've learned about bonsai trees and you can let me know if it applies. What they do for those is selectively prune off the fastest growing tips to opt for the slower ones. This allows for the fully mature plant to be miniature in certain areas. Use it or don't.
I fully understand what ur saying but with a MJ plant i think that if u cut the fast growing tips this will make them multiply. This happens cause marijuana plants know they only grow for one season and both male and female want to get as many sex parts to grow as possible as were a bonsi tree doesnt have to compensate for lost branches and leaves as its not in a hurry so to say. Thank you very much for your oppinion!
well nothin new to report except a few inches of growth. sorry no pics yet not really big into takin pics of this kind of stuff anymore. well thanks for lookin!assit:
well as promised here is a pic of my white rino clone. Its a long story but this clone has been through hell to tell u the truth, but as you can see she is making a really nice come back. /monthly_2009_06/plant.jpg.6f8625c0a7f9459144933d59e22e1fb2.jpg
So friday before i headed to my vacation spot i took this gloomy pic of my baby. We got a good amount of rain on friday and then a little each nite sat. and sun. So when i return today and go take a look at her she has grown almost 5 inches in two days! shes gettin up there and almost ready to be transplanted into my garded next to the compost. Well hope you like the pics! /monthly_2009_06/plantfri.jpg.2957b65d26c90f22e5ec2fe326dc89c2.jpg /monthly_2009_06/plantnew.jpg.7c3635c19e0b7b9e0addbbf9723b70d9.jpg
your question about pruning by pruning your lower branches, your actually making the plant focus its growth hormones up! towards the top. it will focus growth on the remainder of the upper branches. im not sure if your buds will get any bigger. a buddy of mine took off the main terminal branch in the middle to make his plants focus growth on the four branches, left on the plant. well, now the plant is small and isnt getting any bigger, (12 1/2 inches) and it doesn't look like those 4 branches, are going to yield much at all. they are thin, not fat and dense, like he exspected...
well i dont want her to get to tall as she will be in the backyard. I think ima use the LST method to keep her down but i dont think i can controll it to much.:bong2: She is really taking off ans smelling ohhhhhhhhh so good She even has a buch of flowers that are there but she isnt flowering yet. Well stay tuned for the show! Isnt there a saying out there from the farmers " Knee high by the forth of july?? If so im doin great!!!!assit:
Well last nite i moved my baby from the balcany to my garden sweet spot. Just have a small question, i burried the container up to its rim in the dirt. Will this allow for the soil in the container to drain properly? It only gonna be like this till the midle of july in whitch time im gonna just plop her in the ground. The only reason im keeping her in the 3gal bucket is that im trin to controll her hight. Well ill post pics aftr work as i have to resize them on my other computer. Well till then assit: :bong2: :bongin:
everytime i hear stories like that it makes me cry. I am not effected by what has happened on this thread. but have you got the 1 800 number just in case.
well as promissed here are a few more pics after the move. All i had on me was my cell phone but the pics are still alright.Can you see her in the first pic? /monthly_2009_06/57a6ca0126171_plant2.jpg.19062ab23c2129627ffa27af3f2b3ca2.jpg /monthly_2009_06/57a6ca012c39a_plant1.jpg.5811be2c52e65b4c84c40c6e73c3e17d.jpg
Well i just got back from my lil spot i have my indoor WR goin. Things are gettin better. Ill post a few pics of the mother plants and clones that are rooting. This is were i got my clone from to put outside. Well as soon as i get to my labtop tomarrow ill post them pics.assit:
Well it just got done rainin, not much more like a sprinkle. So i decided to take a few pics with my phone so srry bout the blury ones. She is really comin along and stayin short like i want her to. Im gonna start strapin her down pretty soon so i dont have to top her and ruin that amazing top cola! Well here are a few pics, can you find her in the first one? /monthly_2009_06/plant4.jpg.09eeecc74ad0cd8d3942999d555d9261.jpg /monthly_2009_06/plant3.jpg.b6335675ca85a01346832c16100234d4.jpg /monthly_2009_06/plant2.jpg.0b2e529efa046f2a769579664fc4814e.jpg /monthly_2009_06/plant1.jpg.84f8038bd0d56676cca3c485e369bfe2.jpg
Well i just got my nutes for my fav. part of the season. Ill be using..... Tiger Bloom® Liquid Plant Food (2-8-4) Vicious Bloomer with Micronutrients Ready to bloom? Tiger Bloom® makes it happen. This is an ultra-potent, fast-acting, high-phosphorus fertilizer with just enough nitrogen to sustain healthy, vigorous green growth during flowering. The low pH keeps it stable and ensures that the micronutrients will be available when plants need them. In addition to containing critical trace minerals, we brew our liquid fertilizer with earthworm castings and kelp meal for a biologically active formula. Garden tip: Use Tiger Bloom® at the first sign of flowering at the rate of 2-3 teaspoons per gallon of water. It can also be used as a foliar fertilizer; just apply it to both sides of leaves early in the morning. To extend flowering or fruiting, add our Big Bloom™ liquid fertilizer late in the season. http://www.foxfarmfertilizer.com/products_liqfert2.html And.... Open Sesame® Soluble Fertilizer (5-45-19) Early Flowering Formula for Gardeners and Hydroponic Growers Open Sesame® is a high-phosphorus soluble fertilizer that’s designed to bring plants into bloom at your command. Just say the magic words! Open Sesame® provides the optimal level of nutrition with minimal salts and other residue buildups. Whether you’re growing in hydroponic systems, containers, or gardening in ordinary soil, Open Sesame® will go right to work at the root zone and deliver targeted nutrients when the plants need them the most. Garden Tip: Feed with Open Sesame® every other watering, starting at about the fifth or sixth week of a plant’s life. It takes just a few weeks of Open Sesame® to get stocky, sturdy, compact, high-producing plants and buds that are ready to burst. For optimum results, start indoor plants in our Light Warrior® Agro-Ponic® Grow Medium, or use our premium Ocean Forest® Potting Soil for container plants. ....and ill use it in conjunction with the "Tiger bloom" untill sep. 1st and then ill start using.... Beastie Bloomz® Soluble Fertilizer (0-50-30) Heavyweight Blossom Builder for Gardeners and Hydroponic Growers Beastie Bloomz® is perfect for gardeners and growers who are ready to take their plants to the next level. This is a high-phosphorus soluble fertilizer that’s geared towards building amazing buds and flowers. Our revolutionary micronutrient pack is designed to create unbelievable internal bud density, which means that plants create fat, dense, tightly-packed blossoms, and plenty of them. You’ll also see exceptionally brilliant color and a long, dazzling blooming season. Garden tip: Start with Open Sesame® in the fifth or sixth week of a plant’s life. Once bud set begins, feed your plants with Beastie Bloomz® every other watering according to package directions and our FoxFarm Feeding Schedule. For high-yield results, start indoor plants in our Light Warrior® Agro-Ponic® Grow Medium, and use our premium Ocean Forest® Potting Soil for container plants. .....For the two weeks like they recommend. Then ill switch again to....... Cha Ching® Soluble Fertilizer (9-50-10) Late Flowering Formula for Gardeners and Hydroponic Growers Encourages Essential Oils and Succulent Fruit FoxFarm engineered Cha Ching® to maximize a plant’s production. Every stage of the growing cycle demands optimal nutrition. Cha Ching® is a high-phosphorus fertilizer that won’t leave a salty residue or build up in the soil. Even better, we’ve included the micronutrient pack that FoxFarm is known for. It contains all the essential elements you need to support juicy fruit on compact, stocky plants. Cha Ching® creates juicy, robust fruit with essential oils and resins pumping out of stems and leaves. That means concentrated flavor and perfect texture. Garden tip: Start with Open Sesame® in the fifth or sixth week of a plant’s life. Once bud set begins feed with Beastie Bloomz® for a two week period. After flowers are fully formed, switch to Cha Ching® and continue through harvest. Feed with every other watering. For high-powered results, start indoor plants in our Light Warrior® Agro-Ponic® Grow Medium, and use our premium Ocean Forest® Potting Soil for container plants. .....To hopefully get some nice fat resin filled buds! This shit isnt cheap either, fuckin killin my pockets! But it will deff. be worth it if it really does what is says. And i dont see it doin anything else as fox farm nutes have really held up there reputation i think. Well im trin to get some good pics of this thing but the weeds around her look alot like her and it all blends together to much! But thats what its suposta do. Well hopefully in a lil bit ill have some more pics up. Thanks for lookin and cant wait till oct. now!