whiteish yellow leaves

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by frodaddy, Oct 3, 2003.

  1. frodaddy

    frodaddy Guest

    Hi guys have a question I have all my plants in a drip hydro system that also flushes with the timer on for 4 min on and off for 20 All my plants look good but 1 This one the leaves started turning light green almost white I took it out flushed the rockwool then put it in a mix of distilled water and 202020 fert with some superthrive all in a clear rubbermaid with a air bubbler for a few days to try to get it to recover. I have read that its a lack of nitrogen but why just this one plant?? I am using 2 1000 hps and 2 400 mh lights 24 on. This is there 2nd week since they were seeds. I spray all the plants daily with superthrive and water mix and ideas
  2. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    It sounds like you are treating all the plants with the same conditions. Are all your seeds from the same source? Is the plant in question the same strain as the others?
  3. frodaddy

    frodaddy Guest

    yes they are all the same kind they are all female seeds they are a new breed "PPP" I got them from www.nirvana-shop.com from amstradam thanks for the reply
  4. Quaker

    Quaker New Sprout

    What fert are you using? Sounds like peters 20-20-20 to me, which causes nitrogen difficiencies in the plants cause of high levels of urea nitrogen and low levels of nitrates, which are immediately available to plants.

    Check out this link too, i found it very informative and useful for identifying nutrient difficiencies.

  5. frodaddy

    frodaddy Guest

    Im using Bc Grow and Bc bloom
  6. aXe

    aXe Veggy Stage

    Well if it helps I posted last week yellow in the leaves I moved my light up it was to close burned the tops preety good they are tryting to come out of it but I screwed up thats for shure. Also I gave them a small amount a nutes in there water and they are only 1 and a half weeks old also another screw up.Im new to growing indoors so if these plants even grow at this rate ill be suprised lol Im trying mabye just trying to hard? Hope this helps
  7. frodaddy

    frodaddy Guest

    na my light are far away I have plenty of light 3400 watts in a 10 by 8 foot space but all up top because of heat. The rest are looking good just this one. Mybe a bad strain?? eill half to see what happens I guess did all i can think of. Its green at the base of the newer leaves then fade out to yellow the lower leaves are white ok mybe bright yellow.
  8. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

  9. QuitinTarantincans

    QuitinTarantincans Developed Alternating Nodes

    Frodaddy - you posted that you're using BC Grow and Bc bloom.  Did you mean BC Grow and BC BOOST?  You shouldn't be using the bloom on them yet and that could be some of your problem there.  Also, even though the lights are far away, that's a lot of lumens for a 2 week seedling, IMO, and you might have light shocked it.  If you started them under flouros that would make it more likely. Nothin' you can do about that now.  

    2 weeks seems to me to be the length of time the seedling can survive on nutes the seed provided.  Does this happen to be the seed that started out the most vigorous?  That would indicate she's used up all her food and isn't able to eat.  The others might be closer than they look.  If so I would check pH and make sure it's below 5.5 _and_ if you don't already have one, buy a TDS meter.  If you're doing hydro it's a must ... I found my "full strength" nute solution was @ 40PPM.  at this stage you should be running at least 200PPM if not more.
  10. QuitinTarantincans

    QuitinTarantincans Developed Alternating Nodes

  11. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:Cannabis cannot utilize Nitrogen without the proper amount of Mg.

    Magnesium is to Cannabis az Iron is to Our Red Blood Cells.  You can't have red blood cells without sufficient iron in humans. You can't have chlorophyl and efficient Nitrogen uptake without proper amounts of Secondary Nutes such as Mg.

    Yes. U can get by without having to add more "micro-nutrients"...but u Must add more Secondary Nutes to your plants becuz chemical fertz Never have enough Secondary Nutes.

    Use 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom Saltz jus ONCE!! Jus once if you don't believe me. 48hrs later; you Will see noticeable diffrences/improvement in greenness.

    Note: not enough calcium can also cause "white" leaves. 1/4 tspn of Dolomitic lime per gallon(it will not raise your ph higher than 7) will provide u with all the calcium u need. But if you use tap water-adding more dolomitic lime shouldn't be necessary.

    (Edited by hellostupid at 12:32 am on Oct. 28, 2003)
  12. prowler

    prowler Guest

    I run 1000w MH and noticed that to much light in early growth,before a decent root system has developed,was causing the same thing on my plants.I also moved my lights farther away and that did help the prob.

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