Who here has "experimented"

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Gopher Love, Dec 12, 2008.

  1. Gopher Love

    Gopher Love Under Construction

    First I wanna say.. If this topic is against the rules, just get rid of it and please let me know...

    So, who here as experimented with other substances. Anything from over the counter meds to RX meds to hardcore drugs.

    I started out smokin when I was 10 and have been ever since (except for the last yearish cuz my girl wanted me to quit...). When I was about 13-14 I tried shrooms (I LOVE shrooms... always will. Best way is to down the shrooms and right after your get em down, start breaking up bud for a blunt, roll the blunt and right about the time you light it up, the shrooms kick in. Trust me.. it works). Then when I was about 16 I was a pure pothead.. smoked about a quarter oz of schwag a day or about the same of some quality bud.

    Then from then till now (2 years almost 3) I have done the following: Sleeping pills (OTC ones, lunesta, and ambien), muscle relaxers (soma, flexeril, lots of others), adderall, tramadol, narcotics (vicodin, percocet, oxycottin (anything with oxycodone in it really... not just the brand name), darvocet, fetynal, morphine, methadone, dilaudid, benzodiazepines (xanax, valium, ativan, klonopin), codeine (tylenol #3s) . I'm sure I forgot some of the RX pills i've tried.. but theres way to many to count.. Now for the others... Opium (the most amazing drug i've ever done.. like a weed high but 1000X more powerful and gives you alot of narcotic feel.. pain killer), shrooms, ecstacy, cocaine, and heroin.

    I think that's everything (probably not though..). The only two things I have left that I HAVE to try before I die are acid and ketamine. I havn't ever been able to find either. There are two things I will never do, crack and meth (i know heroin and cocaine aren't much better than those two but I just won't do them......)

    Now don't anybody get the idea i'm proud of this stuff or that i'm bragging. Trust me, i'm very dissapointed in myself for doing these things. Alot of these drugs are very addictive and I have a very addictive personality. I will admit almost all of these were tried just out of curiosity (and most only a couple times except for the benzos, narcotics, shrooms, and the cocaine) but some of these substances led to extreme addiction. I know everyone says this about things like heroin and cocaine that try it once and your addicted.. well I didn't think that was true, but it is. I tried heroin because it was my buddies birthday and just wanted to see what it was like. 1 week later I was snorting it every day. 2 or 3 months later and I was shooting it up every day. I was a straight up junkie. Stole, lied, cheated, sold everything worth anything... It was one of the most horrible times of my life.
    Just take my word for it guys.. if you havn't tried a drug like opium, cocaine, heroin, or oxys... DON'T EVER TRY IT! It will be the worst choice of your life.

    So anyways, i'm just curious what other people have done.

    Like I said, if this is against any rules please warn me and delete the topic. I am very sorry if it is and it will not happen again.
  2. ncmaineac

    ncmaineac Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    all that by age 18

    i hope you are extremely smart or you will be going down that path for a while...please go to school and learn how to do somehting...anything....but do one thing really really well and you will make lots of money...

    thats quite a story you have for 18...good luck with the rest of your life... :)
  3. Gopher Love

    Gopher Love Under Construction

    Lol don't worry man... first, I actually am pretty smart.. I got a 26 on my ACT (don't know if you live in the states but that's a good score for that test...) and second.. i've quit everything. It's just bud now, me and my girl agreed to only smoke nothing else (she used to do other shit too...).

    I've actually been clean for a year now so i actually did all that by the age of 17 1/2.... lol

    PS: I'm very good at math, science and very good with computers so.. I can always do that if I wanted to. But as of right now i'm trying out performance automotive work.. I really like performance cars so I got a job at a shop and i'm going to college for auto tech classes.. So yea, i'm good.. That stuff is in the past.
  4. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Hmm see lets think as far as pills just vic's, xanax, valiums and thats pretty much it. Never done heroin but did coke, meth, shrooms, shit loads of liquid LSD, tons of pot, and thats about it. I too had done all that before 18. Has a little wild in high school. All i cared about was getting messed up, skatboarding, and playing guitar.

    Oh and goph funny man when I was 17 I worked at a performance shop called alamo autosports. Had a built eclipse GST with 432 FWHP @ 25 psi. It was fun and all but man my ass got sooooo many tickets and got tired of working on shit after a while. I work in a lab now which is totally differnt and it's cool cause I never have to fuck with it when I'm out of work. It always really sucked having to fix your own car after working on other cars all damn day long.
  5. Allen

    Allen Humble Gardener

    I'm very cautious about what I do, as I've lost a family member due to a drug overdose. Ate tons and tons of shrooms, did coke a little when I first got in to college, and smoke the fuck out of some ganja. Now I only smoke weed, but I think if I had the chance I'd definitely shroom it up again.
  6. JohnH

    JohnH Smoker Extraordinaire

    Done it all and then some ...

    You DON'T want to try Ketamine, believe me. It's Vet grade for a reason.

    16 I got booted from my parents and moved to Pittsburgh not long after, and for ~5 years before getting into a real job (welding certificate), putting hard-work in, and sharing some business ideas with my boss brought me up the ranks to now owning the damn place.

    In the 3 years from say, 17 to 20 ... Tons of prescription killers, had a lot of trouble with Morphine and Oxycodone. Ritalin and Adderall were candy, Coke made me 10x the man I was, beer made me 10 feet tall 500lbs, whiskey was involved when I had my first kid (though I was in a stable position ... still a drunk night), pot's always been there to better everything, crack, H, uppers, downers, acid, shrooms ... done it all.

    Worst part about a small town (where I first got introduced to drugs), is that there isn't much to do but worry about your next fix. I spent 15-16 worrying about getting high more than anything, I kick myself now even though I'm a better person because of it.

    I'll do anything again, I know my limits and my personality is addictive by nature. I like to have fun, and know how to do so responsibly.
  7. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    i got a whole closet full of t shirts

    The question should have been " what drugs have y'all NOT tried",lol!

    Iv done them all bar crystal meth which aint readily available in the UK...

    crack,smack,acid,xtc,speed,coke,blah,blah,blah... wasted half my 30 years existence on all that shit...STICK WITH THE WEED PPL...and the odd shroom or salvia:icon_wink:peace:potleaf:
  8. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.


    BTW john i thought the same s you regarding the vet grade thing but i got a mate in intensive care in hospital right now cos of drugs and hes opiate tolerant so they cant give him enuff morphine tio take away pain or help him sleep so hes on a friggin KETAMINE drip,i shit you not,i didnt believe it till i saw it with me own eyes,maybe its only the UK that do this,1st time id ever heard of it mind.Peace:bong2:
  9. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    I've got Meth TA, you want some ;) lol

    You can still by pseudoephedrine easily in the UK.

    I’ve done the lot except Heroine and crack. Their dangerous shit and readily available. I know I’d love them and I know I’ll have problems, so I stay away!

    To be honest I don’t really care for hard drugs. Coke sucks balls and is expensive. I’m a twat to start with, I don’t need any help! Meth keeps me awake for too long and gets boring, plus I have to work.

    E's (real ones, not the fucking whizz biscuits you get these days) are the boys!!!!! I love my E's, but seeing as the quality sucks these days I don’t bother too often.

    Ketamine is some funny shit! At smaller doses it’s similar to E's. At higher doses it takes control of you body and stops it working lol.

    Shrooms are fun too, but seasonal. Seeing as their now class A it’s not worth growing your own. But if you have some ill have em!

    Beer, fucking beer. I love and I hate it. I love beer more then weed! Oh yes, I do! But it’s a ****. It’s addictive and is probs killing me. But in saying that I'm a Geordie and I think we are genetically immune!!!!!

    And the weed, 2nd best drug in the world!

    I don’t fuck with prescription drugs. It’s just not the done thing in the UK.
  10. OneHitterInOz

    OneHitterInOz A Fat Sticky Bud

    Me not much, not that I didn't have the chance but just never cared to try much other stuff, I did do acid a few times in which I would drink beer while on the cid (I wouldn't recomend) cuz you don't feel any affects from the beer till bout 8 hrs later then I'd be fookin sloshed huggin the porcelin oh yea good times haha. Speed which only messed with my stomach. Ha and you'll get a kik outta this my back went out and the wifey gave me tylenol 3 yes I said tylenol 3 and I did NOT like it will not take that again. Alls I stick with is my beer and ganja been that way for bout 20yrs now.
  11. TheFomorian

    TheFomorian Neo-Shaman

    The list:

    MJ - smoked of course, and Marinol pills.

    Alcohol - beer, hard, mixed drinks, etc. All kinds, no absinthe.

    Muscle Relaxers - not sure about names

    Pain Killers - various - Lortabs, Darvocet, Vicodin, etc.

    Downers - Valium, Lorazepam, Zanax, etc.

    Uppers - Adderal, Cocaine, Meth, Caffine Pills, Mini-thins, Carpet Crank

    Opiates - Opium, Methodone, Heroin (pill form only), Oxycontin (once)

    Psychedelics - LSD (liquid/paper - huge amounts), LSA (seeds), Shrooms

    Ecstacy - Probably taken 30+ types of party pills calling themselves E. Have done straight MDMA.

    Disassociatives - DXM (up to 2400mg), supposedly PCP with paper acid.

    WTF? - "Foxy"

    Combined quite a few things as well...
  12. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    I have had my share of drugs.. I will start with the drugs I havent and will not do.. Crack,meth:confused1:. lol thats it.. :evil6: I havent tried LSD, or any hallucienogens for that matter. A buddy of mine has used shrooms many times and is always asking me to do them. I havent tried them b/c I dont feel I have been in the right state of mind when they were offered.

    I've probally used every pain medication known to man.. I have been using opiates heavily since I was 16, and have developed a nasty addiction in the 6 years I have been using them.:eek: I started using heroin regularly this year when I hooked up with a constant connection.:blah: I have to say Opiates are my favorite drug I have ever used. I love em more than weed.:new_infinity: I can function greatly on them and go about my normal day with a great feeling of wellbeing. I think I first started abusing opiates to overcome my anxiety and depression. They made me confident and comfortable in whatever sitiuation I encountered. Two weeks ago, I started opiate dependency treatment. I am prescribed 16 mg of Suboxone per day. For those of u who dont know what suboxone is it consists of 2 drugs, Buprenorphine and Nalxone. Buprenorphine is a semi-synthetic opiate with partial agonist and antagonist actions. Buprenorphine is similar to other opioids such as morphine, codeine, and heroin however, it produces less euphoric ("high") effects and therefore may be easier to stop taking.

    Naloxone blocks the effects of opioids such as morphine, codeine, and heroin. When administered under the tongue as directed, naloxone will not affect the actions of buprenorphine.

    Buprenorphine and naloxone is used to treat opiate addiction.

    I dabbled in aderal and ritalin, then eventually cocaine. I used to enjoy the speed, but i think I took too much. lol I really love my downers. I cant stand speed anymore. I like to drink now and then, but have realized I have to control how much I drink. I often tend to catch criminal charges:tard: so Ive learned to drink in moderation.

    I started smoking weed when I was 13, and soon after was smoking everyday:redbong:. I started growing weed shortly after I starting smoking.

    However, I will continue to grow, probally the rest of my life:growin:. I grow mostly for my Dad who is diagnosed with Glaucoma, depression, bipolar disorder, not to mention lots of pain from having degenerative bone disease.. The weed eases his symtoms. We started growing together when I was 18 and its like a traditional thing now.

    I am on Parole until 2010:BangHead:, so the amount of weed I smoke is minimal. When we harvest my old man takes half and I take half. I usually distribute most of mine to friends and family, and save a little of each harvest for myself. Once I get off parole/probation I plan on busting open my stockpile of different harvested strains and indulging in the fullest ;)

    Im gonna wrap this up.. If u havent tried opiates, and u have an addictive personality, I strongly advise you not to. Withdrawal from opiates is a long and painful process, which can cause permanent damage to your heart lungs, and brain. The withdrawal is incredibly excruciating. Can u imagine, anxiety and mounting panic, severe depression, aching limbs, nausea, cold sweats, uncontrollable diarrhea:poop:, delusions, the feeling that you are gonna die, and on top of all that you cannot sleep for upto a week or until you get your next fix?:new_scrambles:

    Its trully a terrible thing and I would wish it on no man!

    Sorry about the massive post everyone but just wanted to vent and give a little info.

    Thanks for the interest,


  13. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    When I was young and had nothing to lose, I would try just about anything once. The only thing I ever did much of was acid in the early 90's rave era. It opened parts of my mind, especially as a musician, that have never closed. One of the most magically intense experiences of my life was watching the Dark Side of the Moon laser show in the planetarium on 2 hits.

    I discovered shrooms (grew them myself) in the late 90's and loved them. They are like acid without the icky feelings. I plan on growing some more in the future. Nothing is more pleasant than a day at the beach with shrooms and maryjane.

    Now that I am older, I stick with all naturals. I tried some Salvia Divinorum but it didn't do anything for me. I probably didn't smoke enough because I have read some insane stories from people who tripped on it. I still have an ounce of it so I might give it a go again one day.
  14. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Loaded question...literally

    Grew up in the 70's. Basically the 60's with all the drugs and music but none of the cause. Not much I didn't try as I was young and immortal. Acid and any hallucinogenic were my faves until I hit 21 y/o and stopped everything. The lifestyle can and will ruin a life if it doesn't get halted at some point.

    As a parent I would counsel against the way I did things. But...it did give me alot of awareness. You know the whole Castaneda/Southwest religious mystique. The hallucinogens were stopped but the fascination continues to this day (almost 30 years later) and I have made many trips into the Navajo Nation, Zuni Res, camping for long periods in Chaco Canyon and Canyon De Chelle, explorations of central Mexico and the Purepecha peoples. Never would have found this interest if not for tripping and reading Castaneda books.

    Now I just smoke to once in a while. No booze, no drugs. Started again after a trip into the Copper Canyon region of Mexico about ten years ago and got high with a local. Brought some seeds home and started growin. Ganj that is grown with care is different for some reason. Don't get me wrong...I snowboard and ripping a fresh track on backcountry powder while stoned is great but sitting on top of that mountain smoking the herb feels different now than when I was a kid. Or even sitting on my deck looking at the lake puffing a joint is different. Not so much as needing to get messed up as it is just appreciating the quality of the herb and the travels that brought me to that particular moment.[/left][/left]

    HMmmmmm...sound like old age!

    Just my humble 0.02

  15. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    I tried a lot of things. I am happy about it because now I know what i'm missing. The cons of pretty much everything but weed outweighed the pros. Weed is the only thing without the negative side effects and an abundance of positives. So ya I wont name em but probly 10-15 diff things from tame to pretty f-ing bad stuff. As of right now and the past months it's been just my everloving green lady!
  16. GeoKitty

    GeoKitty Guest

    Hey, The Seventies Rocked!

    But, so did the Eighties!

    I LOVE my Reefer...don't really see myself ever giving that up completely!

    Haven't done much of anything else in a verrrrrrrry long time, I do have some slight liver disfunction from all the pills I've done of the years.....Advil!!

    headaches! now I just suffer through em...or smoke a bowl!!

    Done some excellent acid waaay back in the day, perhaps a few dozen trips...also used to go to the Denver Laserium for the midnight rock shows...they'd play Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Pink Floyd...buncha cool music to be trippin balls to! Good times!!

    Had some really pure coke back in '79 - 82

    Awesome hash in Italy '82-'86

    snorted a bit of heroin over there a few times too, not much though

    Used to enjoy the occassional Qualude as well..real Rorors 714's!!

    Liked Percs, Valium...would love to have some of those once in a while still!

    They make me Horny!!

    Only thing I prolly regret was the PCP in '77!!

  17. ncmaineac

    ncmaineac Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    hey geokitty

    i think i can speak for most here when i say...can you tell us a little more about the perks and stuff making you horny....i take 140mg of oxycodone a day...i guess i could spare a few....lol....i did visit your myspace...why private...but you have great looking friends...interesting post....be good...or good at it....
  18. Gopher Love

    Gopher Love Under Construction

    gfam.. your post there is pretty much my basic fucking life.. lol. I feel the exact same way on opiates, i can function like you (actually I drive alot better when i'm high on opiates.. alot faster too :suave:). I am a complete opiate addict.. and will always be to tell you the truth.

    Nobody in the WORLD knows this next little secret :evil4: :evil4:

    When I was about 16 (at the exact time I started doing alot of shit...) I hurt my back, herniated disk.. docs had never seen it happen in a kid my age. And being as bad as it was.. I was put on conservative treatment and pain killers... I was also taking opiates regularly from other sources so my tolerence and addiction to them rose very quickly. And then for a while, I stopped taking them (perscribed ones that is...). And started doing H. After a while I knew I had to stop (about the time I ODed, nobody found me.. I woke up like a day and a half later or something with a needle in my arm sitting on my bed with bloody cloths... SICK AS HELL!!!) and for the next couple days I took it easy on the H and got a script for opiates again..

    Now i'm regularly perscribed them and am completely addicted... but everyone thinks I take them as perscribed hehehehe i'm a slick motherfcker (as are all addicts..)

    But the point is, I traded heroin for this perscription.. and it worked. So untill I can kick the script, at least i'm half-way safe....

    But to rap this up. I will agree with gfam. Opiate addiction (i havn't experience crack, meth, coke, or anything like that addictions/withdrawls) will ruin your life. No matter what... If you are addicted to things easily (even things other than drugs.. I get addicted to just regular everyday shit that people do... like actually addicted to the stuff) then do not let yourself become addicted to opiates (strong ones especially...). The withdrawls of heroin feel worse than dieing (or at least oding.. yea, it really is worse than oding... so don't get addicted) and an addiction to any drug will ruin relationships with family, friends, lovers, anybody and everybody who you know and love will be pushed aside to the drug. It's all about you and that next hit. You'll do anything for it.. anything...

    I can't say I didn't expect some of you to have a good little history of drug usage but.. I didn't expect this many people to have these long lists here.

    BTW gfam... i love opiates more than weed too, that feeling they give me... Like i'm somebody special, like I can do whatever I want and not worry about being embarresed, hurt, or anything like that. Every good feeling is intensified... Yes, sex included (last night... 10 7.5/325mg norco and 1 bowl good dank with the g/f.... 1 hour and 23 minutes of straight fucking, not including the before.... Longest i've ever lasted, even while i took H)

    Well thats all... Sorry, I just started like letting things out too... I want people to know how bad drugs can be...

    PS: So yea, if you cum early and your g/f is unsatisfied... take a few opiates before you fuck her... she'll scream all night long...
  19. GeoKitty

    GeoKitty Guest


    As far as horny goes...

    You have no idea my friend how ripe for the pluckin' I am right now!

    I've lost a lot of weight, I feel great and sexy as hell! Lovin life even though I am two steps away from financial disaster!

    Weed does a pretty good job!

    Oh! I have my myspace set to private 'cause I had some crap going on..changed it back now!
  20. Gopher Love

    Gopher Love Under Construction

    Ok, well 2 of my threads turned into flame threads... now this ones turning into a SEX THREAD!!! WOOOOOHOOOO Third times the charm I guess !!!

    I know what your saying though kitty... opiates make me horny and make my g/f horny for that matter... So does pot now...

    Now one thing completely off topic... Kitty, if you are on the verge of "financial disaster" then know one thing... Money isn't real. If your surrounded by people who love you and you love back (be it family friends.. whatever) then money doesn't matter. If they really are your friends they will help you out no matter what your problems.

    Sorry, got all... considerate and stuff there... felt wierd, I don't do that to most people... (if anyone knew me in person, you wouldn't want to... because if I don't like someone... I certainly show it and I have some SERIOUS anger issues...)

    PS: ncmaineac... How long have you been on that shit man? Goddamn... When I was full on into drugs I could barely even take 120mg of oxy (of course oxy was just for when I couldn't get any H.. it's really cheap here.. like 10 bucks for a 60mg pill... at least for me..)

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