Just curious since the war in Iraq is probably going to end soon.Do you think ths U.S. will go to war with another counrty?If so Which One(s)?
i think some in the current administration might want to try. i'd say syria is near the top of the list. i don't think the U.S. population would allow it, but i wouldn't be overly surprised if i was proven wrong.
I don't think they will, the US seems to go to war every 10 years so when it's all said and done set your alarm clocks..
Current List of Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (as of October 2002) Abu Nidal Organization (ANO) Abu Sayyaf Group Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade Armed Islamic Group (GIA) Asbat al-Ansar Aum Shinrikyo Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) Hizballah (Party of God) Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM) (Army of Mohammed) al-Jihad (Egyptian Islamic Jihad) Kahane Chai (Kach) Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) a.k.a. Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress (KADEK) Lashkar-e Tayyiba (LT) (Army of the Righteous) Lashkar i Jhangvi Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK) National Liberation Army (ELN) Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC) al-Qa’ida Real IRA Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) Revolutionary Nuclei (formerly ELA) Revolutionary Organization 17 November Revolutionary People’s Liberation Army/Front (DHKP/C) Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC) Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso, SL) United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army (CPP/NPA) Jemaah Islamiya organization (JI) Those groups operate in dozens of countries. This is a war on terrorists. Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, North Korea, Phillipines, Indonesia, Egypt and Libya all sponsor terrorist groups mentioned above. We wont go to war with all of them though because some of those governments are working with us to destroy the groups like in the case of Pakistan. If I had to guess who are next target is, well, since there already there, It will either be Iran or Syria. It depends on who attacks us first. They have both been warned already to stay out of it. Terrorists have been targeting and killing innocents for decades. Its time to to put an end to it before they use a Nuclear, Biological or chemical weapon-such as the ones found in England, France, Germany and Spain in recent months. Thank GOD those attacks never took place. It would have made 9/11 look like disney land. Europe has a bigger terrorist problem then America does. You would think more of them would be on our side with Iraq. They all support the war on terror, and they all knew well in advance that Iraq was on the list, and for good reason.
What about Israel? During the period between 1967 and 2000, Iraq was the subject of 69 Security Council resolutions. By comparison, Israel, America's closest "ally" in the Middle East, has been the subject of 138 resolutions. Not surprisingly, most of those resolutions call upon Israel to comply with basic principles of international law embodied by the UN Charter. Many of them condemn actions taken by Israel and call upon Israel on more than one occasion to comply with previous resolutions that Israel ignored and continues to ignore to this day. On March 22, 1979, the Security Council adopted Resolution No. 446. Israel’s violation of Resolution 446 (sections quoted below) represents the most flagrant violation by Israel, not only of the UN but also the stated policy of the American government under successive administrations: "(The Council) Determines that the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East; Calls once more upon Israel, as the occupying power, to abide scrupulously by the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention, to rescind it’s previous measures and to desist from taking any action which would result in changing the legal status and geographical nature and materially affecting the demographic composition of the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, and in particular, not to transfer parts of its own civilian population into the occupied Arab territories." If President Evil really cares about the middle east, Israel should be "next on the list" - but they don't have any oil!
Isreals a fucked up situation. If you tie thier hands, theyll be killed. Its a civil war in isreal. Both have rights to that land, and isreal does need to give some back which they were willing to do in the early 90's with clinton in office. The palestinians were going to get 95% of what they asked for, but arafat turned it down and continued the attacks. The UN has never enforced its resolutions, and you cant blame anyone for not following them because theres no consequences if you dont. Its like your mom saying to come home early or youll get grounded, so you come home late and nothing happens, so you do it again and still nothing happens, so youll keep doing it because you know nothing will happen. If the middle east wasnt so fucked up it would make it alot easier to deal with isreal, but since the world has been under attack from the middle east for the last 40 years, we have no choice but to make sure isreal stays strong just incase **** really hits the fan.
ss, how about the U.S. fighting terorism by stopping our support of the terrorist-led israeli regime? That would force isreal to make peace with it's neighbors, and comply with resolutions by the UN and World Court, and keep their promises. Remember Camp David when they promised to give the Palistians back their little slice of desert (after evicted them from their homeland in what is now called isreal). Remember The Oslo Accords?
You know what ranger, peace is a 2 way street. The palestinians dont want peace. They want the jews dead. Everytime they attack, the jews move in to towns and destroy buildings, the attacks stop and the jews leave. A few months later the attacks start again so isreal invades again. This goes on all the time. Both sides have to work together. However ranger, countries like Iran, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq all support palestinians bombers and Iran, Syria and Lebanon and Egypt send thier own people to palestine to help form more cells and deliver more weapons, so even if the palestinians did want peace, those other countries who hate the jews wont let it happen. Yes we support isreal. And palestine is supported by Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon.
I agree SS.Isreal has one of the top ranking militarys with much thanks to us in fact if you read between the lines on the news it seems isreali commandos are taking part in the war in iraq.I believe they are called G17 a force formed towards the end of the iran iraq war.i saw just the other day on a ticker tape that we had gained important intel from G17.Anyway when you are a small jewish country surrounded by hate mongering Arabs who don't follow the rules....why should they?
Just as a side note on syria. Syria's president was Hafiz al-ASAD died on 10 June 2000; on 20 June 2000, the Ba'th Party nominated Bashar al-ASAD for president and presented his name to the People's Council on 25 June 2000 election results: Bashar al-ASAD elected president; percent of vote - Bashar al-ASAD 97.29%
SS - and anyone else with such a "cop-out" attitude - It's sad that a European has to point out that American taxpayers have given Israel more than $35 BILLION in aid over the last decade, but it's in your interest to read the following; http://www.counterpunch.org/rooij1116.html Maybe then you'll begin to understand the reasons behind the hatred of Americans in the middle east - THIS IS THE BIG ISSUE! This is what 9/11 is all about - this is why the Iraqi's and the majority of ordinary Arabs don't trust Americans - if you really want to solve the problem ask your government to stop spending your tax dollars like this! How many Israeli contractors will be involved in rebuilding Iraq? Read this article and wake up
I totaly agree GT420. Playing by the rules has to be a 2 way street as well. The muslim terrorists have never played by the rules. Im sorry of our national interests piss you off BA, well, actually im not sorry lol. I kinda like the fact that my country pisses you off. It means there actually doing stuff!! BA- Muslims have hated us for centuries. They have always been at war with the rest of the world. Since that little 16yearold pervert muhhamad started islam, they have waged holy wars against everyone, popping out 50 or 60 kids at a time. Why the **** do you think they do that? Is there any good reason to have 25 wives and 50 kids unless your planning on taking over the world someday?
the stuff they're doing is killing women, children, journalists, British soldiers and each other. Does that make you proud you racist prick?
BA, you are correct that Israel gets the largest amount of foriegn aid of any country in the mid-east. BUT, the total given to Arab countries collectivly exceeeds the amount given Israel. And guess who is a close second behind Israel in foriegn aid handouts, why it's our good friend Egypt!
I forgot some more supporters of terrorism. The European Union funds 10% of the Palestinian Authority which in turn arafat gives to a few terrorist groups who use that money to kill Americans and Jews in isreal. In the Netherlands, due to its complete lack of anti-terror laws, muslim fundametalist has been allowed to thrive. They use Amsterdam and Rotterdam as central bases in the West from which they garnish funds, recruit activists from the local Muslim youth cultural groups, and purchase highly sophisticated arms in the world's largest trading hub: Rotterdam harbor. The Kurdish PKK, the Tamil Tigers and the Philippines' New People's Army all use the liberal Dutch territory, from which they garnish new converts, turn them into activist supporters, launder and raise funds and purchase sophisticated equipment. These Dutch-based groups, especially, also create waves of propaganda material – and, being based in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp, also have no difficulty in purchasing any weapons and other high-tech support materials with which to mount terrorist attacks abroad. The European Union forbids fundraising only for the "military wing" of Hamas-Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades-even though funds raised by other branches of Hamas for purportedly humanitarian purposes are known to be used for terrorist attacks. The European Union does not forbid the Iran-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah from fundraising at all. In case you dont remember BA, Hezbollah was responsible for the deatsh of hundreds of marines in a beruit bombing back in the 80's and have killed well over a thousand people since then in homocide bombings. Just a little side note, germany is boycotting coca cola, and now buying mecca cola, owned by a french muslim who donates 10% to the PA(palestinian Authority) and 10% to NGO's around europe, but wont state which NGO's.(non-governmental organizations)
SS - so, not content with talking bigoted, racist nonsense about all muslims, Arabs and the French - you now hate the Dutch (as someone who has been to Amsterdam many times, I find this incredible - the Dutch are so nice!) and the European Union! Is there another nation on Earth you do like? or is it really a "lefty" conspiracy that everyone else is "Anti-American"? Why is it so difficult for you to concede that there are problems within your government and society? I don't live in a "Utopia" so what makes you think you do? The hatred and venom you have for Non-Americans is ridiculous although I see from some of your posts that you hate lots of them too! Thankfully I'm certain you don't represent the opinions of ordinary Americans - just the violent, loudmouth, redneck ones with a chip on both shoulders!
I never said i hated anyone BA, excpet terrorists. Although id like you to try and find where i ever did. Your pullin a ranger calling me a racist and a bigot. If thats what you really think than your just ignorant. Ofcourse theres corruption in my govt. But after 9/11 my govt cracked down on terrorist fund raising, Much of europe has only made little effort, except for england who once again has shown why if any country should be considered the leader of europe, its them. I dont think America could take over the world, The English still own much territory. England vs. USA would be "THE" most toughest battle this world has ever seen and I dont honeslty think either side would look forward to it. It would make vietnam look like a day at the beach!