Why I am a Republican

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Toker2, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    Please at least watch this , i wont argue with anyone who does not bring points up from this speach....

    Its a flash from the Past but it Speaks Volumes...

    I wish my Party had not sold out.

  2. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Still a fan of Goldwater (RIP). The Grand Old Party was lost long ago.
  3. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    I like the sound of the libertarian party.Lion put me on to them way back. I like what Reps are meant to stand for as in small govt,less intrusion into citizens lives and more personal choce and freedoms as opposed to diluted lefty socialism but from an outsider point of view a lot of Republicans seem to ultra conservative. Like healthcare,i posted on here once how i think the NHS here in the UK is finest in world,yeah theres horror stories but good outweigh the bad but some people on here had me down as a socialist just cos i like universal healthcare.Modern parties have to be able to be flexible in their core beliefs.If your right wing but theirs a good policy on the table that leans to the left then dont be scared of it just cos it aint from the same side,thats my humble view.I dont know shit but you look at former Presidents and what they achieed domestically and you can see the Republican party traditionally holds personal rights a bit more than the DEMS. But the DEMS kinda are more liberal which fits in with me. In the UK we dont have same system although may would have you believe conservative ad labour as similar to rep and dem but i dont see too much similarity when you see Blair in bed with Bush,muddy waters.If i lved out there Ron Paul would be the only guy id wanna see in power.Just my:2c: Not hating on noone.Peace:jj:
  4. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    PATRIOT and DUBYA & Co took the Reps back many many years.I dont think they will get reelected till they reivent or reclarify things a little. Obamas a dick. Go RonPau,the guy impresses me every time i hit him up on youtube,even stuff he was saying in the 80's is more than relevant now than ever.Peace:jj:
  5. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    You'd a dug Barry Goldwater Ap. He's the original modern Libertarian. His own party (repub) didn't know what to do with him before he split. That's what Reagan's 1964 was based on, Goldwater and Reagan's shared philosophy and his run for the presidency.

    On the supposed ideology...repubs will usually err on the side of personal rights vs government rights. But since the late 60's has been overrun by moralist zealots that want every right to do what they want but deny those of others. The lines been blurred to the point of the dems expanding every perceived social right then enforced by Fed intervention to the detriment of the whole and the repubs .....who the fuck knows why they do what they do anymore. From christian based moralistic intrusions into personal affairs (abortion, Prohibition, gay rights, etc) to recognizing businesses as people. Of course it was the dems who first recognized Unions as people. Little tit for tat?

    The truest old school classic liberals (conservatives) will invariably be libertarian leaning. Scratch a hardcore Libertarian and underneath you'll almost always find a borderline revolutionary. I like them guys a lot.:bravo:
  6. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Great points he makes though. A govt can only GIVE to some if it TAKES from others. I always love Eisenhowers farewell adress about monitoring the military machines might domestically,you think he saw some blueprints he was trying to warn people about:ponder:

    Love Reagan saying "theres no left or right,only up or down"....quality:eusa_clap: Do we think he implemented the things he speaks of when he got his chance though:ponder: On the cold war etc yeah id say so.:eusa_think: Liberalism using the full power of the masses for centralized govt.... see that bit right there always turns me of a bit:eek:
  7. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    I hate welfare...but its like he said, if we get rid of the gubermint eating up the money with its burocracy we could probably give each poor family 29 grand now, instead of the gubermint .

    Hell i bet we could send non violent offnders to UNC Or some collage lol
  8. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.


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