
Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Mazar, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. Mazar

    Mazar Developed Alternating Nodes

    Ive been growing some purple skunk,from seed outdoors since April.Three of my plants i have been growing in big ali baba style ceramic pots filled with 'all mix'(a dutch compost mix).I have been feeding them weekly and have now changed over to bloom fertiliser and B.cuzz bloom stimulator.They are looking fine and healthy a nice darkish shade of green,with small buds developing all over them.As an experiment i also grew another plant in the ground,next to the ones in pots.I didnt prepare the soil have never fed this plant and have only occasionally watered it with water stright from the tap.It doesnt have many leaves and is very stretched.But the buds that have developed on this plant are much larger and more hairy than the other ones in pots.I dont understand,i havent tended to this plant at all and it started flowering earlier than the other ones and is now blooming really well.Can Cannabis thrive just as well without attention?
  2. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Of course it can....its been around alot longer than we have im sure. Cant really explain why its got bigger buds....but my educated guess would tell me that because its directly in the ground it has more root room to grow....which in theory should creat bigger buds!
  3. Mazar

    Mazar Developed Alternating Nodes

    But the pots im using are massive and there is no sign of the roots growing out from the bottom of the containers.So there still must be room for roots to grow into.
  4. Disturbed1980

    Disturbed1980 Full Flowering

    that is kind of wierd, I can maybe see them flowering early because of lack of nitrogen, but I cant see how they are bigger. Maybe the unprepared soil has alot of nutes in it.
  5. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    When you harvest dig up the root mass of the one in the ground and compare it to the root mass from the potted plants and I bet you will find the one in the ground has a bigger root mass.
  6. Cracker

    Cracker Veggy Stage

    let me know how strong it is compared to the potted ones clart.

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