wtf is wrong with people?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana' started by Toker2, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Red Bull- I, for one, would truly like to hear you're personal rational for being against legalization. I think you may have touched on it elsewhere but not gone fully in depth.

    Is it a cash flow thing? Is it really a rational of anti-pharma and the fear it would take over MJ cultivation/distribution? If that's the case at least med users could avail themselves while the rest of us could continue illegally just the way we have been. flaming intended. Spell it our for me because I am totally flummoxed by the position unless it is self serving.

  2. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    ROFLMAO. I didnt threaten YOU in anyway. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Yet again you show your inablility to defend your position by resorting to a feable attempt to shy away from the issue by turning the issue from your anti-legalization stance to twisting a broad, obviously light hearted comment into the basis of the arguement. You are diverting and avoiding the subject.

    OK RB, you tell me why a person should suffer needlessly? This is VERY personal to me, so tell me why? What is your stake in prohibition? What do you have to gain by it, that over rides the sick having some sort of peace? Prove you aren't the piece of shit fucking douche bag you just came off as in this thread.

    And as far as the screen, it is just that, a screen. If people disagree it boils down to words, and who can state their case and defend their arguement or

    position better. Not necesarrily to determine right or wrong, but perhaps logical vs. illogical, or the greater good for the greater people vs greater good for the individual. If you take what's written on the screen, bow out and dont read it. Otherwise grow some thicker skin. Nothing I say can harm you. At best I could only shake your faulty belief.

    You see, when you don't support a movement for the better, that is oppressed by the people who only want their way, their power, their say, you help the people who oppress us.

    Care to continue? State your case.
    Cannagirl likes this.
  3. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Some people don't get figurative speech. Don't think you could get away with any of what you said to anyone without being caught and punished. Unless oh wait it's coming to me......oh.....I can see it clearly now..........

    Useless you're the Zodiac killer? HAHAHAHA

    Now TRB, for real man could you please enlighten us as to why you support prohibition. No one is threatening you, the stuff useless said was all opinionated/hypothetical towards people that hold that view. While you are in that group, you aren't the only one in that group. I'm sure there is something you hold strong opinions about. Anyways though, let's just be real adults for a second. Why is it you feel prohibition is a good thing that doesn't need to be changed?
  4. Ginsberg

    Ginsberg Developed Alternating Nodes

    They're not; The FDA is.

    Your first post, while coyly stating you have your reasons against any shade of legalization, goes on to elaborate in detail exactly why you're opposed. I respect your right to an opinion however I must point out that, in that particular first post, the reasoning is flawed, the logic specious, and the facts are ... well, not facts. There seems to a pathology to that sort of jaded cynicism that, in your defense, might argue against the unqualified legal use of marijuana.
    Cannagirl likes this.
  5. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Personal, Indeed

    I've seen enough, while taking care of the living, but when it became an issue re: my GrandMother...

    My MomMom never drank/smoked, ate healthy, walked atleast 2x's/day, kept active driving f's to appts./grocery/etc.(even kept/walked my 1st Rott for a few month's, already into her 70's), never missed volunteering/donating blood, etc., etc., etc...

    Ovarian CA is a MoFo!!! Silent, Quick(Thank GOD), and Lethal...

    Had weed been legal, I'd like to think that she'd have tried it(for some reason, she respected my med. advice; loved to brag re: 'her nurse' :love6: )

    When they finally diagnosed 'it', they 'gave' her 2 month's. I warned my Mom that it seem's more like 2wks. I believe the end came 20 day's later...

    For about 2wks., she continued to play piano(as strength allowed), let family take turn's helping her to the br(perfect for private convo), let go of personal 'treasure's',...

    I can't remember her pain med, but it was subligual. Initially, it helped with the pain/discomfort, but she didn't like to take it, as it knocked her out and she wanted to spend as much time with us as possible... At one point, while helping her back to bed, she actually told me that she felt like a 'sissy' for being in pain...:icon_cry:

    Back to the subject(sorry)

    What's worse is that the dick-head who was treating her had the ball's to suggest we withold a few dose's, so she'd be alittle more lucid! To this day, I'd like to punch the mutherfucker in the face! Mind that point, she no longer look's like herself and can barely expell a breath, let alone speak...

    My little sister worked for this douchebag(but not yet a nurse)and agreed with him! I STRONGLY 'advised' against that and suggested doubling her dose. I was fortunate to be working per diem and was there almost 24/7. NOBODY was witholding med's. Period!

    She passed away a few day's later...

    I feel that anybody who would choose making $ vs. the MJ alternative is selfish (greedy?) and heartless (maybe, quite simply, immature).

    Wake The Fuck Up Ppl!!!
  6. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    This isn't JUST about money. Even if it were you couldn't judge me or anyone for that. After all, all the best things in life cost you through the nose.
  7. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Have to disagree.

    The Best Thing's In Life Are Free. Seriously.
  8. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Dude, it is exactly this "jaded" cynisism mixed with a cryptic altruistic statement that puzzles me.

    I'm being serious when I ask if you could lay out the rationale behind it. If the reasonning is sound then it shouldn't be too difficult to sum up. If it's not about $$ (as you imply) but you believe "the BEST (emphasis mine) things in life cost you through the nose" it proposes a contrary viewpoint on a basic association many people feel is axiomatic.

    Flamethrowers are completely put away over here.....this could prove interesting, and if you are somewhat representative of the people you associate with it could also give insight into a community mindset.

  9. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    Heh, you got me. Help me out would you guys...I'm playing a game and I'm looking for some of the great things in life that are free. This should be a good long list :)
  10. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    ??:icon_scratch: Didn't want to "get" you RB. Simply looking for clarification. No need for games.

  11. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    He gots nothin' :jj:

    :$ $$: :$ $$: :$ $$:
  12. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    what AJ said.

    I agree AJ....:smokin:
  13. Psycho D


    Somewhere.....softly in the distance......I hear the sound.....of one hand clapping.....

  14. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    :laughing4: :lol1:
  15. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    Yeah don't ever down someone for getting money. I'll grant you this isn't what I do for money, but if you freed yourself to think of the worst thing a person could do for money, I would probably do it. Even if I didn't need it, just out of principle.
  16. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    The rational side:

    The end of prohibition would bring in more money for everyone. Volume makes money, not increased price, for products such as pot. People like the oil companies have fucked themselves into positions of constant self management because they wanted money fast and not in the long run. Hell, they already had the market cornered for 100 years and into the future, why then try and fuck everybody because of "markets" that they control? Stupid.

    If weed were legal, growers would be making more money because they could grow more with a license than they can safely do illegally. The individual sellers would decrease, but overall production and sales would make up way more than the combined total of the fuck-tards selling it today. Quality would increase because little fucks aren't peddling crap to kids for double the price. Prices per ounce would decrease, or be on the same bar with cigs, making even more money for those involved in the trade who should be.

    The Irrational side:

    What the HELL is your reasoning for this prohibition stand? That is all anyone has asked. I personally think you are a retarded child playing a game that we all know you can not win, but that is my opinion.

    However, EVERYONE has asked you to simply state your reasoning for continuing prohibition for your personal interest. What do you have to gain from marijuana being illegal, even with medical arguments out of the picture?

    There is never a gain in prohibiting ANYTHING. It doesn't work. And again, and this is just my opinion, but get out while you still can little man, you will fuck up your whole life with the one charge you are about to have. It will happen. It does happen, whether you are a little boy or a big man, it does happen.:welcome:
    Cannagirl likes this.
  17. strawberry.cough

    strawberry.cough looking into the abyss

    geez you know I am the most cynical person most folks know, but even I do not believe that money is the key to happiness. I haven't a healthy bank account, but I have absolutely everything I need. It might just be the bear minimum, but it is good enough.

    I am not a huge fan of the drug companies, but I certainly am thrilled somebody came up with the medications I take that make it possible for me to live one more day. I have had treatable hypertension since 1974 so I am not kidding myself, without meds, I would not be here.

    I can't think of any good reason to not legalize marijuana. Seems to me there is money in them thar buds. Forget medical marijuana, just legalize it for everyone over 21 like booze. Open the jails and free the inmates doing strictly marijuana relatied crimes. clean the records, and pay attention to the shit that matters. This is just such a waste of our resources.
  18. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    Im vary wary of legalisation of marijuana and non prohibition. In fact i like the status quo. This may suprise you but being "legalised" scares me in the sense that the people who will eventually push this through wont be you or me, the user, but will be groups who have a vested and financial interest ie the pharm companies. Thos fuckers would push to legalise it but with strings attached.

    Also im a firm believer that marijuana could do damage to a developing brain, browsing the pot forums the strories of psycological problems, depression, hard drug use is pretty prevalent and to me logically makes me think that although there are benefits of marijuana use for some afflictions it can be just as damagaing. So im a little conflicted, and although the current situation isnt perfect, im definately not sure if the alternatives would be any better.
  19. Dank Vapor

    Dank Vapor Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    There is the middle ground. By prescription.

    You get pulled over with pot and no script you get busted like you got pulled over with oxys and no script.

    Will still be illegal, but those who could benefit from it can get it w/o hassle. The rest of us still got to grow or black market it.

    You may be a firm believer, but there is irrefutable evidence that alcohol causes tons of problems and has no beneficial medical effect what so ever where as pot truly has one, reducing eye pressure. Cigarettes kill people and fuck up infants every day and they are still on the shelf, no beneficial effects what so ever, just pure vanity and pleasure. Tons of those 'beneficial' things we take that say in bold letters, 'Not to be used by pregnant or lactating women.' Hell, you can kill yourself with your kitchen knife, yet we still all use them.

    Just because something could be bad shouldn't make it wrong.

    Ever know anyone to OD on pot and die?

    What about script meds and alcohol?

    You want more evidence, check out the list of side effects of the regime they give HIV+ in their cocktails. I worked around AIDS for almost 10 years. Read some 10k medical files all with HIV. These beneficial drugs have side effects which are nearly as bad as the sickness effects you can have, but you are kept alive and they are still sold.
  20. MK-Ultra

    MK-Ultra Excommunicated


    but there is irrefutable evidence that alcohol causes tons of problems and has no beneficial medical effect what so ever where as pot truly has one, reducing eye pressure. Cigarettes kill people and fuck up infants every day and they are still on the shelf, no beneficial effects what so ever, just pure vanity and pleasure.

    Those statements are false....Cigarettes have shown to actually lower the risks of some cancers..(prostrate i think?) But youll get lung cancer along the way..

    Alcohol has some bennies as well.

    Its all in moderation. Im sure if you smoke 20 joints a day you will develop some sort of problem after awhile..

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