WTF... Legalising Rape? Am i reading this wrongly?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TheApprentice, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Whats the score here guys,i know that no fuckin party is gonna do summit so dumb on election year so whats the real story here:ponder: It aint rape if they are aint rape if they dont say no(cos their drugged i spose)... thats fucked up but i take my news of the intenet with a grain of salt these days.What is the real intention of this,simply to cut financial assistance from the Fed to rape victims for abortion?Very strange.:smokin:
  2. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

  3. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    "Your pregnant.. ahh i see so it wasnt a legit rape then,you kinda liked it did you?"

    :5eek: Wow,thats fucked up innit. So if you get pregnant while being raped then it cant have been a legit rape cos your body didnt shut what a comfort...or headfuck for the victims:sad4: Do these guys TRY to be so offensively retarded when they press release this stuff or do you think Foot and Mouth disease isnt only suffered by cattle?Fucked up. Yeah im aware of the hoo haa over abortion over there,i find it very interesting to note that Romney has flipflopped on that issue along with a million other issues. Personally its about personal choice and i find it amazing that a party like the Reps can preach freedom and rights and smaller govt and smaller interference but in the same breath they say "but you cant smoke weed,cant abort babies from rape or anything else we find offensive".... its so hypocritical. I mean i know they are religious and this is some of their core beliefs but REALLY? Is it their job to save the salvation of every up the duff wman out there?? Is salvation what it really amounts too?I dont think so.It amounts to be SEEN to be a God fearing nation when in reality even the God fearing folks want Abortions sometimes. Set a limit on how many your allowed but to actually want to ban something like an unwanted pregnancy is so out of touch with our modern world its almost as bad as the fuckin pope telling Africa to not wear condoms:icon_rolleyes::5sigh: BTW i AM a believer in a God but i dont believe hes gonna cast anyone out cos they were hnest enough to admit they got drunk,had sex and as they are only 19 they aint ready for a baby yet.....thats common sense,yeah its irresponsible but we dont live in an ideal world.Thats my rant for the day:2c:peace:jj:
  4. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    actually right now we have politicians fighting over who's more hardcore right. Who hates women more, who loves Jesus more, the whole thing is a stinking pile of shit.

    It's funny that those same people that want to dictact what's rape, who can have an abortion, have birth control, etc, are the same that say Government is to big and shouldn't interfer with citizens lives.

    They (politicians from the far right) don't want laws except for those that dictate Morals, which is totally fucked up imho

    I do love the fact that he says "people are over reacting to his comment" somehow that shouldn't make people upset. As a man I would never rape a woman, would never have sex with one passed out, or anything like that, that's what predators do...not men, we (men) protect women, not prey on them and then blame them
  5. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Yup totally agree:thumbsup: One of my fav tv shows is NBC dateline where they catch all the predators,kinda funny when they squeal the minute the cops run after them.The only time i find i have anything in common with cops is with their attitude to sexcases. I personally dont get rape.How the fuck are you gonna be turned on by a woman NOT wanting sex with you....very feral:eusa_naughty:
  6. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    I remember this being taught to us in school when we were learning about sexual assault n shit.

    'If she doesn't say no, it's not rape'.

    And that's pretty fucked up.

    Who decided a woman's body shuts down when she doesn't like it? That's the most idiotic thing I've heard all month.
  7. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    we were taught in the corps that if she doesn't say yes, it's rape.

    but for a politician to even say something so remotely f*ed up is amazing, it's not like his words were taking out of context, or was misquoted, he just said some f*ed up shit
  8. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    The rape language never made it into the bill. Fortunately saner heads prevailed. Repubs are not all the religious right shit. Those fools have co-opted the party and are now the big government conservatives we all love to hate. They stammer and look around like a child caught in a lie when confronted about moral religious invasion into privacy as being antithetical to core republican beliefs.

    The senator who made the remark about rape and abortion is unfortunately true. Close as I can figure, he believes spontaneous mentally induced miscarriage is an actual solution. The man is a neanderthal moral right asshole and exactly the reason our country is sliding toward the brink. Uniformed zealous opinions masquerading as politics on both sides of the aisle are what's destroying any hope of moving forward. Those of us in the middle can only look and wonder when the idiot fringes are going to wake up?
  9. bigbudztoo

    bigbudztoo growin the good stuff

    Spot on, folks. The repubs are pandering to the religious right and it makes a great distraction from them having to deal with the real issues

    facing this country. Shit, the republicans have made it into a contest

    of who can be the most extreme.

  10. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Actually Res your 'Goldwater' comments and others kinda made me delve a little deeper into the GOP and i can see they have been hijacked by a very Conservative Religious and Backward thinking Extreme Right which is bad news for everyone cos they DO seem to stand for more personal freedoms,smaller centralized control from Govt,etc,basically they DO have electable principles.W.Bush is always gonna be a stain on the map though and iv looked into Romney and he seems to be a bit flip flopy on a LOT of shit.Another who trades of his Dads legacy:rolleyes::5sigh:
  11. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    We never got taught no shit like that...

    You guys get taught that shit in schools:5eek: schools:ponder: In high school we had section 6 in Biology all about the reproductive organs and makin babies...ehh they did mention condoms i think but even that clashed with school policy on religous affair:roll: They never mentioned sexual assaults and stuff to us.We kinda policed ourselves in that regard:wink:Peace:jj:
  12. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    yeah no BS. We were taught that it can't be prosecuted as assault/rape/etc unless she actually says no, don't, stop etc.. along with this, we taught to be very careful about taking drinks from people and keeping an eye on our drinks.. so clearly there's a connection.:idea:

    But if she says 'No, don't stop' in that order without other words in between it can be interpreted as permission.

    Anyway, in the current national situation, I can't imagine why anyone would be against the idea of safe sex or abortion. What with all the morons we have running amok, you'd think abortion would be mandatory in some cases.
  13. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    Just so everyone stays honest, it was ONE Republican congressman who is running for the senate who said that and he now has absolutely no support from the Republican Party. In fact the NRC told him to step down and let a more sane person run in his place, but he refused.
  14. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    AB...thanks for keeping it straight. I'll admit though. After serving on the repub State Central Committee, my repub Senate District Exec Committee and going to a bunch of repub State conventions as a delegate......there's a lot of numbnuts just like him in the party. The repubs are no longer the party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Goldwater and Reagan. It's become the party of evangelicals masquerading as rational political beings. Once in awhile somebody who's a throwback gets some recognition like Ron Paul or Gingrich (like him or hate him he's a true small gov conservative) but it's the moral righties that always seem to draw the attention.

    Not being able to stomach another conversation about abortion being the same as murdering babies or how creationism needs to be part of public school curriculum sent me to the libertarians.

    The dems are just as bad being co-opted by the insane left fringies. How any rational thinking soul can defend either party at this point in American history is beyond me.
  15. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    Wow, I was thinking that almost word for word on my way home from work earlier today.
  16. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    What insane left fringes?
  17. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Are you denying their existance or looking for a definition? I am liberal leaning myself, but I wouldn't deny there are "insane left fringies".
  18. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Neither. It's more like a,"For example, who do you consider the insane left fringe?"
  19. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    These people, among others.

    (some of them have 'some' ideas I can appreciate, most are radical extreme

  20. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    It seems our UK political wanna get in on the reclassification of Rape. George Galloway(resident Al Jazeera flag waver) of the Respect party claims Assange is a victim of bad sexual etiquette and that it cant be rape if you have already had consensual sex and then the girl falls asleep:5eek:

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