Yo dudes!

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by Octoberbuds, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. Octoberbuds

    Octoberbuds Begun Flowering

    Just wanted to show my last harvest from my plant.

  2. plastik

    plastik Tomato Farmer

    I see volume, but I do not see the quality.
  3. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    great haul, octoberbuds! excellent! :thumbsup:

    p.s. i have x-ray eyes, and i can see the quality. :D

    SMARMY Cuban Bee

    And you wonder why you're always getting into arguments:confused: :confused:
  5. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    curing in those kinds of jars worked for me!

    I remember when I had full jars like that
  6. plastik

    plastik Tomato Farmer

    I mean quality in the picture, you are a real piece of work :p
  7. Bud Greenright

    Bud Greenright In the garden, you?

    Update us on the quality october buds. And trick or treat I'l take the third jar from the left.
  8. plastik

    plastik Tomato Farmer

    I think I would love halloween again if they gave buds rather than candy :)
  9. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    LoL!!! No shit!!!

    Damn... Could you imagine that? :punk:

    Nice haul Octoberbuds!!!

    How 'bout a smoke report?

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