it's been so long since I've logged on it took a me a minute to remember my credentials..
Tru Love harvested at 9wks. [ATTACH]
A word about LED's, there's no free lunch not even in Tronville. What I mean by that is to get the results of 1000-1200w of HPS it will take...
They won't die but the sure as shit won't be happy even in the 50's. Everything slows way down as the root mass temps drop much below the upper...
Blue Dream and Lemonberry (GJ cut) also at 9wks. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
good to known she’s safe & sound.
Girl Scout Cookie also at 8wks.[ATTACH]
Happy New Years folks! Here's to green gardens for all. I've had a tough couple of rounds near the end of last year dealing with PM that cost me a...
No worries Disco, looks like we've got our own private Idaho around here :)
Where else would I go?
Separate names with a comma.