QUOTE u know where westerville is? I do, poverty stricken, crank infested dump of a town. Most homes in that hood range from 45g's and down....
QUOTE Quote: from GrowerTony on 10:55 am on Oct. 19, 2005 IM NOT GONNA USE A 400 WATT LAMP YOU DUMB BITCH IM GONNA USE A 1000 WATT HPS WITCH I...
QUOTE Quote: from Eisenhower That is, it would decriminalize the municipal offence for those over 21, allowing procession of an ounce or less...
Maybe a freedom rapper, but your heart is in the right place man.
Yeah, it's the coolest thing! You can take your whole music libray and audio books with you in your car, plug the adapter in your cigarette...
QUOTE iTrip. Plugs into the ipod and will play through any stereo. Yup, I have the 40GB one, and I'm getting the video one. They rock!...
Call her Diesel
QUOTE Quote: from HazeNHydro420Oh yeah, if she doesn't have a site how would one go about getting her addy? Hash in pretty fuckin rare around...
Yes, I'm in miserable Bush country. The pkg was very stealth. Her product varies do to supply and demand. It's Jamain Gum,...Best hash I've ever...
i've ordered hash from Sandi. she has good hash! Jamcain Gum
Geheim! Isn't that short for snot?
QUOTE canada or amsterdam VANSTERDAM=Vancouver Canada.
Damn... This beautiful plant won't be legalized with an Admin like we have now. The Bush Admin. They are trying to win a war on drugs, and...
Vansterdam as we call it. Marc's store is still open, just no seeds! But a great store, on Hastings St. The Blunt Bros. is a cool place as well....
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