If you have the channel TRU on sat or cable turn that shit on (WED. 11:00 cst) Most daring senoir smackdown 2. FUNNY AS SHIT!!!
Since when can you not cross your eyes under the influence of pot? I was just flipping through the channels stoned and stopped at cops for a...
Figured you guys might be interested in this. Do your part and sign it, ends July 13....
Seems I've been getting a few pms about setting up rooms and have seen a few pics and seems people are confused. So here I will show you how I set...
My buddy kevo pmed me this here it pretty funny. Well for any of you motorcycle riders you may find it amusing. I'll set it up for ya basically...
SMOKE REPORT (Ratings out of 10 per # aswell as comments) #1-Strain:>Kyle Kushman Strawberry Cough(KKSC) #2-Appearance:>10 Looks just...
Alright I upgraded my exhuast and this thing is really moving some air. I would like to tone it down a little bit should I make an inline muffler...
SMOKE REPORT (Ratings out of 10 per # aswell as comments) #1-Strain:>9 Dabney blue #2-Appearance:>10 dense fat buds, likes to form nice main...
Man we need to have a thread that we can post up jokes, funny videos and stuff we randomly find. Let this start it off....
Did you guys see this crap. Some highschool girl was actually dumb enough to report her dad to the schools liaison officer. Man that sux!!! I bet...
This is the older genetic list(by GRIM) that we used to have that I can't seem to find in the search on here. Could one of the mods put it as a...
#1-Strain:>Love potion #9 #2-Appearance:>8: nice trich coverage, not extremely heavy though. The buds grew in a foxtail pattern and looked and...
Time for the next round. This time I will be once again holding off on the LUI and trying out two new strains. recieved these about a month ago or...
Alright just noticed there is no DIY scrubber thread(atleast I didn't see it) and I am in the process of building a new one So i'll post up some...
Man guys I know a lot of you guys like some heavier music. Well i went to this trivium show the other night. It was 36 crazy fists, the human...
Hey guys got something new going on. Got this old school medical strain that I don't know much. All i know is it is from an old breeder joker...
Just saw today that Evan Tanner was found dead yesterday. Has been all over the news here guess because he is from around this area. Sucks, RIP...
So I haven't seen anyone mention this film on here so thought I would go ahead and post on it incase some of you guys haven't even heard of it. It...
Don't know if any of you guys are like me, but there is nothing better in the morning than a nice bowl and cup of coffee. Take a toke, take a sip....
Gotta say later to you guys just had my door kicked in and my entire property searched. How they found out I will never know because noone around...
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