660W LED 4x4 (DIY 6-CXA & A51 XGS-190, RW-150)

Discussion in 'LED Growing' started by skunky, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

  2. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    YES I win the contest!!!! :roflmao:

    Thanks for that light info, now i remember you posted there. Great stuff. I am going to get a meter, after july I am going to do two diy cobs, if the leds are in stock, i will need a meter to dial things in. Would you of thought when we joined this site we would be doing leds like this? I would have never of thought. Glad I am on the band wagon.
  3. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Nope. And pretty sure if you asked any of the guys on here using them most would probably say 5 years ago they would probably laugh at the thought. Hell 1-2 years ago. I wouldn't. Think we'd be making our own lights as well. I've learned a lot through making the LED switch. Just getting better from here on out. Funny went to whataburger last night. It's a new location, and noticed all the exterior lighting on the building and parking lot are LED instead of HID. Kinda made me smile and laugh a little. Because it's like we went from one street lamp/high bay type to another.
  4. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    +4 days And yes the fans are spinning.






  5. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'


    My led buds seem smaller than my hps, but seeing you ans dxe just means I need to doal something in
  6. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Have you upped your cal mag supplementation however you may do that? Seems more micro nutrients help as well. You have to feed heavier but water less unless you're very aerated. Keep temps higher too. Honestly I feel like 80 is a good target. I run 80-84* in the tent to help aid in transpirtation. 70-75 is too cold. If my temps drop to 77 I decrease the exhaust fan to raise temps back up to 80. Also, leds vary greatly between manufacturer. A51and onyx pretty much on top. Though they still aren't the most efficient and a good reason why the diy stuff can and does perform better. It's like buying a 700HP supercar when you could build a 1000HP car for much less and still for the purpose in the end get more. There is another small time company called optic that making premade COB fixtures but again for the same price you could do better, they drive the lights too hard. That's the curse this far with manufactured panels. Cost. So they drive harder to get out put and ? Reduce overhead where as if you made your own you could gain efficiency if you choose by using more diodes and less driving current, could even get better cooling capacity, sure at a cost but you end up with greater photon flux per watt which is all that really matters.
  7. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Couple pics from last night. Thought I posted them here but apparently only on RIU.





  8. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Finally getting around to throwing these up. I had just cut down 3 plants on Thursday. I had chopped two Chunk diesels about 20 days ago. So Thursday took down 1 of each, Jamaican D, Sour D, and galaxy. Were transplanted from solo cups and put in the flower space on the 4rd of April, so that makes a 53-54 day cycle for them. First pic is one I had already posted on 4-15 when they were on day 11, ones up front. Bottles in pics are knob creek 750mL and a liter sized bottle.





  9. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Look at you Mr Fancy Pants with the pretty lights and sexy buds. :redbong: Cool to see you've found your led groove.
  10. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Kept meaning to post up the pics of pixie dust. Cut it down 5-31. Weighted it and got some other yield pics from the 3 others. So the bowl weighs 100g so really I dont even mess with tareing the scale out. So we have 52g for galaxy, 49g Sour Diesel, 59g Jamaican D, and 40g pixie dust. So 200g total or 7.14oz or a 1.79oz/plant avg for those 4. I've got more about to come out and put 6 more in to start. Not too shabby for 16-20 plant rotations under less than 700W and no bloom boosters or CO2 supplementation. These were just cana coco A&B, hydrogen peroxide, and Cal mag.












  11. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    That be some colorful bud Mr Skunky. :redbong: Were these clone or seed? If seed, did all the plants exhibit the same coloration?
  12. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Thanks. The pixie was a single bag seed. Supposedly some granddaddy purple or a cross if it. No clue. Got it from a buddy out here before I had this setup going. Kinda similar to how the old purple swamp monster came to be. So since can't confirm what it was just made up a name. Well my son's mother did. LOL This one isn't a big yielder. But smells like blueberries and skittles. More berry-ish after cure. Turns purple no matter what but during winter and colder nights it turns even more dark. It does throw a couple nanners but never had a seed. Think it's sterile. First cycle I didn't even notice until after harvest. Found no seeds so kept it going. Have grown the clones for around a year and same story.
  13. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    So weighed out another 2oz of galaxy today. Have probably somewhere around 1-1/2oz or so of tangerine dream hanging. Couple of bud size comparison picks with some of the about to harvest plants. Sweet tooth is all nice and sparkly, though so is the chunky after the dry.









  14. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Has been awhile. So figured post a couple pics. Shatter clumped up and love the enail. These in the flower tent are ranging from 1-7 weeks. That's a 1QT H202 bottle for size comparison. Clones about 10-12 days from transplant.











    Mrgreengenes likes this.
  15. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    Looking good brother.
  16. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Those clones love that LED, (looks like the buds do too..:thumbs-up:)
  17. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    Nice and chunky looking :thumbsup:
  18. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Those are some nice chunky Bud skunky. :good job: :redbong:
  19. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Thank ya guys! I'm going to guess by terminology that was you Duc that gave the rep. :kidding::not-worthy: Just changed something on the camera not sure how that's going to work with internal posts. So let's see! Just cut down another 6. Finishing trimming up a chunky diesel also. Then the room as she stands. Need to take clones tonight or tomorrow too and get some clones transplanted to the fabric pots so i can file more in here in a few days.










  20. Discorilla

    Discorilla Shining like a Discoball!

    Nice work!

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