Actively Aerated Microbial Rich Tea Solution

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Midnight Garden, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Bje4201

    Bje4201 Vegetating

    I'm lucky there, just so happens there are three or more different nursery supply stores fairly close by. Closest one has a lot of the ingredients. Just got home though and to lazy to go out again.
  2. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    You can use this tea in hempy or dwc as long as you strain it. An added benefit is that when done properly this tea will kill root slime when other methods won't.
  3. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    If you have to adjust the ph, Earth Juice natural PH up & down should be safe for the microbial herd. GH up & down will kill them for sure if you need more than a few ml per gal.

  4. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    Thanks Duc, that's good info to have.
  5. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    A Trip to the Grow Store!

    Made a trip to the Grow Store and got ingredients for a Tea and a few other things as well/ I already had Humic Acid, and Molasses. I got everything else I felt like I needed for a good Tea. In the future I would like to have my own compost to add in but for now this will do.



    As far as pH'ing the Tea.... If I was to try and pH it. I would use the pH adjuster heavily diluted in water. I could take an ounce of pH adjsuter and mix it with a quart of water and then use that to adjust the pH of the solution. I read in Maximum Yield Magazine that if you dilute the pH adjuster it will make it more gentle and won't impact your microbial population.

    I'm gonna try the tea un-pH'd full strength first and see how the plants respond to it and go from there. In the future I will be ordering my Mycorrhizae/Bacterial inoculant online. The Myco Madness was the most affordable option at my local grow store. I wanted the Hydro-Organics Earth Juice Rooter's Mycorrhizae that's about $10/lb. but they no longer carry it. :eusa_eh: Oh well. I'll order online. :passsit:
  6. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    Right on Ras, that stuff is going to make some killer tea!
  7. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Thanks brother! I hope so.

    I was under the impression that you had used your tea on indoor ganja plants. I guess I don't mind be the GK guinea pig as far as the whole process of trying a new tea recipe for the first time on my indoor ganja crop.

    I'll post my recipe here as well as my grow log and I'll document my results. I am absolutely sure that I will have positive results. I just hope that they are SO positive that I am gonna continue to rock the soil and tea as my preferred style.
  8. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Duplicate Post... :wtf?: Sorry... :BangHead: :passsit:
  9. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    I make a tea for my plants. Not quite as many ingredients as that. I guess mine's pretty simple..

    High Phos Guano

    Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses

    Orgeonism XL

    Put everything in a pantyhose and throw in a bucket with RO and an airstone. Brew 24 hours and dilute at a 1:2 ratio. Works well for me along with my normal regiment of Canna nutes w/ Cannazyme, Rhizatonic, and Boost. Plus I add Orgeonism XL into my coco when planting/transplanting.
  10. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    If you add the crushed Dolomite lime to your tea mix, you shouldn't have to worry about PH at all.
  11. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    I've used tea inside a couple of times when I first was growing in soil but not enough to really have a good handle on the indoor use of it.
  12. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Jugg- You can make a tea out of 2 ingredients. Some guano or worm castings and some molasses will make a basic tea all by itself. I am just gonna add a couple more things cuz I want to try and use nothing but tea as my nutrients. I have high N bat guano suitable for Vegetative and some high P bat guano for flower tea. The Sea Bird Guano has both N and P with a little bit of K too. The kelp will add some more K and a lot of trace elements and minerals to further boost the microbial population.

    Lion- Thanks man I hadn't thought about putting any dolomite in the tea. I might try that out. At what ratio do you think I should add it to the recipe?

    MG-I think the tea is gonna be pretty well balanced. All my ingredients are high quality products in their own right individually so I'm hoping my tea will do what I need for my plants both indoor and outdoor.

    My heart has always been with the organic growth methods. Hydro is fun and interesting. The Useless formula works great! Nothing wrong with GH mineral nutrients or any other brand for that matter. For my personal preference though organically grown ganja is how I like it best. :passsit:
  13. Bje4201

    Bje4201 Vegetating

    I just got some ingredients as well man! All I could snag was castings, molasses, fish/seaweed emulsion, and some rock phosphate. The dude had some mycorrhiza, but it wasn't for sale, said it was to expensive and couldn't sell it. Gave me an odd look to, till I explained it was for my veggies, and I'm trying to go all organic, making my own tea. He was cool after that, for a good earful on soils, planting and everything else. I like that place less than a mile from the pad to. I'll show y'all what I got like ras was saying. I'm not sure on the rock phosphate, gotta read up on it
  14. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    I always added about a table spoon per gallon (guessing). I don't think you can add TOO much, just be a waste after a certain point, and if you are using too much it will just collect on top of your soil.
  15. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    :coool: This should be interesting. We will have several people using teas and we can all compare and contrast our results.

    Did a quick Google search for Rock Phosphate and found out that it's a finite mineral that is non renewable. It's production is predicted to peak in 2030 and have a big impact on worldwide food production and overall planet population. It's also mined out of the earth in a fairly destructive manner, as is the case with most mining. It should work for your tea though. I would start looking for some high P bat guano though. It's a much better alternative for the environment. Renewable resources are what we should try and use.

    Another big one in the grow industry is Peat and the impact harvesting it has on the environment. I still use it though. :passsit:
  16. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    You might want to add some greensand to your soil mix Ras. It's an easy way to add slow release trace elements and typically has a K around 0-0-3. Adds Mg and Na too. (helps the plant balance H2O transfers) Might be a good addition to teas.
  17. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Right on man, thanks. I add dolomite to all my soil so I won't have pH issues. I pH all my nutrient solutions prior to feeding still but I know lime is good to have in your soil as a pH buffer to keep everything balanced. :passsit:
  18. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Greensand. Check! :thumbs-up: I do remember reading somewhere about greensand and it's benefits. I'll look for some at the nursery or I might have to order it from the internet and have it shipped. :passsit:
  19. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    BJe- Mycc expensive??? wtf? Unless he's a starry eyed new grower buying Great White or some such over hyped shit it's about $20 for 5lbs.

    Ras- I been meaning to go back and alter my soil mic recipe. Started replacing half the lime with greensand and ended up with a way more versatile mix. Coupled with the chelating abilities of molasses it gives a nice release of trace elements. Duc...if you're catching this it may be a solution to hard water problems and Mg/Ca imbalance.
  20. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I was pissed off when I went to the hydro store. All the Mycorrhizae additives were super expensive! He stopped carrying the Hydro Organics Earth Juice Rooter's Mycorrhizae I bought last time. It was reasonably priced at $12 for a lb. He said nobody else besides me liked it! :wtf?: What's not to like!?!? Great White is stupid expensive at $50 for a 4 oz. container!! :5eek: I bought the Humboldt Nutrients Myco Madness cuz it was the least expensive they had at $26 for a 4 oz. container! :5eek: I'll be ordering my Mycos online next time, but I wanted to have some on hand for now so I WAY overpaid in order to have some right away. My stupid nursery doesn't even carry a mycorrhizae inoculant! :wtf?: I asked them one day if they had any mycorrhizae and he looked at me like I was crazy and said our potting soils already have mycorrhizae in them and so do our organic fertilizers, like he had never heard of a straight mycorrhizae inoculant before. :passsit:

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