hey mang, im suprised you membered me! ive been on the low lately and have great sucusses in and out since last posts. i have since perfected my cloning techniques (light schedules) and have been a happy breeder with some FANTASTIC crosses comming out of the woodwork... handicap, blue-balls and a wicked indy-cross, naptime. im currently working on a cold weather outdoor strain that finishes in dec.-jan. (if weather permits here in the dirty south) i hope all you GK members have been doing ok since my return... be on the lookout for a new show as i will have some new pics avail. in the next week or so of some lovely ladies (and maybe a healthy da-da) just beginning on their voyage to full maturity. MUCH LOVE TO ALL OF YOU! -TOA-
thanks! since last post...i built a multi-staged molectron microscope...and found bi-tomic molecule fragments while cracking the human genome/gene code establishing the basis we came from mutated single micron atoms resegmented into the known elements and then simply putting findings that we have zillionsofatoms
QUOTE <<<<expectable yeilds with EFFICENT setups>>>> outdoors > 2-3 lbs ========= 1 topped/trained & suppercropped ..."Got pic's?"... QUOTE 250 W HPS > 6-12 oz========= 5-6 big to 40 clones 400 W HPS > 12-19.5 oz====== 6 big to 30 clones ...1.5 grams per watt may be a goal to shoot for, but can't be "EXPECTED" TOA.. strato...I recall an "ugly rumor" being spread about EJ. #1 They were supp DEA with information on who was purchasing their prosuct. #2 EJ is composed of sewage. ...I never bothered to investigate, as I don't use their products. But I do recall a call to boycott them at other boards. Gotta agree, Useless is far from.... (Edited by Hicountry2 at 6:14 am on Oct. 26, 2004)
Well , a rumor is hardly a fact . And repeating a rumor , well . . . As to the DEA , hah . Anyone buying a known pot related product and having it shipped to their grow-op is a fool to start with . Second it just doesn't sound right , warrants and all , I mean if they have the goods on you they don't need to know what kinda ferts your buying . Third , I bought mine at a pharmacy , bet the DEA is scratching their heads on that one . Nah , just rumors . But that's what the net is all about it seems , sometimes . Point #2 "EJ is composed of sewage." Hmmmm , you mean guanno ? I can see how a high schooler might say that , but a lot of us use guanno , and very few refer to their guanno tea as sewage . Just for the record I pulled my jug of Bloom (0-3-1) out and here's what it's made of . "Derived from bat guanno , seabird guanno , sea kelp , natural phosphate of potash , steamed bone meal , oat bran , rock phosphate." No sewage mentioned . And as I posted earlier the Organic Materials Review Institute lists it as Allowed . Do we believe they would list a product made from sewage ? Let's face it , it's really easy to say , "and I read that the company . . ." without giving a source . And I'm not saying that person didn't read that , but somewhere sometime a responsible person needs to come along and say "where did you read that?" . Or better , before quoting something that's been said in a forum , go check the facts for yourself . It's not that hard these days (www.dig-it?) . Now , as to the Earth Juice product . I have not been 100% satisfied with my results , but I am far from blamming the product . I started using the product at about the same time as several other factors were altered , science is never served unless only one factor is changed at a time . So as I stabilize these other concerns the EJB stays outta the mix . Over time I will work it back into my fertigation program when it is the only factor change . Then I will be able to make a better judgement about it's suitability in my program . In the mean time , the EJ Catalyst remains in the mix and I am happy with it's results (better taste and potency IMO) . Science , not hearsay or fuzzy math or voodoo . , it's just the way I was brought up .
I would really have to go with Age Old products on this one.The EJ happens to be not as good as Age Old products.
i've been using ST, guano 8-4-1, and then Foxfarms Tiger Bloom, very happy with the method!!! not entirely organic, obviously, but close enough for me!! peace.