Age Old vs. EarthJuice

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Ventor, May 29, 2004.

  1. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    hey mang, im suprised you membered me! ive been on the low lately and have great sucusses in and out since last posts. i have since perfected my cloning techniques (light schedules) and have been a happy breeder with some FANTASTIC crosses comming out of the woodwork... handicap, blue-balls and a wicked indy-cross, naptime. im currently working on a cold weather outdoor strain that finishes in dec.-jan.

    (if weather permits here in the dirty south)

    i hope all you GK members have been doing ok since my return... be on the lookout for a new show as i will have some new pics avail. in the next week or so of some lovely ladies (and maybe a healthy da-da) just beginning on their voyage to full maturity.


  2. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Gald to have ya back Trill...or is it Zill now? :biggrin:
  3. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication


    since last post...i built a multi-staged molectron microscope...and found bi-tomic molecule fragments while cracking the human genome/gene code establishing the basis we came from mutated single micron atoms resegmented into the known elements and then simply putting findings that we have zillionsofatoms [​IMG]
  4. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    <<<<expectable yeilds with EFFICENT setups>>>>

    outdoors > 2-3 lbs ========= 1 topped/trained & suppercropped

    ..."Got pic's?"...


    250 W HPS > 6-12 oz========= 5-6 big to 40 clones
    400 W HPS > 12-19.5 oz====== 6 big to 30 clones

    ...1.5 grams per watt may be a goal to shoot for, but can't be "EXPECTED"

    Welcome back TOA.. :)

    strato...I recall an "ugly rumor" being spread about EJ.
    #1 They were supplying DEA with information on who was purchasing their prosuct.
    #2 EJ is composed of sewage.

    ...I never bothered to investigate, as I don't use their products. But I do recall a call to boycott them at other boards.

    Gotta agree, Useless is far from....

    (Edited by Hicountry2 at 6:14 am on Oct. 26, 2004)
  5. Stratocloner

    Stratocloner Begun Flowering

    Well , a rumor is hardly a fact . And repeating a rumor , well . . .

    As to the DEA , hah . Anyone buying a known pot related product and having it shipped to their grow-op is a fool to start with . Second it just doesn't sound right , warrants and all , I mean if they have the goods on you they don't need to know what kinda ferts your buying . Third , I bought mine at a pharmacy , bet the DEA is scratching their heads on that one . Nah , just rumors . But that's what the net is all about it seems , sometimes .

    Point #2 "EJ is composed of sewage." Hmmmm , you mean guanno ? I can see how a high schooler might say that , but a lot of us use guanno , and very few refer to their guanno tea as sewage .

    Just for the record I pulled my jug of Bloom (0-3-1) out and here's what it's made of . "Derived from bat guanno , seabird guanno , sea kelp , natural phosphate of potash , steamed bone meal , oat bran , rock phosphate."

    No sewage mentioned . And as I posted earlier the Organic Materials Review Institute lists it as Allowed . Do we believe they would list a product made from sewage ?

    Let's face it , it's really easy to say , "and I read that the company . . ." without giving a source . And I'm not saying that person didn't read that , but somewhere sometime a responsible person needs to come along and say "where did you read that?" . Or better , before quoting something that's been said in a forum , go check the facts for yourself . It's not that hard these days (www.dig-it?) .

    Now , as to the Earth Juice product . I have not been 100% satisfied with my results , but I am far from blamming the product . I started using the product at about the same time as several other factors were altered , science is never served unless only one factor is changed at a time . So as I stabilize these other concerns the EJB stays outta the mix . Over time I will work it back into my fertigation program when it is the only factor change . Then I will be able to make a better judgement about it's suitability in my program . In the mean time , the EJ Catalyst remains in the mix and I am happy with it's results (better taste and potency IMO) .

    Science , not hearsay or fuzzy math or voodoo . Sorry , it's just the way I was brought up .
  6. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I use voodoo on my plants...they act up and they get to be pincushions. :biggrin:
  7. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    I would really have to go with Age Old products on this one.The EJ happens to be not as good as Age Old products.
  8. phillyboy

    phillyboy ***Rest in Peace***

    i've been using ST, guano 8-4-1, and then Foxfarms Tiger Bloom, very happy with the method!!! not entirely organic, obviously, but close enough for me!! peace.

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