Back in the saddle again

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by friendlyfarmer, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    alright, my personal vote given you are starting with a 600 and have height issues which I have yet to overcome would be....

    hempys - 4 (5 gallon) under each 600 (2x2 space) with the hoods about 2 foot on center apart.

    You can start with just one 600 til you get feet wet again, then add a second 600 on the same circuit (fine with amps with 2 6's) so you would have a 2 x 4 space with the lights pulling 4 plants each month (8 plants total) and you should get at least 12 oz...prob closer to lb (normal run is always just under for me 14-15 would be fair guess) each month.

    Then as budget allows, add two more 600s so you have a 4 x 4 growing area (1200 watts/month, harvest 8 plants/month) and throw a tent in the other part of the basement or if you live their and are anal ( I have done this before) keep the tent in the flower room and just unzip every morning, zip every night

    Hopefully that makes sense, but I'm like CC, I can see pulling 2 a month out of there, even given your start up in the next 6 months.
  2. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    oh in case you didn't pick it up, most out of 600 in my book is a 2 x 2 light print. 4 - 5 gals is my preferred because people pack plants into small area, but I get more off a plant and it's less work.




    GO NOW...WHY ARE YOU STILL READING!!! These are seasonal...they are getting ready to put them away and if they sell out, they wont reorder this time of year.

    Height control!!!! NOW GO GET SOME. you'll thank me later

    this is 1200 watts 2 x 4 growing area, I'm trying to find one with the entire 4 x 4 and you can see how I run 2 sets one month apart. but you can see the buckets and scrog (tomato cages) in it, got others, I know I have a pic of what I'm talking about cause I had it up here or at OG for a minute telling someone the same thing a few years ago about 4 600s. Imagine a copy of this pic 4 weeks younger directly infront of it and you get your 4x4 grow...harvesting 8 plants a month for about 1.5-2 lb mnth

    but if you look, you can see even in this picture the groups of 4 (it's hard to see because plants are cut out of the picture) but each group of 4 is under a 600 and only takes up 2 x2. but the edges get as this as the center of the light because of the 600s over lapping each other. it's efficent

  3. BongRippa

    BongRippa Full Flowering

    Those are cool... Mini SCRogs... gotta look into those.
  4. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    That makes sense. I laid out a 5 X 9 flower room along the back, and a veg room big enough for a 2 X 4 set-up, plus moms and clones. What's left will be work space and storage.

  5. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    My room is 6.5 feet high and my plants flower out at about 4.5 feet. My lights are about 5 feet from the floor. You have plenty of room. Looking forward to your new set up. :redbong:
  6. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    me too

    Good to hear about the height. Thanks for looking in MGJ!
  7. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    just under 1 lb per 600...ez :)
  8. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    I've been pretty consistently pulling around 12 from my 600 and I know I can do better. We'll know how much better in about 6 weeks.
  9. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    I would pull down about 1 1/4 to 1.5lbs from a 4 bucket recirculating system with a vertical could EASILY get 8-10oz from a 2 bucket system, offset another 2 bucket, I did that in a 4x4 homemade tent, panda film is a major help with concentrating a 600's abilities

  10. DXE

    DXE Moderator

    I veg in 1 gal smart pot then transplant to 3 gal smart pot. Seems to work just fine :)

    Crap - I started with a T4 array for veg and 600 watt HPS in flower - now I run 1K in each tent. You will end up going that way eventually :)

    Once I get my timing down pat I should be harvesting every 5 weeks or so.

    I use the same mix - follow to the letter.....
  11. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    If he's talking about using 7 gal pots then I'd have to assume we're talking trees not shrubs :coool: .
  12. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    I just got some of the panda stapled up. I suck at that. I chucked the LT runt. Never rooted. The other 7 looking good but hungry. Welcome to the New New Friendly Farm.:thumbsup:


    Filtered air intake to rooms 14"X22".


    LT temporary home. Can't find the big MH yet. :jj:


    This is going to be the veg area, with space for moms and clones to the right.[​IMG]

    This is going to be a sink and counter with 55 gallon res to the right just before entering the flower chamber. Mounted above the sink will be the RO filter, fan controls, monitors, etc. COMMAND CENTRAL I need to insulate this wall, and probably should hang rock for noise reduction, but for now, panda will have to do.


    This is a 600W quantum in a cool tube. The air is complicated. The box is a big muffler sitting on a rubber mat. There's an aged 6" can fan in there with bad bearings that hums like a MF. I repurposed the res chiller and hung the fan in the box, stuffed it with old (hopefully) clothes. Not too bad though audible to the trained ear in the floor above. It vents out into an 8" insulated duct that lead to the outside. Couldn't use the chimney hole for a variety of reasons. Box is on the floor because prior iteration on ceiling made WAY too much noise, being literally inches from the room above.[​IMG]
    ResinRubber likes this.
  13. DXE

    DXE Moderator

    very cool

    Wow - plumbing work too - nice - a sink is something I really could use in my room.

    really nice work!!!!!
  14. DXE

    DXE Moderator

    It wont take long either until he adds a second 600 or ups the game to 1K

  15. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    here we go

    try this

  16. DXE

    DXE Moderator


    I thought you were gonna go with SmartPots??
  17. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    Been a long costly road so far

    I have the buckets, and those bags ain't free! A little mesh in the hole in the bottom.

    The heat issues are problematic. I have the filter up on a shelf near the ceiling now, but the filter needs to be cleaned and I need to replace the carbon. Granted it's over 80 outside and the room is small (approx. 130 cubic feet) and the light is big, and the hood is inefficient, and there's too much duct, and the fan is on it's last leg (bearing rattling), and I'm using one fan for both light cooling and air exchange. I thought I would get away with this - with just the MH going, and I just might for now, but I need to update my fan with an 8" vortex, which will be quieter and move more air. I already have 8" venting from the wall to the outside. Then I need to upgrade the cool tube to an 8" and the ducting for 8" as well. I also plan to draw fresh air from outside the rooms directly into the lighting, venting the lights separately from the air exchange. This will dispense with a filter in the system, and will draw air near the floor with a big outdoor-dryer-vent-looking-thing on it to hide its obvious functions and also draw air from along the bottom inch of the basement floor where theoretically it is coolest. Then I'll get a second fan with filters for each room. Since the second fan will just be for air exchange (and a little cooling) I don't need another big one, so I am thinking a 4" vortex will exchange the air in both rooms about every 3-5 minutes, which is fine for oxygen/CO2 exchange. I don't know how much cooling I'll need to get out of my air exchange (i.e not sure how efficient/effective my planned light cooling set-up will be, especially with lights going in the flower room) so maybe I'll need a second 8" fan to do air exchange too. Problem with going bigger is the commensurately larger ducting. Not sure how I can fit another 8" vent. And the larger expense for 8" stuff.

    Anyway for now it's running too hot (79 or so about 22" below the light). It's OK for the plants, which are a few feet below that and probably significantly cooler. But I still need good water. I transplanted last night and gave then each a half gallon of water. Hope that was enough. Next priority task is hooking up the water tank and getting good RO water.

    Anyway, as budget allows I'll be upgrading and working it all out. I need more lights, more fans, more runs to home depot, tables, etc. All in good time. At least I'm up and running. :thumbsup: We'll see how soon I can flip the switch.
  18. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Looking good for a work in progress. Once you get it dialed in you'll have a very nice little grow space there. Glad to see you back at it.
  19. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    79 isn't bad. The canopy will be even cooler. I didn't check out the vid yet but the pictures sure look good.
  20. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Rooms coming along nicely! What Ofo said, big fans and keep the air moving. it makes all the difference. I need to go and buy a couple fans tomorrow. Hard to find the stand ups in the winter in the north east.


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