Bagseed Babies

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by SteelCity Smoker, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Get Ice & NL, if you can. If you can only get one I would personally choose ICE. NL is good I just really like nirvanas ICE. The AK48 is going to smell to high heaven.
  2. dooobster

    dooobster A Fat Sticky Bud

    YW SCS! I gotta agree with skunky and say you should go with Ice and/or NL...
  3. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Looks real good scs.. Any fruity smells from any of them?
  4. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    I grew soem plants from bagseed this year, and I got a few phenos with really fruity smells. Real nice smellin. I cloned the stinky ones to grow indoor, once I harvest the best phenos. Since were in the same region, Im guessing we could have gotten ahold of some of the same bagseed.. JW

  5. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    not fruity really kinda skunky. ICE sounds nice it was here last summer but has not returned so it's worth growing. Thank you all for kind words and taking the time to follow this thread. DSP
  6. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Paging SteelCity Can we get an update my man.. Should have harvested by now am i right?? I wanna see the comparision.. Or smoke report.. I will be dropping by for an update.

  7. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    ask and you shall receive no smoke report i'm only at 6 weeks a few days flower i think these ones are gonna run 9 weeks or so they are just starting to frost up and show trichs so we shall see i'm a patient person. once they start to show amber i'll prolly chop to keep the buzz mellow. Enjoy... DSP




    getting ready for water


  8. NeonLights

    NeonLights Excommunicated

    Man they look THIRSTY!!!!
  9. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Maybe a little too thirsty.... Who knows maybe they like it a little rough! :icon_confused: kinky bitches! HAHAHA!

    Has the soil been flushed at all? Just looks like you got a little claw action going on. I would flush the soil and then feed again and up the nitrogen of that feed a little so don't have to worry about too much yellowing in the next three weeks. Just isn't much fan leaves left so you want the ones that are there to last you so you don't have to chop it early.
  10. NeonLights

    NeonLights Excommunicated

    Also they look as though they might be root bound. If you are planning to transplant them be sure to put a few slices down the side of the root ball. It helps promote new root growth. I had 2 of the same plants and did this to one to see. It made a big difference. Good luck.
  11. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Lookin good

    They look real nice scs.. Looks liek your gonna have some long dong nugs.. ;)

    A lot of bagseed is mexican or columbian.. It seems like they have a much longer flowering period.. they take forever to mature. I always end up chopping early so that they arent found by archery hunters or other thieves. Looks real good tho!

    G Fam
  12. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    Skunky you think they need more N i've been feeding them every other watering with 2 tsp per gal. tiger bloom and 4 tsb of Big bloom. The upper leaves are getting a bit dark green so i'm going to give them a few waterings of just water. Neon they are def root bound but it's too late in flower to shock them with a transplant. They drink 300ml every other day. The RH of the room has dropped dramatically lately due to the heat the ac has been running. It went from being 50-60% down to 35%. Thanks for the advice yinz! Later DSP
  13. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    I'd flush them good first before giving them the extra shot of N. Just to get the salt build up out of there. Flush it and feed it with a little extra N. Those girls don't have much fan leaves left and I could easily see it draining the ones it has left in three weeks. I would probably only feed two more times. Once with the little bit of extra N then the normal flower feed then start your final flush after that.
  14. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    I have found one of the only things i really don't like about growing bagseed is that all the plants are maturing at different speeds. They are not all the same strain apparently so some are getting frosty and cloudy trichs while some have not produced any real noticable trichs. I will be posting an update in a few days until then be kind and be cool... DSP
  15. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Patiently waiting for updated pics.. I have notcied they mature at a different rate also. While growing outdoors, a few plants in one plot can be harvested while u have to leave a few to finish for a couple more weeks. Most of my bag seed is sativas.. Probally either columbian or mexican, and there flowering periods are extremely long..

  16. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    These bitches are maturing at very different rates so here is a pic of the first plant i chopped.


    more to follow after i trim a lil more and get it dry. I will also throw up pics of the others once i chop them... DSP
  17. ishmeil

    ishmeil cannabis connoisseur

    glad to see a good end to a thread i was following months ago..

    what was the final weight of each plant, i ask because im days away from starting my bahamas bagseed grow about the same size as yours, and itd be nice to have a estimate of what is possible from that sort of setup

    and were they stinky?, you said you live in an apartment in a city somewhere, i was in the same situatiun with one plant and the whole floor stunk up,, whatd ya use for the smell?
  18. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    The End

    Well it's over Final weight dry was 82 grams just shy of 3 zones. I'm kinda glad it's over! Let's get some real weed growing. I'm leaving on a trip first 2 weeks of sept. so i won't start another round till i return. I am not pleased with this tree it's definately better than what the seeds came from but it doesn't seem like it was worth the effort.

    Smoke report is as follows:

    Aroma is very light but skunky

    Flavor is ok but it needs more cure time.

    High is nice it fills your head with sand but doesn't make you tired.

    Pending on how much money i blow on vacation there may be a waterfarm setup in my near future. Thanks to anyone and everyone who took a look and gave advice i appreciate it. Stay tuned for a new thread with nirvana's ice in the cab.
  19. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer


    Ive been away for a while but i didnt forget about the "Bagseed Babies". I myself am growing some bagseed outdoors, and I am pllanning on harvesting within the next couple weeks. Im glad to see urs turned out well. Have a nice trip and I look forward to seeing the new Ice setup. Stay safe, peace


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