Basic organic issues, need help.

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by dowork123, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. dowork123

    dowork123 Delaying gratification!

    I think I have it now, I will get more efficient as time goes on :)

    The first and second shot, lights on and off obviously. That is the sweet tooth that has the yellowing at the leaves around the buds and I am not sure what that is. These pics are a week old now and the sweet tooths are coming along better now. I will get some more updated pics up tomorrow. Also, I want to show you guys some rusting on my leaves. Not sure if it's a ph issue possible because I used two different soils at my repotting or its a nutrient deficiency and I have no clue :(

    Any suggestions on weather I should maybe start a new thread with a title so others can search it later, what do you think?
  2. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    They look pretty good man. Maybe just slightly overfed my friend. Back off the nutes and give plain water for a week or two. They have enough nutes stored in the medium to last them for a bit. Any more feed and it will compound the issue and you'll start having lock out and pH issues. Otherwise they look pretty good. you're doing fine. Don't over think things too much. I know it's a lot to soak in at first and you sound like me when I first started. You'll get the hang of it quickly by the looks of things. :thumbsup:







  3. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

  4. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Most important information you can ever learn. :smoke2:
  5. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Nitrogen toxicity. Curled leaves, dark dark green older growth coupled with yellowing newer growth.
  6. dowork123

    dowork123 Delaying gratification!

    I'm with you my man, keep it simple! I was about to feed full strength nutes today. I always flush at week 4/5 and then again the last 10 days of so. So I have already flushed the medium and was about to give some really strong nutes. I am going to give them half of what I had intended and we shall see. Going back to that plant abuse chart with over fert in mind helped me to eliminate some of the other issues I thought it was. The others are over fed and the st's have too much N.

    I will fix this on my next run. Dinafem freebies to mess around with and then i'm going to get serious about maintaining mothers, perpetual harvests, etc.

    Edit: I saw you said maybe water for a week or two so I gave two only water and one the full strength nutes just to see. I need to know!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2012
  7. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    There was one detail I missed in your posts dowo-- the fact that you transplanted. I'm sure you're aware that plants sometimes show a stunted upper growth while roots adjust to the new environment.

    Just a thought, since I never had any issues using organic soil + nutrients.
  8. dowork123

    dowork123 Delaying gratification!

    Alright, I am going to give an update of what's been going on in this post, the next one will have some questions.

    As of right now, I have harvested 4 or my 5 plants. Because I had that nutrient issue, I believe a lot of the plants,. even though they went 9-10 weeks, were pulled too early. I think I had no choice, I was so close to the end I could have fed them but just opted for water until the end.

    I will post pics tonight of what I got and the problem plants.
  9. dowork123

    dowork123 Delaying gratification!

    Now the questions and pics will follow.

    The rusting is happening again, at week 3-4 on my second round of plants. I want to say it's an Mg def, I will post pics so you all can see.

    Now the last time I showed you the pictures, I was told it was a nutrient overdose. Well backing off and giving water did help so I guess you were all correct. The weird thing is that it seems like the smaller my plants, the better they look. That would make me think that the bigger plants are deficient. I will tell you, once I figure out why this keeps happening, I will have shit dialed in pretty damn good. I am only growing AK47 next round to keep plant variation to a minimum.


    PH 7.5

    TDS 150

    I run my water through A filtrete under sink water filter and let it sit out for 24 hours.


    *roots organic line




    *earth juice line


    I have used the earth juice micro blast entering flower and usually at week 3-4 because I know some plants require a lot of Mg at those times. Well this round of plants, I didn't fee micro at week 4 and I am still seeing issues. Maybe I should drop the micro and just use epsom salt.

    Also, if you want me to start asking all this in the beginners lounge, totally cool. I just figure keep it all here but you guys know better than myself.
  10. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    Why is your ph so high? It sould be 6.8/6.8.
  11. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Yeah...get your PH down a point. Then start being consistent in your choice of gardening soils. In the organic mix I use plants that are sensitive to N tend to show rather late in veg while still looking pretty good when younger. Just my experience and in no way meant to imply this is the norm.
  12. dowork123

    dowork123 Delaying gratification!

    So I should PH down my tap water every time I water?

    I have also been adjusting nutes up to 6.3-6.5 as you guys told me too, is this correct? I'm asking because MG wrote 6.8/6.8....does that mean my water and nutes should both be 6.8 every time?

    EDIT: Can't find my camera but i'm going to get the pics one way or another soon.
  13. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Think about your question then reread the advice. Keyword to look for, consistent.
  14. dowork123

    dowork123 Delaying gratification!

    I reread my post and went back through the thread....i'm racking my brain here, give me a minute though, I need to try and figure out what you're getting at.

    At this point my best guess is that I need the PH to be consistent weather it be water or nutes. That the PH fluctuation because of the high PH water and lower PH nutes is causing nutrient issues. I think I read somewhere big PH shifts cause burnt leaves and serious issues. That it usually happened with using different soils but I can see that possibly happening in my situation as well.
  15. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    That was a typo do, I meant 6.5 to 6.8. You mix the nutes in the water then check the ph of the resulting solution. Adjust to 6.5 to 6.8 then water/feed the plants.
  16. dowork123

    dowork123 Delaying gratification!

    Thank you, I think someone told me to get it as close to 6.5 without going over, I will change that also.

    I just checked my waters PH, crept to 8.0 before I was just like wow. So I am going to ph that down....why would the ph of my water be that high? I supposably have great water where I am....the tds is 150, not terrible. I looked into RO and i'm still on the fence.....I don't think it's really necessary but maybe I am naive to think that.
  17. dowork123

    dowork123 Delaying gratification!

    I appreciate you guys taking the time to answer these simple questions, much appreciated.

  18. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    No problem do, when was the last time you calibrated your ph meter? 8.0 is kind of high for tap water.
  19. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    ZACTLY! Give that man a cigar.:thumbs-up:

    MG- my tap water is normally above 8ph. Dunno know if that's common or not?
  20. dowork123

    dowork123 Delaying gratification!

    bad one


    same plant dif angle




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