Bat Guano

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by -, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    btw helboy never even answered your ?---

    .... guano is very easy to overdue with-espicially chicken or bat ****. clacium is needed along with mg. and is found in other ferts- thus crabshells arent a need... epsom salts take care of mg and most bone meal takes care of the needed calcium.

    perlite, a good cow compost along with an organic mushroom compost will make or break organic grows... copius amounts of perlite are recommonded along with a compost tea fert a few weeks into veg/flower- ferting harder as flower progresses...

    there are plenty of ways to get calcium other then crabshells, only reason why i post is because the shellz can be hard to find- and blood and bone meal are cheep and much more readily available. check local nusuries and wall marts or home depots-lowes....
  2. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    Chicken poop also contains a great amount of both,Mg and Calcium,so does the mushroom compost and cow manure.Just wanted to point it out that there are many varieties of organic nutrients to choose from.
  3. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni


    Quote: from HELL BOY 420 on 4:32 pm on Jan. 4, 2005
    EJ? That stuff isnt as great as Metanaturals,Pure Blend and Age Old.Check those products out there better than using the EJ.The only good thing i liked about EJ is that it has a good source of Microbes in its microblast formula,also the catalyst works good but i dont like the outcomes of the grow and bloom.Just my suggestion.

    Well I have a new bottle of EJ and it cost me so I figure I will use it up.

    I have Shultz bloom here if I need it but I will try to do with out using Shultz this year for a 100% organic grow rating.

    I have added sea bird and it is seeping into the soil when I water 10-13-3 I think..
    I have EJ bloom and fish..
    The soil is very rich and the plants show no signs of problems.
    Yesterday I swithced to 12/12 ( day 0 ) today is day 1.

    I wonder if I should make tea out of the sea bird as a super boost to the EJ? I mean I would mix EJ and the Sea bird tea.

    Other than that between the guano smell and the girls it smell like hot dogs. Very strange.

    Anyway suggestions on feeding for buds are welcome.
    This is the nicest grow to date so far; with the screen and the horilux eye and all.
    The best friend is belonging to the GrowKind group.

  4. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni


    Quote: from HELL BOY 420 on 8:01 pm on Jan. 4, 2005
    Chicken poop also contains a great amount of both,Mg and Calcium,so does the mushroom compost and cow manure.Just wanted to point it out that there are many varieties of organic nutrients to choose from.

    Crab shells are on the list for the compost cycle and that will happen after the 12/12 grow experiment.
    I will also add greensand.

    Randy" target="_blank">

  5. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    I substitute the green sand with soluble seaweed extract for a higher K.And as for a flowering potion go with the one i told you about.
  6. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    i kinda missed this thread, but now that we are in the subject of bat guano, i was going to pick some up. But i wanted some liquid bat guano. Its hard to find but all i can get is 2-0-0 and 0-2-0 in liquid form. I heard that you can take the guano and dilute it in hot water...does this work?? Does it have the same effect?
  7. Guest

    If I am correct and that's a guess..

    From what I see Guano should break down in the soil...

    That is why it stank so much..

    My bag said 1% water sol nitrogen. that ment that 99% of it was locked into material that needed biological activity to free it.

    Now I have that Biological activity here so I got my full use out of it...

    The last thing I can say is I am 100% happy with the results and will buy it again.

    Sea bird is good and Bat seems ok.

  8. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    Indonesian bat guano doesnt have a smell.
  9. Guest


    Quote: from HELL BOY 420 on 7:54 am on Jan. 12, 2005
    Indonesian bat guano doesnt have a smell.

    Hey Hell Boy what is that Water Sol % on that Indo?

    Looking for some quick water sol organic nutes ideas.


  10. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    Yes it is.
  11. Guest


    Quote: from HELL BOY 420 on 9:02 pm on Jan. 12, 2005
    Yes it is.

    Okay.. I take that is a confirm and go buy da ****... er Guano..

    Right on....

    Hey things are looking good here... 24 inches of head room and starting week 2 of flowering.
    I don't think it's getting dark enough but I will fix that today..

    Funny they smell like Hot Dogs this year.

  12. Mauricio

    Mauricio Germinated

    Hi Guys,

    Thank you for this fantastic posting, I learned a lot and heading now to the garden center.

    Cheers :)
  13. Guest


    Quote: from Mauricio on 6:36 am on Jan. 22, 2005
    Hi Guys,

    Thank you for this fantastic posting, I learned a lot and heading now to the garden center.

    Cheers :)

    Buy a mask filter if you are getting Guano.. The very fine powder can really float in the air...

  14. Mauricio

    Mauricio Germinated

    Thanks Randy_High, I did follow your advice regarding the mask but couldn't find all the products you guys recommanded here in Atlanta :-(

    Would you all please help me by recommanding a supplier (not to expensive) so I may follow into your steps.

    Thank you again for your instructive postings and help

    Cheers :)
  15. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni


    Quote: from Mauricio on 6:49 pm on Jan. 22, 2005
    Thanks Randy_High, I did follow your advice regarding the mask but couldn't find all the products you guys recommanded here in Atlanta :-(

    Would you all please help me by recommanding a supplier (not to expensive) so I may follow into your steps.

    Thank you again for your instructive postings and help

    Cheers :)

    Well who you pick is up to you. What's the wisdom? Oh yeah don't ship to yer grow, send a Money Order.

    You can google for the products..

    I know of a Farm supply store.. Peacefull Valley They have a lot of great Organic supplies plus all the toys I like.

    And as a side joke.. You can always keep yer own Bats [​IMG]


    " target="_blank">


    Boy Georgia is a Dry State for supplies.. I just asked the Almighty Google and I came up empty handed...

    How are the laws down there? A guy on C.W. got busted by tracking the sale of supplies..
    It takes local support to conduct such a sting imo..

    Best to shop in person even if you have to drive someplace...

    I just get this feeling about a bust.. Be careful.
    Sorry to get spookie but I'm mostly correct when I get this feeling.

    Here I'm a medical person and have just what the law allows.

    Looks like Georgia has three shops...

    Anyway.. I got all kinds of spookie feelings... Take care.


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