Been too long

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Bje4201, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. Bje4201

    Bje4201 Vegetating

    Hey y'all, it's been waaaaay to long since I've been on and seen what's happening. Had to take a forced sobriety for a while which I succesfully failed at. Just wanted to say hi and let you all know I'm still alive. Im almost to a point where I can return to my home state and get to some serious cultivating. Under a year if I don't fuсk up, got big plans and can wait to show you what I have in mind. :passsit::passsit::redbong::jj:

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Good luck and take care of yourself man!!!!!:thumbs-up:

    Be Cool, CG
  3. Bje4201

    Bje4201 Vegetating

    Thanks man, same to you :passsit:
  4. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    The forced sobriety thing can be tough, hope the fallout wasn't too rough. Nice to know you're still alive and well.

  5. Bje4201

    Bje4201 Vegetating

    Got to spend a weekend in jail for it, but I'm thinking of just sitting the rest of my time out instead of probation. That way I'm free and clear to move without spending another year on paper.
  6. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    I've had friends and clients make that very decision. I can see the logic in it.
  7. Bje4201

    Bje4201 Vegetating

    I should have done it from the start and I'd be out an done already. Hoping since it's crowded and I've done a year on probation already I'll only get a few months instead of my whole sentence...a year.
  8. Bje4201

    Bje4201 Vegetating

    Hah, well I actually did get it revoked. 110 days total. Been out since last August, and back on the west coast. I was supposed to run an outdoor grow up north, but a little argument about me waiting 2+ days for a ride to resupply got me kicked off the property. Finally found work, about to be a traveling carpenter lol. I'm gonna be living in hotels and banking each check till I have enough saved to do a nice setup and get a genetics lab built. Any tips and ideas for indoor setups with soil id love to hear about. Going through the beginners lounge again haha.

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