Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by HELL BOY 420, Feb 17, 2005.

  1. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    Havent tried it but am checkin out Bio Bizz along with Pure Blend Pro?
  2. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I find it odd that you had burn with the Metas. Any chance you use Liquid Karma? I use 2 tsp. 3-3-3 and 4 tsp. 1-5-5 for flower with no burn at all. When I used LK I had nothing BUT burn all the time no matter what I did. Once I ended it's use I was back in business with great results.
  3. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    Are you serious Paps?LK works good for me im currently using it along with Pure Blend and Bio Bizz and still havent seen any burns.I start out with half the dose on the bottle to get the plants used to it start slow and then add gradually.
  4. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    My experiences with it have been negative yes Hell Boy. Don't understand it myself, but I've doen three seperate runs with it and each time I was NOT happy with the outcome. When I stopped using it each time things went back to normal for me. I tried every trick in the book too believe me. I tweaked everything around trying to find a 'happy place' and just couldn't find it. Not saying it's a bad product....I just thnk it works too well and that is a bad thing for me it seems. :smoke2:
  5. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    Have you yet used the Bio Bizz products Herb?So far for me, so good,Indi had good plants using Bio Bizz in conjunction with the Metas.

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