Cheese Krush

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by blazerwill420, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Tomorrow is week three, I have everything trimmed up. I can see how this can increase yield, it opens up a lot of stuff that would otherwise stay shaded.




    And after
  2. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Every time I see it my balls shrink.
    nippie likes this.
  4. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    I understand how you feel ResinRubber. It works though.
    Blaze, looks good dude. I think your going to like the result in a month. :)
    You will notice the sugar leaves will develop a little more and you may see better trichrome formation with more light getting to more flowers..
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  5. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    I swallowed hard with every snip. It just don't seem right at all.
    nippie likes this.
  6. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA


    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
  7. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

  8. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    They are coming back with a vengeance looks like. They looked like my sisters little shaved poodle at shave but are filling in nice, you can def see it in the bud development just after 5 days? Was it?

    Ps. I like the smoke detector, reminds me i need to put one in my box.
  9. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Yeah, they come back fast. Fire scares the shit out of me. I have a Flame Defender in there too.

  10. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    So do you hang that above the light? Would be perefect to have the power stuff in one location and have one over that also. We should put this video on a thread somewhere and let others know about it. Besides leo, fire is my worst nightmare, this is a great product.
  11. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    I have mine between my lights in the center of the room. If it goes off it will hit the ballasts (they are in the closet now) also. It's at about 0:28 in this video.

  12. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

  13. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Week 5 - Just fyi, that digital timer on the right is called a recycle timer. Steer clear! When the power goes out it starts over again at the on cycle when the power comes back on. So the power goes out this morning when the lights have about three hours on time left. Power comes back on about an hour later and timer restarts at 12 hours on. Not good, not good at all. I know about it so I caught it but I have to get something else. The pin timer works good so another one is in order soon.

    Last edited: Nov 28, 2016
  14. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Day 40 and Mr G, props man, this defoliating works real good. I am sold. :You_Rock_Emoticon:


    Last edited: Dec 1, 2016
  15. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    This plant has had issues in the table since day one. Ironically it's the leading contender to make seeds with in the future as it has a lemon, fuel and slight cheese smell going on. The rest of them are just straight lemon, like your mouth straight up waters when you smell it.


  16. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    :suave: another old head converted. The boss talked me into doing a test in my next garden. Taking a couple plants of a familiar strain and stripping them next to the rest growing like I usually do. Seems a shit ton of work if you got a bunch of plants. But we'll see........ I'll try to make a decent log of the garden.
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  17. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    ive been stripping lately also

    it's hard, each run testing a little more at a time

    it's horrifying but then bam results
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  18. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    I had to take a little sampler branch...
    Max Rockatansky likes this.
  19. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Don't blame you one bit. yum
  20. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    So that doesn't make me a hipster then? rofl. I smoked some of it last night, not bad, not bad at all. I think I'm going to have this one tested.

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