some of the worst cancer causing chemicals in tobacco are stemming from the types of fertilizers they apply to the plants. I've smoked buds full of fertilizers, and organic buds too. I've even done taste testing with organic and conventional tomatoes, and unless the grower gave his crop an awesome flush, or under applied his fertilizers, i could always taste those damn chemical fert's. Tomatoes and smoke. Imagine how **** bagged marlboro produces their smokes, and then all the chemicals added for preservation and an even steady burn afterwards during processing. talk about cancer causing..... CLICK FOR MORE INFO, and granted, smoking anything has to be bad for the lungs and body. but if pot wasnt illegal it wouldnt cost $$$$$ and then i could cook with it, bake it, make some tinctures, more smoking for me. (Edited by smotpoker at 2:40 pm on Mar. 8, 2005)
I have heard people talk about it but in practice the eating thing doesnt match the efficiency smoking does in any aspect. How do you compare lighting a joint/bong and puffing a hit and pretty much 20 seconds later youre high to extraction, then baking/prep, then eating, then waiting, then figuring you ate too much/little? To each their own I guess. Figure out a way to make weed ice cream and Im sold. What peeps dont seem to get about cigs is how they are/arent regulated. Cigs/tobacco in the USA will kill you quicker than anywhere else because they arent regulated by the govt, they can and do put in anything they want into them to see if they can increase their addictive potential. They do not have to disclose anything to the govt regarding chemicals, processes, content, or manufacturing. This is why they are taxed to holy hell and why they are in politicians pockets. But according to global shipping and trade laws barring companies from shipping goods without listing all their contents and ingredients tobacco from the USA is "untreated" and as a result tastes different [no added chems or preservatives makes a big taste difference.] Canada is one of the countries I know that the tobacco companies are regulated by the govt and under full disclosure of whats in them. Try a few diff kinds of Canadian cigs [ Players or Export A ] and you'll notice a distinct difference in flavor. Much smoother and much sweeter.
Ice Cream that gets you high One of the best ways to consume pot and satisfy your munchies at the same time is to eat it as ice cream. Gently ((!!!)) heating cannabis with cream is an extremely effecient way of maximizing the extraction of the THC components of cannabis. And storing the ice cream in the freezer will maintain it's potency for months to come. However, to get the best results, use hash rather then grass in the recipe. Ingredients: 25G ((2 table spoons or 1/4 of a stick)) Butter 18FL OZ Single Cream 75g sugar Pinch salt 1/4 Ounce Crumbled hash OR 10G crushed bud 15OZ Bananas 3 Tablespoons Rum 5 Tablespoons Honey SERVES SIX Heat the cream in a saucepan until nearly boiling. In a second saucepan melt the butter with the sugar and salt. Hear the hash with a flame and crumble it into the melted butter, stirring all the while. Then whisk the cream with the butter. Peel the bananas. Put them into a large bowl and mash em up. Add cream, rum, and honey. You can add other stuff for flavor if you want, oreos, nuts, etc. Beat well to mix. Pour mixture into a chilled shallow plastic container. Cover and freeze for a few hours until the mixture is a mushy consistancy. Turn out mixture into a chilled bowl. Whisk until smooth. Return the mixture to the container, cover, and freeze until firm. Transfer to the fridge 30 minutes before serving to soften it up. *i didnt write this american spirit sells an organic tobacco pouch that is pretty intense. Its true it takes awhile for the stone to set in when eating grass, and the dosage is hard to predict. I'm sure if i had access to cheap, good pot or hash i could get the science down and have alot of fun cooking pot. I dont think alot of people who smoke pot have much experience with cooking pot. Its an expensive plant. they are reluctant to throw a 80$ quarter or 140$ half ounce into an experiment that might not even work. Most people won't grow pot as the consequences are too extreme. The chances to have 'extra' pot to throw into a cooking experiment is rare. (Edited by smotpoker at 8:10 pm on Mar. 8, 2005) (Edited by smotpoker at 4:16 pm on Mar. 9, 2005)