It was not only the Mayans the predict that alignment in 2012 as a major event! The lost book of Nostradamus and several other sources do as well. If you ask me Smurf 12-21-2012 Is going to be a very interesting day. I have posted about this here before and have always been interested in it.
Yea im gonna have to go with average joe's theory because we don't all die in his thoery. BUT, some crazy shit could still happen because of the alignment. we will have to wait and see. But hey, crazy shit could happen anytime so meh..o well.:bongin:
I tend not to believe the allignment theory, if thats the one that says were lined up with the center of the galaxy? The galaxy is a spiral, alligned with what exactly? Doesnt ring factual to me. I like the theory that were part of a binary star system, and our sun has a twin and they orbit around each other in 2000+ year orbit, obtaining the closet point at the end of the mayan calendar, bringing on gravitational stresses, possibly also forcing asteroids in the far belt into the inner solar system. We cant see this other star due to it being a red dwarf and hard to spot, apparently. Theres probably lots of holes in the theory but i like it. I dont believe necessarily anything will happen, but i believe in cycles.
I look at it this way... Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for 165 MILLION YEARS and then vanished! That is a true testament to the fact that Man does not have control of our own destiny. If you look at all the predictions it is scary how true they have become. War in the middle east, famine, disease, global climate change? Sounds a lot like every prophecy I have heard. Ever hear of the 4 Horsemen of the apocalypse in the book of revelation? Seems a little off to me that almost every culture and ancient civilization has all come to the conclusion that "something" is going to happen in this time frame. Roughly 2012.
I think maybe you misunderstand how our galaxy works Knives. When something as large and massive as our galaxy spins as fast as it does it's mass tends to flatten out like a record. Take a CD or a record and look at the edge of it...that's what it looks like physically. Think of that plane as being the center of all that gravitational force being exerted from a super massive black hole. Our solar system moves up and down in the galaxy itself occasionally crossing this plane of gravitational force. Those forces are what cause the havoc people think will happen here. I for one think we just need to wait and see. Yes....I believe in the cycles Joe mentioned too, but there's recorded history from all over the world that suggests that when we do cross this gravitational plane our Earth is hit with some serious calamities....clearing the way for the new age. It's now known thru DNA testing that at one point in human history we were damn near wiped out to the point of extinction. What caused this is unknown, but something really serious took place. What that is we don't know, but if it happened could happen again. Again...we'll have to wait and see. I'm ready to die so I'm not worried.
The galaxy is basically a spiral, but it is really more spherical if you look at the whole picture. Looking at the solar system, you've got the sun, planets, etc. all sort of moving along the same roughly flat plane. But with the galaxy, you have the supermassive black hole at the center, and systems caught in more like a tornado/funnel deal - there not just systems orbiting like planets, but there's shit above and below the central plane. Kind of UFO-shaped if looking at it from the side. So - take a long string/rope and let it hang down. Then spin the top in short circles. You'll see that the string forms sort of a spiral with the top/bottom being the smallest circles and a "bulge" in the middle where the force is greatest. When they say galactic center - it means that we are going to be in the "bulge", the area where galactic forces (whatever they may be) are strongest. In addition, we're passing the galactic "equator". How's your toilet? And our friends down under? When you flush your toilet, the water spins in different directions depending on which side of the equator you're on: What if you were a bacteria on a Turd that was being flushed down a toilet that was on a a truck passing over the equator? Would it be the End of the Turd? Does Turd reverse it's path or rotation? There's definately going to be alot of water sloshing around on Turd. Are we safe if we burrow down into Turd itself? Can our peanut-oil based technology save us? Does it matter? Everybody else seems to be preoccupied with Dancing with the Farts...
Other factoids to think about: 1. At the center of our galaxy is a supermasssive black hole. We've identified it with our awesome space telescopes. The Mayans knew that shit 1500 years ago. They must have had really good eyesight. 2. Time acts as a physical dimension, as in it is effected by gravity. More gravity (more mass/shorter distances) means time passes slower. 3. Current scientific theories propose that there are 10+ physical/temporal dimensions. We only percieve four, yet we exist in the full dimensional spectrum. It is quite possible for something that is happening in other dimensions to effect us if they are in proximity. Example: An ant lives, in comparison to us, a 2-D life on flat plane. Hundreds of generations can exist in the same spot. Then a guy buys the land and mows the lawn. Worlds collide and all that.
Yeh i do know about how the galaxy works, but something on that scale surely the cycle would affect us over an extremely long period. Its not like one day, woops, shits gunna happen, it will be a gradual process over a long length of time. If that was the case and the world is to end or suffer due to this, surely we would be going through major changes now, and i mean major. And also the effects would be huge as in complete destruction of the planet and not just partial destruction where life could form again as it has in the past. This is why i call a little bs on that theory, and i believe if the mayan cycle is indeed correct then changes would be more sudden, therefore the cause would be a lot smaller then on a galactic scale, and possibly be able to be predicted. edi: Did a little research, came across this page
This nothing is even hinted at in the bible, nostradamus and the mayan's. The general belief is that is when the world will come an end. What the myan calendar shows is that is when history end. Well that could mean many things. I suppose we can sit like litle scared mice, remember Y2K, or we can just keep on keeping on. Seems to me the only thing I can do is bend over and kiss my ass good-bye if and when it happens. I mean really everyday the world comes to an end for someone. I have to much living I need to do in the next 4 years 8mos and 27days to really spend much time worrying about the end of the world.
The Zeta Reticuli have been working with top government officials for quite sometime. They are the typical 'greys'. The New World Order is on it's way. The Bilderberg group and the rest of the top 100 richest people in the world are apart of an elite group that has information exchange with an almost extinct E.T. lifeform that was destroyed by its own technology. They are interdimensional beings. They thrive off of chaos. UFO sightings went up 100 fold after the first atomic bomb was detonated. They are trading chaos/human beings for the technology to extend their life upwards of 300 years. We are in times where Obama is the charismatic face that will convince people to willingly walk through the gates of 'hell'. Many cultures have an unexplained MASSIVE jump from hunter gatherer to self-sufficient irragating societies with architecture that is still extremely difficult or impossible to recreate. The realization of E.T.'s is coming ever more apparent, the 'return of christ' is not of a long brown haired human looking person. I'm in in the process of writing my own personal compilation of all the information I've gathered over the years, making it very clear what is my personal belief, what is documented, and what is fact. We are not alone, and there will be much interaction with our brothers and sisters from other galaxy's and dimensions. There is SO much in my mind, that I have a very very very very hard time typing it, even though I type 108 words a minute with 93% accuracy
The dawning of the new age will bring with it different vibrations from all planets, re-stimulating the brain in a way that will put us back in touch with our natural intuition and spirit. The New World Order will fail, they will be at the end of their strife at the time we all become super-aware. We will prevail.
Berry we think alike girl! Why spend the rest of your years worrying...?? Live life for if and when it all comes to an end she is right>>>bend over and kiss it goodbye and hey if we are all lucky we will go in our sleep. Hell do you know how many "End of the World" parties I seen since I was old enuff to drink in bars? LOL ...every so often or so many years, each generation will talk of it and the next thing you know bars host the parties. All I do know is this>>global warming is real for science has confirmed it. We pollute this world and the the ozone is thinning so of course in time it will all bust a move and the glaciers will slide and melt which will cause the tidal waves and yada. We can not stop it IMO for I believe the damage is done plus to get EVERYONE on board to "go green" is well asking for ice water in hell. As far as the galaxy and the stars being aligned, I am sure all that comes into play for when the ice age occurred, they certainly did not have cars and all the crap we have now to destroy the world. Prolly like anything else, every so many millions of years, things change. They say our bodies and the chemistry changes every 7 yrs or so??
Yea crazy shit happens when you have to goto the hospital after taking too much acid and watching the exorcist.... :icon_confused:
Nah global warming due to human interference is a made up myth, to make people wealthy. Carbon credits and all that jazz. (oh right, america opted out on that one) Going back to natural cycles, current climate change is part of this natural cycle. From personal experience of living in the uk, its getting hotter there, snow falls a lot later in the year than in the past.Alternatively, Downunder here, summer is starting later and is of a shorter period, winter is colder than in the past. Sure the ice caps are melting, at the moment, but they have done this before in the past. Al Gore can go fuck himself!! lol See you later on pogo mermaid
LOL @ Al Gore...... ummmm he has BIG TOYS and drives them too! Yah it snows later here as well, same bout summer and all that mumbo jumbo. It has to have some sort of an affect yanno? Look at cancer and all the shit we dumped in our soil or waters? Things like that but I do think we have more time on this earth then ppl think but i live for today so....:fly:
HAHA. False. (see: Haha. the rest of your post was great! As far as the rest of it? Aliens, black holes, gravity flux, whatever. The probabilty rides on two chunks of rock in the asteriod belt between Mars and them that haven't even collided yet, thus ejecting a bunch of slighly smaller rocks at lightning speed toward Earth. Chew on that, and get yer space nukes out. At or under sea level, Early on I figured that out. Sooner than later, I'll be that old guy surfing out of here while everyone else wishes I would put my shirt back on. :bong2:
Thanks, I was not aware of that. Though all that was more of a rambling based on the "aligned with what" question. An actual reversal of rotation or something like that would, in the case of a planet, be more likely through some kind of pole shift / field reversal. But the Mayan thing is about more than the physical 3D location. It's also the time location. They were big on the whole circular time thing, which makes sense. If time acts similar to a physical dimension, then why wouldn't we be in a time "orbiting/rotation" type system? I mean, isn't most of our 3D existance based on one speck revolving around another due to one or more of the forces? I guess what I'm saying is that the whole 2012 thing is supposed to be a multi-dimensional alignment type thing regarding multiple forces that go beyond what we can see/predict with our current science. But right now I'm too fried to go any further that that. :bong2:
Someday something else is going to run into out planet and that is going to kill us all. Till then i'm not worried about human fear and angst 220 dates for the end of the world -