dont really know yet, i need to plan a few ideas and see for sure and what idea you got brewing in that head of yours.....?
Net pot lids They have 8" and 10" net pots that fit the 3.5 or 5 Gallon buckets.
will do, i will be outta town the week of the 22nd, so it will be after that.... and meleon looks badass, my mom had some jackson chameleons from hawaii they were fun to play with, they love hanging from your fingers by their tail...
Well leme ask this? If I have three 1k Hps with a hood how many of these buckets you think you can fit per? Just for My information... Also got a list of nutes and Stabilizer stuff for the water that you recomend? Im thinking my next opt will be a full out with this setup... Also do you know if they sell any High presure pump to run about 25 of them buckets per pump or anything more on that? I know this is gonna be dumb also but the rock stuff in the baskets what is that call also? Im soil user and I seen it just never caught up on that name..... Thx man TTYL ~B~
Alright, well the method is called DWC (deep water culture) You could fit a minimum of 9 buckets under each of those lights. Its hard to say how many more you could actually fit because it depends on how much your plants bush out. You might have to move the buckets farther apart, do some research on the strain you want to use, and see how they grow. (tall, or bushy, or branchy) I have used 2 brands of nutes using this method. I have used the General Hydroponics (GH) 3 part mix (grow,bloom,micro) I have also used Fox Farms (FF) 3 part mix (Grow big, Big bloom, Tiger Bloom) I have gotten good results from both of them. Go with GH if you like chemical nutrients, or go with FF if you like organic nutrients. (I like FF organics) I use GH PH up and PH down still tho. Well I have a 4 port air pump, I could probably get splitters and run like 8 or more buckets off my pump. And YES they do make industrial air pumps that will support a shit load of buckets. And the small round balls in the Net Pots are called Hydroton aka hydro balls. if you need more details hit me back krondikebar
Links..... There are a few links at the bottom of my signature that will most definately immpress mostly ANYONE at the rates they send their products out at , and all the GREAT prices on GROW PRODUCTS(and since its a HYDROPONIC aquaculture online store, it will sell ANYTHING, and i mean ANYTHING to do with growing and ANYTHING that need come along with sertain parts too!!! Check it out, it is where ME and TA get all oue Equipptment iff ever upgrading or plain adding to the grow room!!! Peace Out for now, Hope this may HELP any of you , UrBigBuddie........... P.S, I saw a grow one plant DWC system in this online store for around 35 QUID(UK) and thats increadible, and i'd , PERSONALLY LOVE to learn HYDROPONICS/AEROP/DWC/AQUA-P, ANYONE of them , preferably...the DWC or the one bucket system that sells so well in the store...... All products are NEXT day delivery's too...... or at MOST(VERY MOST) 2 working days!!!
Scrubber This is the scrubber I use. Been using it for a while now and it works great.