Easy Organic Soil Mix

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by ResinRubber, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Don't quote me on this...but I think wood ash is supposed to be spread well before planting as a lime substitute (end of previous season?). Use molasses...much safer without the excess alkalinity. Wood ash also has very little nutritive value and is considered more a source of Ca and micro minerals than anything else.

    Dude..aren't there like goats donkeys or burros around you? Make a tea son.
  2. that gringo

    that gringo Young Bud of GK

    actually yeah, theres horse shit in the street sometimes, my dog shits, thats about it lol, im gonna look into making teas.....
  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    No dog shit! Carnivore poop makes for bad garden material.
  4. Ognennyy

    Ognennyy Begun Flowering

    I'd lean toward Res's advice for using molasses instead of wood ash. Ashes can be used, but the K is in a chelated, highly volatile form. If you get heavy handed with it, it can spell "game over" for your plants.

    https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=110620 is an excellent, in depth article about compost teas. The two main contributors to the thread build / install tea brewing systems for a living, and constantly strive for improvement through the use of microscopes and other nice equipment.

    It's a long, long article. But it's worth it trust me. Read a few pages a day or something. From that article I learned to build my vortex tea brewer, and it kicks ass.
  5. that gringo

    that gringo Young Bud of GK

    yeah im gonna go to the store today and see if they have molasses...theres a good chance they might not, would sugar cane sugar be a decent substitute?

    but thanks for posting that link Ognennyy, im gonna look at it:coolbounce:
  6. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Honduras not having molasses? That would blow my mind since it's a by product of sugar refining. If you got Rum manufacture or sugar manufacture you got lots of molasses. Dark cane sugar syrup is ok I guess but doesn't have as high levels of nutrients or minerals as unsulphured molasses. Personally I wouldn't use it.
  7. that gringo

    that gringo Young Bud of GK

    im gonna do my best to get my hands on some molasses, but i remember around thanksgiving, we needed molasses to make pies and they didnt have it at the store...maybe they ran out bc of the holiday..i dunno, im going shopping later:BangHead: lol
  8. Ognennyy

    Ognennyy Begun Flowering

    I would probably steer clear of adding straight sugar. Add enough and you might burn (not nute burn, real heat burn) roots. You'll definitely cause a nitrogen lockout at the least.
  9. that gringo

    that gringo Young Bud of GK

    NO FUCKING MOLASSES!!!! i went to the store today... none, so my mom is gonna check out another place far away, maybe has some....MAYBE, but most likely i will have to just make my own sugar cane sugar syrup....add 1 TBS per gallon, the good thing is some sugar here isnt really refined...its still brownish with big crystals....will this make a difference?? atm the only choice i got is sugar cane syrup....i gave a dose to the outdoor plants lastnight and they still seem fine today, im thinking every other day give them some sugar...idk, i really hope this place my mom is going to has molasses, she will buy me some if they do....
  10. Ognennyy

    Ognennyy Begun Flowering

    I suppose you could try light doses of sugar. Who knows it just may work. If you're just looking for P and K sources, you might try some bone meal and kelp meal. They're tried, tested, and true. Further, kelp meal contains a large amount of trace nutrients. I don't even use a trace nutrient supplement (like Azomite) because the kelp takes care of it.

    As a last resort, can you not order some blackstrap molasses from the internet?
  11. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    First lesson of growing anything. If a little is good, MORE is NOT better. If a little is of marginal benefit MORE is usually NOT the solution. This is a living thing, if you keep throwing stuff at it without a game plan you'll most likely end up killing your plants.

    So far you've got them in marginal soil covered with high alkaline wood ash and soaked them in sugar water. Not exactly the best start. Stop, do something simple like give them plain water, then watch and wait.

    Outdoors with anything as sweet as molasses or sugar your going to get ants at some point. Second....cane syrup, whether you crush your own or not, is not going to have the benefits of molasses. It's the high heat and pressure from processing and reducing that produces the concentrated mineral and nutrients in molasses.
  12. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    I sense the "raid" coming out next if he gets ants:icon_confused::roffl:
  13. that gringo

    that gringo Young Bud of GK

    dude if i cant get molasses here what makes you think i can get bone and kelp meal:bduh: and i dont think im gonna go that far with these plants.. im broke atm and these outdoor plants are kinda just to test my skills and see if i can succsessfully grow weed, im gonna get serious about it when i move to the states:pimp:

    and im just gonna give it water....fuck it lol, i do have ants... on the walls around the plants and ive given the plants a dose of sugar water and the bugs didnt go crazy....the ants live in that area...its just they dont crawl up the stalks of the plants.I like to think they protect the plants lol.... you gotta respect mother nature:thumbs-up:
  14. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

  15. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed


    Considering that the BX already has Dolomite lime & Vermiculite in the mix, are you adjusting your recipe? I thought I saw you mention somewere that you cut the amount of lime back when using BX as a base.

    Also are you still recommending to add the 2 cups fish/seaweed emulsion?

    Just to be clear here's the bag of BX.




  16. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    I did cut the lime for BX by 1/3. Everything else remains the same. :thumbs-up:
  17. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    RR, need a litle advice on my soil mix. I mixed up a fresh batch of soil for the next round & made a bone head mistake with the bone & blood meal quantities. Instead of 6 cups at the propper ratio I added 3 cups of each. OK so I know I need to add more bone meal to get the ratios back in check but my question is will the extra cup of blood meal make the mix too hot? I'm thinking that the Lemon Thai will handle it just fine but wanted a second opinion before I made matters worse.

    Note to self: mix soil before getting stoned..........:BangHead:

    Worst case I buy another bail of ProMix & start over.


  18. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    :roffl::roffl::roffl: Your going to have enough soil for awhile. You'll have a good chance of burning if you don't fix it. Even the LT. The nitrogen level is already too high for some light feeders.

    Pick up a 2 cu/ft compressed bale of cheap basic peat based mix. Menards and most Homie DePot, Lowes, etc carry Majestic Earth Pro Growers mix in the right size. (around $5-$10) Whatever you use make sure it does not have any nutrients added. Mix it in with your current batch.

    The total amounts in your now 6 cu/ft bin of mix should equal;

    9 cups bone meal

    3 cups blood meal

    1.5 cups epsom salt

    4.5 cups dolomitic lime
  19. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    Yeah no shit I'll have plenty of soil, I already have a full 50 gal trash can on deck :roffl:. No worries though, it's not like I won't use it.

    As usual thanks for the guidance Res, you be da man:thumbsup:

    my plants thank you too

  20. Bje4201

    Bje4201 Vegetating

    Thanks for the post, just made up some soil for the first time. I can't believe how easy the ingredients were to find. I had to tweak it a little cause I used more soil but I think it's gonna be good!:thumbs-up:

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