Foliar Sprays & Bloom Boosters

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by HappyHappyHighGuy, Jan 28, 2007.

  1. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I may have things wrong then...

    It seemed logical that providing some feeding would help the clone have the energy to grow roots

  2. TRUBoss

    TRUBoss Banned


    i never said that clones dont need moisture

    but foliar feeding common dude

    it will take much longer to get the roots if the plant is getting its nutrition some other way

    you know what i am saying

    dont get me wrong it does need humidity and all that good stuff thats why u put a little heat pad at the bottom so it makes it root faster

    well just my thought
  3. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    It seemed logical that providing some feeding would help the clone have the energy to grow roots

    well the food comes from the leaves of the clone...thats why clones leaves yellow some on the smaller sets while the roots are forming. if you see yellowing leaves and not wilting you know for a FACT the clone is growing roots. folier feeding after the roots have formed isnt a bad thing - but i would wait till the clone is planted in its new container before i did so.
  4. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    That's what I'm talking about "foliar feeding after the roots have formed"

    While the root system is immature.

    I guess we all are talking about slightly different aspects.

    I guess I'm tired and didn't pick up on foliar feeding to make clones root.. Nope not unless spraying with rooting hormone can do that.

    As for rooting I'm into soil blocks. I cut the stalk at an angle and then dip in honey then roll in rooting hormone then stick in the soil block in a hole I made.

    The trick here is not to get the hole too big or it may mean a dead clone.

    I know there are many ways to clone. That's the one I use atm.

    I tried to get 4 clones and I managed three. The fourth had a too large of a hole

    Also I think all I did to FF was wash the liquid fish, coffee, kelp and what not up on the clones as I also watered the soil around them..

    Just wanted to add that.
  5. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Pardon I missed your point.

    Not to feed a rootless clone but to supplement an immature root system.

    My example is I slosh up the watering mix of what not on the clone the same time I water the soil around it.

    Same thing to me as FF.

    I also confess that I have sprayed kelp at the time of transition from veg to flower..

    Didn't do it this time tho I was laid up with a bad back and didn't do more than water.
  6. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    What about BLOOM BOOSTERS???

    All these replies on foliar spraying are great, but NO ONE touched on my 2nd topic of whether or not bloom boosting additives are effective. They are mixed in with the nutes. Some are used during the entire grow and others are just used during a certain period in the flowering cycle.
  7. bubblegump

    bubblegump Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Well,,,ill let you know in a few days if this foliar spray can help increase the root time on my clones....ive got a cut that i know will root in 10 days in a "sweaty butt crack" as they say....Its by advanced nutrients and they are pretty specific in their claims so we will see....I dont think this so much a feeding as it is a stimulator...

    And HHG im using a jamaican bat guano tea for a boost and its been awesome....
  8. El Campesino

    El Campesino The Farmer

    sin palabras
  9. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    Yes.......Bloom boosters work great. Its a must!
  10. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Don't know about bloom boosters.

    Strictly old style organics here.

    I could spray with kelp of something but with all the frosting coming on I don't want nasty on the flowers.

    Clean water from here on out.

    You can see where it's at in the gallery "a nice photo" thread.
  11. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    Which bloom booster have you had success with?
  12. bubblegump

    bubblegump Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Well i can report that the jumpstart rooting accelerator from AN does indeed decrease the root time on my sweaty butt crack clone and the clones do have a overall general healthier look about them than they normally do around this time....I think ill try some of there other products now.....
  13. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    When you say it decreased your root time, do you mean that the roots developed faster using the rooting accelerator?

    I bought a foliar spray called Bill's Perfect Fertilizer that I plan on using on my seedlings.
  14. slag

    slag Germinated

    foliar feeding,ph a factor....not always depends on what your spraying with...take soap,some of it will make a ph foliar spray solution got to ph 7.4,soap opens the pores ,period.straight ammonia mixed,with the soap,will be absorbded.try foliar sprays your plants 20-25 mins before,they need watering. been there done that.i have used tomatoe blossum set at 5 weeks,ino flowering,made buds swell bigger...i know its not organic,just making comment on bloom boosteroo,s...peace barney in the garden/
  15. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    Got some new nutes

    I picked up Bill's Perfect Fertilizer for foliar spraying and some bat guano used for bloom enhancement. Also got a root stimulator that I put in my seedling nutes. I sprayed my seedlings and put the guano in my nutes that are 6 weeks into flowering. Next time I'll start all the nutes earlier.
  16. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Exactly my point too!

    Yea TOA my friend, not like you to hit out with something like that at all, dnt know where ya got that idea from too...:icon_confused: :)

    But i hear ya, but again, misting helps keep infection down as its a tender cutting, not a fully germinated powerfilled seedling sprout!!!( After all misting "HELPS" keep infection possibilities LOW), and ive always misted my cuttings too, i must add, and they have always rooted well, VERY WELL to say the least, and i dont think some how im just lucky. IMO it is a good thing to mist, rather than a bad one!

    Anyway, trust in your instincts n feelings ,

    Peace n Respect to all of you n your opinions n ideas,as this is MINE!:punk:

    UrBigBuddie.......... :) :punk: :) :punk: :sign13:

    P.S, And another thing is , that when taking a cutting ya Do wanna trim any Bad foliage off of them as THAT "is" what will use up power for the rooting, as it tries to re couperate the fooiage at 1st before it presses on with rooting, thats all i can say, that is TRUE!:punk: :)

  17. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    My only booster i use....

    Ive always stuck with the bio-bizz organic range of nute:bio-grow for veg,bio-budbloom for 1st half flowering and bio-budbooster for final stage of flowering,i buy mine in the hydroponics store in the city(as i do my seeds),i dont know if they ship overseas but they got all the best boosters,superthrives,etc.LINK: but i also know sell this range aswell.I buy my seeds over the counter from and they DO deliver,next day if ya want.

    Another top range out just now which i think is more suited to hydro aswell as soil is the'ozi magic gro juice',they sell magic bud grow and monsta bloom for 1st and 2nd stages of flowering aswell as ozi tonic for vegging,their site is Peace:smokin:

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