Soo.... you gonna tell us about it? Don't hold out man Phant - 2-3 TBS PER GALLON. Mixed into your soil BEFORE you use it. Ideally at the same time you add the perlite and whatever else you use (I use AZOMITE at this point, but we've discussed that). You shouldn't need it at any other point if you got it right when you mixed it. I use a 30 gal rubbermaid and mix one bag at a time because I'm a cab grower. If you are doing more...a kiddie pool has been recommended for mixing. Good discussion going here, glad to see it! Grat
Fox Farm Ocean Forest Recipe Grat OK got my FFOF Perlite Lime mixture: found where to buy Azomite, now how much of Azomite would I put in. Peace, Rock On.
The box I have says under the heading, Containers & House Plants: For new plantings mix 1 part AZOMITE to 60 parts soil. For established plants mix 1-2 TBS per gal of soil. I'm pretty liberal with it, it's tough to over do. Grat
Plus! another good addition is too buy some ladybugs and or prayingmantis.. "spidermite control " hard ta see the lill bastards:icon_scratch: ...yeah no more lime should be needed
As promised... Heres my kandy kush. This bitch has had NO NUTES for the entire veg cycle. It was born in fox farm ocean forrest and is exactly 31 days old edit: oops wrong post, but hey... heres one of my ladies
That was a funny response:icon_scratch: It's a pH stabilizer. IDK about R/O water, sorry. I would doubt it would make a difference but it's just conjecture. Grat
Well through skimmin i found reference to just lime. Dolomite lime serves a purpose, and so does just lime...
Within the topic of FFOF, which I use strictly with about 30-40% FF perlite added per bag of soil......I have begun to start using the ROOTS organics soil and have had a small increase in plant growth of side by side plants in both soils, all varibles are the same. The ROOTS soil seems to be friendlier in the beginning for transplanting and the FoxFarms seems to be a bit slower in letting the plants adjust.......I have yet to run out a bag of ROOTS soil from start to finish, so I could not tell you how the fertilization is through the grow but the FFOF makes it tall the way through the veg with no nutes. I have not found the FFOF to be "HOT" nor the ROOTS organics soil either......the ROOTS is less chunky and dense tho
Yeah... Hot its isnt... And I never condition mine either before hand. I take clones directly from an aerocloner, and right into ocean forrest they go. They have 1 day of stillness, then they always explode. Seeds come out running. Every time i've ver planted a germinated seed, its cleared the soils surface within 24 hours in that stuff. "Fox Farm Ocean Forrest Soil, be lazy, we go your back." I do suggest a major flushing before even doing your transition stage. A flush with a deleaching agent. You know you can also bloom in ocean forrest soil without nutes added. People will say what they want about the npk not being adjusted for it, but ive done a full grow without added nutes as followed. Seedling planted in FFOF cup.... Once roots come out bottom, transplant it into a 3 gal pot for veg cycle. Once your ready to bloom, transplant into a 5 gallon pot, and do 12 on 12 off. Going from 3 to 5 just gave your plant several more weeks of nutrients. The plants stayed deep green the entire bloom cycle until the end. Ponsettias love FFOF too
I'm now giving the roots organic soiless medium a try... I have a feeling this stuff is going to do wonders. It feels amazing in my hands.
because if you use r/o water it will have no minerals in it as they have been filtered out and its not very buffered ph wise....if you use tap water it will (usually, at least in my case) have some amt of minerals (calcium mostly but can have others) in it wouldnt need as much dolomite to add the minerals to the soil since your water will already be supp them.....i wouldnt disregard using dolomite entirely if using tap water because of its buffering capabilities.... but the main reason i added lime when i grew was for the purpose of adding micros to the soil(i used r/o water)...i relied on soil ph buffering from other sources as well like bone meal ....this is the advise that i each their own.