Hey Herb! Awesome garden you got goin on there! You are so talented with the layout and woodwork! I can't get over it! And i am sooooo envious- if only i had the space, i would be a plantin fool! Nothin like fresh, home-grown fruits and veggies- especially year round... Keep growin'! Peace -LM
TA? The names Herb and thanks for the props. Good luck on your garden when you get the chance to get it rolling. Thanks UBB. I'd let you all in on my tricks but then I'd have to kill you. :laughing1: Thanks LM....you're right....there's nothing like eating from your own garden. I'm already looking at some ways to expand. I found space too. UPDATE: Had to make an emergency move of ALL the tomatoes today. Seems the heat is cooking them in their own skins. If I had left them all in the upper garden I would have lost every damn tomato. :icon_confused: We're on 11 days now of 100+ weather. Sucks ass but whatcha gonna do? So the woman and I got out there and got things situated this morning. It's a friggin' JUNGLE in there now. 44 tomato plants in this pic.
No kidding. This heat sucks. I don't have anywhere to move mine to. I've got fried green tomato's right on the vine.
Hey Joe...are yours developing a large brown spot on the bottom of the tomato? That's what's going on with mine right now. Checked the plants (same variety) down in the lower garden and no problems what so ever. It's much more protected down there so that's what led me to think it was the heat.
Yeah, my big beef's are doing exactly that. I also have a bunch of cherry tom's and sweet olive tom's that are just splitting open. As soon as it cools down a little bit this evening, I have to get out there a pic a BUNCH of tomato's.
Yup...J's parents were having the same problem last year. The tomatoes just burst open. We picked one from the lower garden today that was well on it's way to doing just that. This heat can go away now.
My bad man, musta been wasted . I actually sat here and read the entire thread from the beginning that night too. I remember when the thread was started and somehow missed most all of your progress from when you were first starting it to now. You do some fine work Herb, take care. Peace
cool Thats a really nice garden ya got there. I don't mean to be a dick or anything but wheres the pot section of your garden?
I happen to live in a house owned by my woman's parents....they live next door and are very involved in our lives on a daily basis. I just can't grow pot here so long as it's illegal to do so. For example.....my woman's ex once tried to grow some pot plants when they first moved here. Her dad found them and poisoned them. He used to own a yard maintenance biz and knows how to kill plants. Since that time he's managed to clear the entire 14 acres of land so that I have ZERO place to grow and have it be hidden. Sucks ass but that's how the cookie crumbles. :bongin:
I think you're right Joe. I had to go into the lower garden today and tie things up...I had mater plants falling all over the place!
Speaking of mater plants being all over. Not only did I have to tie things up, but I had to make a grid out of string for both the front and back ends of the lower garden just to give those plants room to grow! The goats would LOVE to get in here! That's a LOT of maters! The upper garden is doing well too. Been harvesting red potatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, cucumbers, spinach, New Zealand spinach, two types of lettuce, sweet basil, oregano, strawberries, black berries, boysenberries and beets. Everything is doing well except for the watermelons. They got hit hard by both aphids and spider mites. The spray I used to kill them ended up jacking the plants up even more. This is the second round of this variety....next year I try something new. Yellow plum maters.... Hungarian wax peppers... And one LARGE friggin' CUKE! This thing is 11" long and has a girth of 10".
WOW man! Mad props! Which is something I'd never actually say but I'm impressed and more than a little jealous. That represents a Lot of work but the payoff is invaluable. Thanks for sharing. Grat P.S. I'll leave the cucumber comments to others
Wow herbs I just love your garden and really hope I can marry a man like you someday, you are livin my dream!
So freaking envious! Of course we all know you earned every bit of that harvest Herb. Bet Skuzz is eyeballin that cuke hard.
hey herb you ever try cucumber sliced and fried like yellow squash hell its better than the squash!!!!!!assit:
Gonna have to try that Bogart....that's a new one on me. :thumbsup: Well...we pulled the watermelons out yesterday and replaced them with the first of the 'fall crop'. I'll have to ask my woman what exactly she's got going. I know it's mostly squash and pumpkins...all heirloom. Also harvested our red and purple potatoes then replanted more. Those things just keep on growing. :thumbsup:
Update: The cucumbers are now gone and in their place we now have our fall squash. I'll have to get new pics since these were taken right after I removed the cukes and before she got the squash in the beds. The other cuke may have taken third place in the calendar contest but this one......well it might not win any beauty contests. Trippy how it grew back up and into the screen. Two types of pumpkin.....I asked what they were and forgot. So sorry. More red potatoes growing like mad. :thumbsup: The two barrels in front had our garlic and onions. We've since harvested those two crops and have re-planted more garlic and onions for the fall crop. And the peppers just keep on coming! Seems like these peppers are just hitting their prime now....there's Anaheim, green bells, Thai culinary (small bushy one), Cayenne, and Jalapeno.
So, when are we cookin out, Herb??? Lol... That one cuke growing through the screen was CRAZY lookin! I've never seen anything like that before! Great pics, Herb, and thanks for sharin! Keep us posted please!!! Peace -LM