Nice composter Herb,,, I tried to insert image of my garden pics from last year but I dont have a http of my garden pics ?? I dont know what to do to upload pic,, Looks like you have a nice layout,, Good Luck
herb that narrows it down pretty good brother,just head towards yosimite and look for the giant smoke plume,right? but i gotta say, naked tambourine girls would be dead giveaway,you should look into it,hell, even some without tambourines will do i'm sure.just a thought:qbluewackono offence intended to the g-friend)
LOL...No offence taken Hygrade, and yup...look for the smoke stack on your way up the hill. KC...were you asking me how to post a pic? Not sure I followed you on that one. Daze....thanks for the offer buddy. I'm sure I'll have some Q's when I get things started. I've had my own gardens in the past and used to tinker with my g-parents a lot back in the day, but I'm far from being a 'pro' gardener and I'm sure you have some tips and tricks up your sleeve. You'll be the first on call. :callme:
The day has finally come......I now have everything I need to build the entire garden. All building materials were salvaged and/or bartered for except a small bit of chicken wire and concrete. We'll have to buy the screening that will finish things off, but that will be worth it just to keep grasshoppers out. All in all this thing is going to cost me very little 'out of pocket' $$$. The entire structure will be 8' wide, 24' long, and 7' tall. I'll have a total of 35 linear feet of raised planting beds @ 12" deep, & 30" wide....along with 6 barrels made from 55 gallon plastic drums cut in half. That should be plenty of room me thinks. Pics will come soon.....get ready....this is gonna be fun. :laughing5: Oh.....I have a temporary chicken coop set up till the permanent coop can be finished. We put our new 'Kinder' goat named Mocha in there along with her new buddy...the rooster we aptly named 'Houdini' after he flew the coop...twice. There is now a roof on it too. :icon_confused: I already have the hen house finished and will be getting some chicks soon. For now the goat uses the hen house and the rooster hangs out in the dog house I put in for the goat....go figure. :tvlaugh:
Just got back with some pics.... Shoulda named the goat Snoopy. She likes to get up on top of the hen house with the rooster and sleeps inside it at night. The hen house. The top hinges up to reveal 6 laying stations. Mmmmmmm farm fresh eggs. Mocha the goat....that acts like a dog and thinks she's a chicken. I'll be using her for milk when she's old enough to kid. Houdini the rooster....this little guy actually gets upset when I've let the goat out and he can't see her. I think he's in love. :love4:
Herb, every time you post pictures of your place and the countryside I crave to go for a hike... I love the out doors.... Nice looking animals!
Looking Great Herb! Looking really good HERB, glad to see you got all those things up n running somewhat! :thumbsup: Very Intersting thread HERB, Im no GARDENER or BOTANIST expert, n'or ANYTHING like it, but i sure do love to do some TOMATOE gardening, and few others! ( BLackberries/Grape Trees/ Cherry Trees ect ect) A Very Good Interesting Learning thread you got me watching HERB my kind fellow Gker! (learning a trick or two from just tuning in now n hen to catch up) Cheers for sharing this expereience...:sign13: Build on HERB, Build-on, UBB..........:thumbsup:
...thinkin' spring... ...I love it when a plan starts to gel... ...'Erb... ...Fine lookin' animals there...they appear to be quite content with their world... ...Had to laugh when you mention'd where Mocha sleeps sumtimes....crazy goat... ...Seems like you mention'd more roosters at some point...I don't remember for sure...too lazy to scroll back and see...however, just a suggestion...if you do happen to obtain s'more of those birds...perhaps you could name one ...Ok, before I rein in more silliness...time to fly...keep it real, Sparkster... ...DC...:XXsunsmile::new_scatter:
Will do. We are going to get some chicks real soon. The local feed store has some in stock but they are just too little yet. When they are bigger we'll go get some. I've been busy working on the garden this past week in between rain storms. Here's what it's shaping into so far. I had the g-friend start her seeds germing today too.
Speaking of the goatling. Here's a couple shots my g-friend got of her today on one of her walks. She also took some pics of these strange red flowers we have here. I have no idea what they are called though.
Ok, stoner moment:tvlaugh: Nice looking goat there and the flowers are interesting looking. I have no idea what they are either. Later
The beds are in. All together I have 36' linear feet of planting beds. The large section in the middle will be where the half-barrels sit. Now I need to gopher proof the beds and get the soil mixed. The g-friend's dad bought 7 yards of top soil yesterday for his garden (it's WAY bigger than mine! ottytrain1 and is giving me what he doesn't use. I'll add in my own compost as well as some of the soil I already have on site. That will go on top of a layer sand at the bottom of the beds. BTW...I just turned my compost yesterday and it's looking GREAT!