Herb's Organic Garden

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by Administrator, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    ...or at least as good as a big pile of horse shit can look huh? :thumbsup:
  2. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    You got it. ;)
  3. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still

    Looks great Herb! :nanner:

    What kind of veggies are gonna go in those beds? :ponder:

    I just noticed that every pic of the beds shows it in the shade, or indirect sunlight......just a coincidence on the time of the photos , or will the veggies need indirect :XXsunsmile: ?
  4. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I'm not sure what she has going as far as veggies. I'll have to take a look.

    The area gets direct sun for most of the day Mr.D.....I think it's just the time of day that I'm taking pics. This last one was taken this morning around 8:30am and you can see the sunlight is starting to hit. The other pics have been taken in late evening...after 6pm. I'd say it gets full sun from 9am till 5pm...least this time of year. Come summer the sun will be further north and will give the garden longer exposure still.
  5. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    BTW.....the garden sits almost perfect with the compass....it's off a few degrees.....the 'door end' being south. That means it gets good sun all day long as the sun travels east to west in the sky.
  6. allsmilez

    allsmilez snow bunny


    :icon_confused: Herb, LOL, you're making my spring fever worse....:icon_confused: I'm out here trying to rake stuff with snow and ice on it.....:icon_confused: But, my compost is staying nice and fluffy, too...:love4: Don'tcha just LOVE turning it and seeing the steam roll off and nice crumbly 'post....:suave: Looks awesome! Lotsa room for good greens... :)
  7. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Sorry Smilez. :tvlaugh:

    Spring is full on here...I'm almost running late :icon_confused:

    I got the beds 'gopher proofed' and filled part way with some soil I had on hand inside the garden area.....all I have left to do is fill the beds with the top soil/compost and we're off and gardening. (soon as the seeds germinate) I got pics but don't have my USB cord with me so I can't load them just yet. :5headache:
  8. metokadabong

    metokadabong New Sprout


    looks great
  9. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I thought I posted to this thread lastnight, but I musta lost it somehow. So here we go again........:tvlaugh:

    The beds are now gopher proofed and I filled the beds with the soil I had on hand inside the structure. Now I need to fill them the rest of the way with top soil/compost. Still waiting for some more funds to buy the screen, but we'll get to planting anyway. Some of the seeds have already popped the soil too. :ebert:

  10. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    I'm looking forward to the garden filling up... Nice Herb!:suave:
  11. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    CLASSIC!!!! lmfao

    LOVE hearing n reading STONER moments, makes me fel better about mine, and my STONER posts!!! ( Could actually stop laughing at that MRGJ my good man,lmao) :lauhging5: :laughing5: :laughing5: :laughing5::laughing5: :toothy5:

    Had to add tis, STONER moment myself Reading it, hasd to have a Giggle! lol

    UBB..........:pimp: :wink:

    P.S, GREAT INTERESTING WORK HERB, Realy Informative shit bro...... :thumbsup: :bigok:
  12. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Glad ya like the show UBB. :ebert:

    Well.....the hard work is finally done. I moved all the top soil into the beds and got the barrels all dialed in today. :)




  13. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~


    I love it and I want that goat so do not eat it for dinner.....I will tell your mini me" over here in jersey if ya do stonker.

    BTW....she had my brother build her a turtle farm thingy....will post pics once it is done and she is hatching more chickens and ducks. ;)

    Ohhh and get this....that stray cat Piere picked up last fall had kittens on valentines day. I am up to my ears in babies....lol

    Hmmm maybe Uncle Herb would like a kitten eh? Need to post pics of them as well...they have zebra stripes gray/black with some white and blue blue eyes. Cute as hell but here is the funny thing....they have tails like a squirrel...lol

    Love the pics and keep em coming. :)
  14. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Oh don't worry...I'm not eating THAT goat. :smokin:

    We will be raising some for MEAT in the future though. :suave: Most likely that will be the pigmy goats. The kinder goat (Mocha) is best for milk.....I'd like to get a few more females just for that purpose once Mocha is old enough to kid. Speaking of goats.....I finally got their pasture/pen done and moved my pigmy females over to the g-friend's place. The two bull mastiff pups (now 10 months old) make great 'goat shepherds'. :ebert:




    You can see the chicken coop over to the right in this last picture. Houdini the rooster lost his 'bitch', but he'll be getting some laying hens soon. :suave: The chicken coop still has more work before it's all said and done too...just waiting for more fence to be built before getting that squared away. I'll be building a bunny hutch that goes inside as well. Oh...those will be for MEAT. :biggrin:

    Don't need any more cats no.....we might have some of our own coming soon.....possibly a bob-tailed calico in the mix if all goes well. :)
  15. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Herb you know what I miss the most when I look at your pictures?

    The open country. I love the out doors, I can go hiking for hours. I don't get out doors like I used too unfortunately. :angry: Keep up the good work around the property! look great buddy! :)
  16. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Looking sweet herbs :bigok:

    .....anywhos no eating the bunnies unless it is dessert!! :pottytrain1:
  17. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    Herb, I finally got around to reading through this thread. You are doing almost exactly what I want to do! Except I would add a Mule and a Llama (though I'm not sure why...). Can't do it now, but in a couple of years I will be able to. Of course, if what you are predicting about the society's breakdown comes to pass, we may get there sooner.

    I already have the land (about 20 acres), pretty darn close to where you are, in fact. Around 2500 feet elevation, just above the dry grass and Oak trees, but below the snow (most of the time). I haven't seen it in a couple of years, but the last time I was there, we had a pretty good Poison Oak farm going. I'm sure by now it is completely overgrown.

    Anyway, I want to thank you for posting all those pictures because I will be using them for reference when the time comes for us to make the move. Great job man. :thumbsup:
  18. Kind Cola

    Kind Cola Loves White Rino

    Very nice looking set up you have Herbsparky. Havent had goat milk since I was a child I thought about getting a calf and raiseing her. Any here are a couple of pics of one of my past garden I finally downloaded some pics [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
  19. dooobster

    dooobster A Fat Sticky Bud


    Herb, that's a really nice place you have there. Looks like a place you could have just about everything you need, and you wouldn't have to worry about much at all.

    I love what you're doing with it, too. :)
  20. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    UGH!! I feel bad for you when it comes time to erradicate that poison oak Alien. I'm on 10 acres at the same elevation (and apparantly location) as you, and have been battling :qleft1: poison oak :qright3: on my property for the last couple years now. I have oak rash all over me right now. This is the 3rd time this year and it SUCKS!!! :new_cussing:


    The farm is looking fantastic :thumbsup: You are a hell of a craftsman brotha.

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