Herb's Organic Garden

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by Administrator, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Thanks for all the input everyone. Spring being in full swing here means that there are weeds everywhere (some call them WILD FLOWERS :rolleyes: ) and I've spent the last few days cutting them all down with a hoe. That's friggin WORK I tell ya! :icon_confused: Now I'm off to MY place to do more of the same.....friggin weeds are up to my thighs over there and not a goat in sight to take care of it for me. :5headache:

    MrGJ....it's nice having all the 'open country' as you put it. Means there is room to expand......and expand I shall. :)

    Mermaid.....there's always room for dessert...... "Heeeeeere bunny bunny bunny!" :love4:

    Alien.....one of these days you, me and Joe are gonna have to go up to 'The Pines' for a few beers and shoot some pool. :suave: We can all compare poison oak scars! :biggrin:

    KC.....I only WISH I had a garden that big. I left room to expand, but the most important thing for me was to have the thing safe from vermin and bugs. Soon as I have the screen on I'll feel MUCH better! I've seen what the grasshoppers can do around here and it's not pretty. :icon_confused: Nice shirt BTW....:thumbsup:

    Doobster....there's always something to worry about (poison oak being one of them), but worrying never helps anything IMO. Just gotta work with what ya got and make the best of it.

    Joe......sorry bout the P.O. brotha! :laughing7: I'm laughing WITH you BTW....not AT you. I just did some more erradication around here yesterday but did so with a shovel making sure to keep that shit as far away from my person as possible. I'm pretty sure the dogs get into it, but for some reason I've not gotten it yet this year.....THANK GOD! *knocks on wood* I have noticed that if I'm exposed to it on a regular basis I'm far less likely to have a serious outbreak. A few small blisters here and there is the most I've had so far this year. I know purposeful exposure sounds crazy but in my experience it's worked for me. :ebert:
  2. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    ...nice work...


    ...I had not check'd in recently...you are on a roll...

    ...I am very impress'd with yer' enclosed raised bed garden space...that is really awesome...you should be proud...well done, sir...now if you could just seal the blueprints for that into an envelope and shoot it my way...I'd be thrill'd...why I would even compensate you for them...I ain't got the woodworkin' talents you employ...however I have a friend that does...and with a blueprint...I could mimic that enclosed garden space of yers in my backyard...I have a problem with "human" theft of garden veggies...so sumpthin' like that in my backyard would send the message...I don't grow these veggies for my health...I grow them to eat them...concur'd...lmao...I'm serious 'Erb...if you could rough draft a blueprint for that...I'd be willing to pay for it...a fair reasonable amount that is...lol...j/k...of course...lemme know watt you think or if that would be a request impossible for you to fulfill...thanks in advance for all you do...

    ...And watt's this I see...StealthStash is coming back...we may need to talk then...I could really picture another red oak n' pine dehydrator sittin' next to the one I love already...I'll be in touch...thanks, Sparkster...

  3. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Here's an updated pic of the garden (post weed control). We have planted snow peas, regular peas, beans, brocolli, colliflower, 3 differet types of peppers, cucumber, red potatoes, tomatoes, jerusalem artichokes, and cantelope so far with lots more to come. :)


    Here's the G-friend's flower garden. As you can see there's loads of California poppies, some ice plant, and some lavendar. Her lawn is starting to fill in too. :ebert:

  4. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I'm not sure about a blueprint Daze, but I do have pics at every stage of construction I can shoot your way. I'm sure your buddy could take them and build something similar for ya. You know me...I just build by the seat of my pants....the plans are in my head. :idea:

    And yes.....the StealthStash has returned. :ebert: With the economy the way it is I've had to resort back to my 'old ways' in hopes of bringing in some revenue. The price is much more attractive now and the design is even better than before, but I'm not doing anymore custom engravings I'm sorry to say. :( I'm currently working on a business deal with Webby to make boxes for his vaporizers so I just don't have the time to do those anymore. I might be talked into building another dehydrator though. :smokin:
  5. CaptKush

    CaptKush Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Here's the G-friend's flower garden. As you can see there's loads of California poppies, some ice plant, and some lavendar. Her lawn is starting to fill in too. :ebert:


    Too bad thats not Nirvana Ice and Soma Lavender...

    Anyways...I like your garden...you have inspired me to create my own this summer. Weathers still a little chilly here but I would love to grow some strawberrys and zucchini. Looks like I have to do some research as I have never really grown anything outside.
  6. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    SWEET wild flowers...ahhh yanno those are me fave of all flowers and yall have them growing wild and free. I bought everything from those lame ass roll out carpets to planting them from seeds and usually just get a few... :(

    Love how you have them in like a rock garden....just gorgeous my dear frd.

    Love the steps she has going down to them as well.....purdy indeed. :)

    LOl@ the dessert...you crack me up stonker.

    As for the boxes.....I need to come get mine. You need to post the mermaid one ya made for me and the ones I purchased for my dad and then the jewlery box for my lil one which is the same minus the screen..hehhe. It was the best prezzi to date said my father as it was absolutely top notch. I think he loved it as not only does it come in handy but you put that added engravings from me and my girls and of course the Irish touch to it. :)

    Do ya still have the mermaid one ya made...??? Just let me know the price and I shall purchase it. Way sweet and it has me written all over it.....the detail on it was SWEET and just perfection.
  7. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Of course I do.

  8. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Coming along Really NIce HERB!

    Her'b, JUst a lil POST to add, as ive NOT ben online for a lil while propely( Some COMP F..K Up's) anyway, LOVELY looking, ESPECIALLY wayy back from when i first was watching this, its got to be said, that it is , REALY coming along REally Nicely indeed.

    Many Many Prop's for getting eve this far, as PATIENCE is a HUGE thing in this LINE! :thumbsup:

    Anyway(AGAIN) as i say, Looking very nicely "CAME-ON", from the last time i had a peek!

    Great work bro,

    Keep it up,

    This will be LOVELY to witness the Real Beauty,when SUMM/AUT arrives!?!?


    UBB.......... :) :growin: :smoke2: :qtank: :5slick: :band: :icon_thumleft:
  9. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Thanks UBB. :ebert:

    Today I'm starting some more raised beds outside the main structure to accomodate rows of corn and whatever else we can think of to plant....probably sunflowers among other things. I should have the screen for the the enclosed area soon too. :)
  10. Kind Cola

    Kind Cola Loves White Rino

    I saw you posted a pic of your Rooster Just showing you mine Hes a mexican RoseComb Pumpkin.. Your was a grey rooster



    How can I post pics I put in the url of the pics and they come up as links not pics,,, Thabks in advance for the help
  11. dooobster

    dooobster A Fat Sticky Bud

    Hey KC, I just figured out how to post pics in the tread, it's pretty easy.

    First make sure the filesize is small enough that GK will accept them.

    Then upload them to your Gallery.

    Now go to the pic you want to show in a thread, and click on it, so it is visible.

    Then, in the picture (not on the thumbnail) right click, and select Properties. A little box pops up with the pic's properties.

    You'll see where it says URL, http://www.growkind.com/blahblahblah

    Drag your mouse across it and highlight it, and press CTRL+C to copy the URL.

    Now go back to the reply or post you're making, and there's a little button you can click with a mountain on it (Insert Image). Click it

    A little box pops up that says "Insert the URL of your image". Paste that copied URL in there, and click Enter. The pic should now be visible in your post. :)
  12. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Or instead of using the gallery thing here you can also use any place online that hosts files. Like photobucket, putfile, etc...... Just up to you on what you want to do.
  13. dooobster

    dooobster A Fat Sticky Bud

    Uh huh!

    Yup! That too. lol
  14. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    There is my mermaid box.....love love it so PM me on how we can make arrangements on me purchasing it. ;)

    See the kick ass work he did and all that detail. You need to post the pics of the other boxes I bought....they too were omg awesome with the engraving.

    Are you still engraving for an additional fee.....if so then GK I assure you that you will love it. :) I know my dad and frd did.

    BTW.......They can also be used as jewelry boxes for those who want to get a mother's day gift for their mum or special girl in their life which fellas that is coming up in early May. I purchased one for my daughter and it looks the same minus the screen inside of course... ;)
  15. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Well shit...I thought I had posted an update yesterday....seems something went south because it's not here now. :suave:

    So.....I'll just post it AGAIN. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

    Here we go......


    Finally got the new chicken coop done. It now measures 10' x 30' and will be split in half (soon).....one side for the laying hens and the other side for the fryers. We picked up 9 new chicks a couple weeks ago.....3 Cornish Cross Fryers, 3 Jersey Black Giants, and 3 Araucana hens. The Cornish will be exclusively for breeding meat chickens while the Jerseys and the Araucanas will be for egg production. Not a very good pic, but here they all are.


    I got another couple shots of the rooster too. He happens to be an Araucana I found out. BTW....he's missing some of his mane due to the fact that the goat had a bad habit of nibbling on him. :suave: It's growing back now though.


    Here he is crowing in response to a neighbor's rooster.


    And the new coop. It's located just up the hill from the goat pen now. Eventually the concrete slab will be made into a feed storage unit.





  16. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    The garden is coming along nicely. I've recently built 3 more raised beds to put corn in too. There's only one shown in the pic because I'm using the other two as a 'chick nursery' until the chicks grow their feathers in. Once they do they will move to the coop and I'll get the raised beds down to the garden area. I should be picking up the screen for the garden this next week so stay tuned......I'll post pics soon as it's completed.






    Green Beans and Broccoli.....


    Green Peas.....


    Red potatos.....




    Sweet peas.....


    Jeruselem Artichokes.....


    Bell pepper.....


    Aneheim pepper.....


    There's much more to come....we just haven't planted the next round yet. Should be working on that this weekend. :ebert:
  17. Kind Cola

    Kind Cola Loves White Rino

    Looking real good Herbsparky.. Im afraid to plant just yet we had hard freeze 2 nights ago here in WV,, What mega pixel is your camera the pics are so clear wow..
  18. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Wow looking great and the rooster is a beauty!! LOL at the goat nibbling at him....wow surprised he didn't fly into him as rooster's can mess ya up if they want! ;) He is a purdy one tho....looks like he loves to have his pic taken and he was all posing. ;)

    Looks like your in the chicken bizzness now too.....wait till you have lots of eggs to bake with and eat>>>yummy!! They are truly the best for baking IMO as they are rich.

    The garden looks sweet too.....I can see you been working hard but you will love the reward in the end. :)


    PS....did you name the chicks yet?? Yanno they do need a name but I am sure you will come up with one. Oh and your avi is cracking me up...ha!
  19. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Hey Herb, The garden is coming along nicely! Boy, that sure is one good looking rooster you got there...I kind of miss working around a farm, allot of good memories. :) Looking good man!
  20. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Damn....spring is about over for us here. Summer is geting ready from the looks of it. I can't imagine having a hard freeze this time of year. :icon_confused:

    The cam is only 2 megapixels, but it takes pretty good shots. :ebert:

    Nope...not gonna name something I may eat one day. :smokin:

    Thanks MrGJ. I was just mentioning to the G-friend yesterday how much work having a farm is.....it seems as if things never end. The good thing is I enjoy the hell out of it. :)

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