Herb's Organic Garden

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by Administrator, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator


    Finally got the screen going on and just in time for this heat wave we're having here on the west coast. Everything is starting to grow like mad too. :icon_confused: I'm REALLY happy with the screen even if it blocks out 20% of the light. It keeps temps underneath much cooler....they claim up to 15 degrees. That's an equal payoff IMO. :) Here's the garden with half the screen on......I'll be working on the other half and ends today. :ebert:


    I picked up a used dog kennel for $100 and will use that to go around a couple of raised beds I built. It also leaves room for me to put more pots in eventually as the garden expands. Once I have the other bed in and get them both filled with soil I'll put the chain link up. This will house the watermellons, krenshaw mellons, cucumbers, and anything else we may decide to add in.


    Sweet peas, green peas, beans, colliflower, and broccoli


    Bell peppers, aneheim chillis and a lone colliflower that was once thought to be a pepper. (g-friend's daughter planted the seed thinking it was a pepper)


    Red potatoes


    Jeruselem Artichokes


    Japaneese eggplant (something's been eating it! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr)


    Lettuce that's been beat to hell by the sun. There's a spinich plant up front that will soon be joined by more once the seeds pop.






    Honeydew mellon


    Cantelope mellon




    Another view from the rear


    Sweet corn in one of the three new raised beds I built from 2x4's. We still have more corn to be added in to fill the remaining space.

    We'll be planting some fruit trees to the left of this planter next year since it's too late to plant them in the ground this year. We've already gotten a fugi apple and an early Elberta peach......still searching for an apricot.


    That's it for now.....I'll get more pics when the screening is completed. :wave:
  2. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    Looking awesome Herb :thumbsup: The screen looks great. Once it is fully covered, you'll be able to safely grow lots of "things" in there.

    The plants are looking really good too. There will be fresh veggies on the table in no time.

    Its not much, but I have some tomato plants goin myself, and we just planted some artichokes, squash, strawberries, and blackberries. I also have some cucumber, white corn, and sweet pepper seed that I am going to plant. 'm really hoping to considerably step up the fruit and veggie production around here to something similar to your set up by next season.

  3. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I'd LOVE the grow some 'things' out there Joe, but right now I'm not so sure that's gonna happen. Believe it or not you can see through the screen when the sun hits it in certain ways. Besides that.....I found out that my g-friend's dad once found her ex's 'things' one time and proceeded to poison them. Not sure I wanna piss the old man off if ya know what I mean. :suave:

    On a good note.....I got all but the door end of the garden covered with screen now and the plants are LOVING it. :smokin: I can't believe the growth they've put on since it went into place. It blocks most of the Sun's more intense rays but lets lots of light thru still. It doesn't allow a whole lot of wind in so temps are actually registering higher inside than out (based on my indoor/outdoor digital thermometer), but the plants don't seem to mind too much. It's really sweet to sit inside and smoke bowls too. :laughing5:

    As soon as I get it fully enclosed I'll be unleashing a horde of lady bugs and preying-mantises to take care of any unwanted 'pests'. I've already seen several in some of the plants already so that's great. :ebert: Must say....I'm more stoked about this thing than I thought I'd be. It's surpassed all my expectations and then some. :icon_bounce:
  4. allsmilez

    allsmilez snow bunny

    Lotta hard work!

    It's really starting to pay off, Herb...Looks really good! :) Everybody is bustling around in the yard,...Hard to believe it's mid-may already,....:icon_confused:

    BTW, Herb, what the heck are you doing over there to cause that heat?:icon_confused: I've been hearing some places are hotter now than they are even in July?!!!! CRAZY!!! Sure hope you don't have to bear through a horribly hot summer!

    :5headache: I'm over here trying to send our snow back over to you, lol....:icon_confused: I'm not so sure it's working, though,... lol.....:qbluewacko:
  5. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Thanks Smilez. The hard work really is starting to pay off now. I'll get some pictures up soon now that the entire thing is screened in. The plants are loving it! :ebert:

    Oh and I do believe your snow sending efforts are starting to take effect....it's supposed to be 67 degrees here next Saturday. Crazy ass weather if you ask me. It's gonna go from over 100 degrees to under 70 in one week's time. :5headache:
  6. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator


    It's finally done! Damn! :5zombie: What a friggin job the screen was, but it's been well worth it as I soon found out. :thumbsup: Had some deer pay us a visit the other night and THANKFULLY they only 'nibbled' on the crenshaw melon then realized it wasn't as tasty as they thought it might be. :suave: My g-friend's parents weren't so lucky. The deer got into their garden AND nibbled their fruit trees. They are now enclosing their garden fully. :roll:

    I've since put the chainlink up around the area surrounding the crenshaws and will be adding a top to it very soon. I may just go ahead and screen that too. It sure is nice not having to deal with BUGS! :finger:






  7. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Here's the lineup as it stands today. We had some good rain this past weekend and the plants are loving it.....it's a friggin' JUNGLE in there! :growin:

    Seems the garden held up well to the storms too. We had a shitload of wind and some pretty good rainfall at times. :icon_confused:

    On with the show..........














  8. Kind Cola

    Kind Cola Loves White Rino

    Looking real good Herb,, Im jelous I havent even planted yet,, Weve had over 10 inches of rain this month alone here in WV,, Everytime I try to till its like tilling thick soup your legs sink in the mud, vacums your feet,, you cant hardly pull your legs back up,, last year this time we where in a drout now we have too much rain?? I would like to plant before the end of this month?? wether the weather will let me or not time will tell,, Heres a pic of what I have done so far

  9. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    looking good herb,excellent enclosure

    kc,you have a beautiful stretch of land there brother
  10. CaptKush

    CaptKush Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Ya that is some view KC! Can I live in that little shed in the pic?
  11. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    Very very nice. I had to go downstairs and get the wife to come look at it. She likes it too. :)
  12. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

    Looking good Herb. Was passing through and thought I'd give a yell. I did an outdoor hydro garden last year that blew me away......literally when a helicopter buzzed the house scoping my tomato plants thinking they were something else. I guess when the shit hits the fan I'll make it out to your place so i can get my veggies LOL.
  13. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Looking Good Herb I just got 2 words Miracle-Grow LOL-Bud
  14. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Sweet !

    Just gorgeous and again your one fine grower of anything. Love the layout too.....just think of all the canning you can do this season to stock up for the winter. I too am gonna get back into canning of my veggies...especially the tomatoes. I love jersey tomatoes....mmmm yummm and love our sweet corn too. ;)

    Oh and how is the live stock all doing??? I told my daughter you may eat some of them and she said he better not...then said Uncle Herb is like me and would never eat his animals. Ohhh and she still is buggin me for a goat since she saw your baby....lol I said you have one but it is in Cali and Uncle Herb is babysitting it for ya. :) last thing I need is a goat to eat all my gardens ...lol The deer did a kick ass job over a month ago and had midnite munchies on all my flowers but I think we have that now under control since I am feeding them MORE on my other acre so they do not bother all my stuff.

    OMG the new albino's are hysterical....they look like the dog from lil rascals as they now have spots...well some of them. Still have the pure white ones but now they are all hangin out and looks like they got some strange and some one nite stands. Just funny as usually the white tail will not bother with the albino.....anywhos here is what they now look like. Well just a few but about 4 now look like this one.


    Anywhos.....post some more of your animals or email me some for her to look at. She loved the chick pics and omg is in love with the goat and rooster. :)
  15. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Holy shit man! :shocked: Talk about a blast from the past! Nice to see ya GT. :ebert: Outdoor hydro eh? Not this cat....you know me and my love of dirt. :love4: Stick around and stay a while...the water here is fine once again. :wink:

    Sombud.....I got two words for you.....Com Post. :tongue:

    Mermaid.....cool friggin' deer. Kinda cool to finally see one after all this time hearing about them. Tell the lil girl that popped outta my butt that I'm not quite ready to eat any of the animals yet.....but they are getting close. Least the chickens are anyway. Those cornish friers are FAT.....damn things can barely run around in the pen they're so fat. Gonna be some GOOOOOD eatin' there. :eusa_dance:

    Glad you and the lady like the garden Alien...hopefully I've inspired some here to start their own veggy gardens. :ebert:

    KC...I think we're a little spoiled here in Cali. I forget we have relatively mild weather compared to many other parts of the world. Long growing seasons rock. :rocker: I still envy the shear size of your garden though. I just shudder to think of all the bugs I'd have to contend with. :icon_confused:
  16. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    nice garden, herb! :thumbsup:

    let me know how you do with those fuji apples. fuji's my favorite apple and is about the only one i ever eat. :love4:
  17. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    ...gittin' 'er done...I see...

    ...Wow...everything is growin' nicely...and by the looks of it...you will be knee high by the fourth of July with the sweet corn...

    ...Very impressive...I detect that 'Erb and his accomplices in time have flex'd their green thumbs before...agreed?...

    ...Sorry I haven't been by sooner to check in on the progress...I have been up to my neck in garden-related tasks n' chores myself...

    ...Say...how is the dehydrator comin' along...we still on schedule??...PM me if you have time...thanks...I will be gettin' back with you soon...

    ...Keepin' it green...cheers:)


  18. StinkyBuds

    StinkyBuds TooStonedToPost

    Reading this thread reminded me of why i only post on this forum.

    Gr8t work herb your skills are truly impressive.

    Ive missed you all...
  19. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Damn.....Stinky following up behond my good buddy Daze. Too friggin' cool guys.:smokin: Thank you both for the props. :)

    Daze.....I haven't had any time to get busy on that dehydrator buddy. Since we last spoke I've been mad busy with the farm and some new clients I've picked up. I've got work lined up for some time into the future too, but as soon as I get a few big projects out of the way you're up. My apologies for not being able to get started just yet. I'll send ya an email with more details.

    Stinky....glad to see ya still find time to drop in and say a word or three. :ebert: You know you love it here. :tongue: Since I've not been able to grow pot plants for some time now I've taken up growing veggies.....doing quite well too. :sun: The g-friend and I are already looking at ways to expand the garden since we've damn near been over-grown with what we have now. My tomato plant has now reached above my head! :icon_confused: I've got melons going friggin' bezerk and have to find a way to support those without losing space.....just wait till ya see what I have planned for that. :wink: Speaking of which....I'll have to get some new pics later this evening when it cools down and I go out to water. I think you'll all be amazed.

    For now here's a quick look at one of my current projects.....a patio cover that measures 12' x 48'. As of today I have the structure up and now I'm on making the lattice panels that will drop down into each section. As you can see from the pics.....it's a hot MF out there on that patio. These people needed it in BAD way. You all should see my tan lines after working out here for hours on end......not pretty. :roll:

    Here's a set of pics that I took as it was being built.







  20. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Great work as always Herb.[​IMG] I can't wait to see how it turns out.

    I'm allso looking forward to seeing how you garden is coming. :suave:

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