Holy crap! :icon_confused: Been a LONG time since I posted to this thread and SO much has changed. Got a real early start this year and have been working on an upper expansion to the garden. I still have quite a few planters to build yet, but it's coming along nicely. :thumbsup: Here's a good shot of both garden areas and the good ol' compost bin. The lower garden is still holding up well. We're going to concentrate on putting smaller, less 'jungle type' plants in here from now on. I still have some things to do in here as far as building some shelves and laying a brick floor, but that has to wait a bit. These are the tree cuttings Average Joe and I went out and got one day. Looks like they all pretty much took root and are now starting to bud out. We're going to leave them in buckets for another year until they are well enough established to go into the ground. I'm already scouting out areas around the property to plant them and I'll be giving a LOT away to family and friends.....Joe being one of them. I call this the ultimate cloning experiement...there's 64 trees in all and I still need to go gather a few more from some different fruit trees that I didn't get to the first time. :fly: A 'Pink Lady' apple tree. Isn't she cute? All of these cuttings are from trees that are well over 100 years old. So far at this point in time we have these items growing in the garden. *Artichokes *Red Potatoes *White Onions *Garlic *Jerusalem Artichokes *Broccoli *Cauliflower *Straw Berries *Butter Leaf Lettuce *Spinach *Beats We have tomatoes in the nursery along with cilantro, oregano, and basil. I'm not sure what else she is getting started...I'll have to ask. I just build the shit. :laughing1: As for fruit trees we now have fig, cara cara navel orange, Owari Sumatran mandarin orange, 7 or 8 different apples from the cuttings, Early Alberta peach, Harcot apricot, 2 types of pear (cuttings), a plum (cuttings). We have 4 types of grapes including red flames, black, and two others I'm not sure of, blackberries, and last but not least.....boysenberries. I'm sure I forgot something along the way, but you can see that we're well on our way to having a nice farm now and will have plenty of good things to eat in the future. :group:
Hell of a nice setup, Herb. Gonna have some nice fruit trees in a few years. I have pear, peach, apple and mulberry trees around my property, and wish I had tons more. Are they very difficult to clone? All that room, and nowhere to hide a few plants???
Been a long time Herb. Things are looking very professional there. Not that I would expect anything less from you brother. Glad to see things are going well for you.
that is so awesome.....i wish i had a a little southern exposer to be able to grow a little veggie garden........can you maybe explain the process of cloning off trees.......theres a couple mulberry trees at a school by where i walk my doggie....... id like to take a cutting and put it in my yard......lookin good herb:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Very nice indeed herbs!! Wow nice and seems you have really worked hard on all this.... Love the new additions and looking forward to seeing more pics of the fruit trees you spoke of. Impressive but like Wa said.....would not expect nothing less then perfection as you are one hell of a grower plus grade A carpenter skills and grade A eggs ur selling.:thumbsup:
I used to smoke fruit trees before but I gave up. (Do you know how many blunts you can make from an orange??) I wish I would have a garden like that, gardenning is extremely relaxing. Have fun!!
Hey herb, what times dinner? :thumbsup: I grow a few things myself, but nowhere near what you have going on. Too lazy. Have some chickens too, but only for eggs.
How to clone trees....well...it's easy really. Just wait until the tree goes dormant for the winter, take a cutting from a growth tip, and stick it in some moist soil. I learned from my g-ma how to do it only she'd just stick the cuttings right into the ground to root. I trick is to keep the soil moist at all times. Nothing to it really. Glad ya all liked the pics. I truly am blessed to be able to live and work on this land. I wouldn't ask to be anywhere else....at least not until summer comes. Gets hotter than Hell out there! Thankfully I have lots of shade trees. I'll take more pics as things progress. Oh...and yes there's a lot of open land that I WISH I could grow on, but the g-friend's parents (our close neighbors and the land owners) would have a shit fit if I did. Her dad poisoned some MJ plants her ex grew out behind the garage......I'd hate to see the same fate befall any plants I grew. :icon_confused: While the land looks like it would be perfect for growing a few plants on, there are two roads that border our land making it very exposed to people driving by. Trust me...I've had the very same thoughts and if it was possible.....I would do it in a heart beat.
I'm kinda emabarrased to post my measly little excuse of a garden after seeing Herb's setup, :thumbsup: but I gotta few things going and trying to expand a little bit at a time. I wanted to show you guys my new experiment. I was watching TV the other night and they ran an infomercial with one of the upside down tomato planters, where the plants hang up high and grow down. Here's one So I decided "Hey, I'm as redneck as they come...I can easily make one of those with stuff I have around here" So I took a piece of 4" pve pipe and a bucket and came up with this. There are 4 holes, one on each side. Several drain holes in the bottom, and it's filled with 100% compost soil. Right now I only have one plant in it until we go to the nursery later today. I'm going to put a different tomato, a cucumber, and a red bell pepper in the remaining 3 holes. Then see which does the best compared to the same things planted in soil. We'll see how it goes. If it works, I'll build a couple more. I also built a raised planter that I have cucumbers and bell peppers in right now. It's been getting cold here the last couple nights so I built a make shift greenhouse cover until everybody gets established. My plan is to build several more beds and just keep on planting. :growin:
Yanno, you really shouldn't make fun of other people physical deformities. Your so inconsiderate Besides, she looks just like her mother. :icon_scratch:
I somehow missed this post Joe. Right on man. Nicely done. :thumbsup: One of these days you and I are gonna have to go into business together. That's using your noodle buddy! Gonna have to show my mom those setups ya got there......she bought one of those upside down tomato things.
Redneck or not, I'm gonna build a couple of those pvc/bucket planters. They'd be great for peas too. What a great shortcut. Thanks Joe,
I decided to play hooky today cause I got a bad case of spring fever. Started out with some 2x4's and some wire screen. I plan on building three, today I got two done. Each planter is 5.5' x 2.5'. The screen is to gopher proof. 8 ft boards = no waste. Total cost per planter = $24.00 Woods cheap right now. A little rearranging to figure out exactly where I want them. Once they are full of dirt, they ain't moving. Mix some compost from the compost bin right there in the background, regular dirt, and a bunch of perlite and fillerup. Each one holds six full wheelbarrows of soil mix. Now that the hard work is done, in come the planters This bed will be all strawberries, along with some taragon just cuz. The other bed will be tomato's and some other herbs. The third, I'm not sure yet. Ooooh that's perdy. I also put a metal cage over the top that hinges open. This is to keep the deer out. I need to extend my exterior fence another 3-4 feet higher to really keep the damn deer out. They suck. :deadhorse: I got another tomato plant and a bell pepper in my other rig. As soon as my cucumber seeds sprout, one will go in the last hole. I was also thinking about putting an herb plant in the top like a regular plant. Something that doesn't have a lot of roots. Its gonna get cramped in there as is. I was also thinking that on the next one I might make a 3.5" hole in the bottom of the bucket right over the pipe and fill the pipe with soil also. Put a few drain holes at ground level and the roots can grow down into the pipe considerably increasing the root space. So far so good. Look how it's already turned up in just a day. I got my raspberries transplanted. and finally I got started filling the other planter. It was a busy day in the garden. Time for a smoke :jj: ...and a artichoke
Good to see the whole family involved Joe. That's what I like to see. You all will have a blast with the garden. I have some concerns with that rig of yours. You might look into what plants grow well with others. The book I have tells you what you can and what you shouldn't plant together. Plants use chemical warfare to compete for soil space so it's best to know what grows well together. The other problem I see is that you may run out of room for roots given that each plant takes a lot of root space and you only have one bucket. Over crowing could become an issue real fast. :icon_confused: The planters look kick ass though....they look strangely familiar. :icon_scratch: BTW...where'd you pick up that large roll of builder's cloth and what did it run you? I need some to make a bunny hutch.
The hardware cloth was $40. at Home Depot. It's 3' x 50'. I share your concerns on the root space in that bucket too. I'm thinking that each bucket should have the same thing in it instead of 3 or 4 different plants fighting for the same space. From what I've seen tomato's don't have large complex root systems, and I would think a couple tomato plants could easily coexist in one bucket. Maybe just 2 of the same plants per bucket instead of 4 would be best.
My thoughts exactly. :thumbsup: Thanks for the info on the cloth. Now I know where to go when I'm ready to build the rabbit hutch. That's a good price.