Yup...I had to hang it too. :icon_confused: That's IT though. This mofo is now fully enclosed to keep the riff raff out.
Pfftt...c'mon maaan :icon_rolleyes: I can climb right over that fence no problem I picked up another dozen or so pots for you from the nursery yesterday. They're the same size as the ones the apple trees are in. I don't have enough room for all those tomato plants you gave me, so I'm gonna re-gift some of them, and a couple of the watermelons, to my Dad for his garden. The gate looks awesome :thumbsup:
Ha I am still going to eat your goats (dont worry I'll leave the floss behind) Just try stopping a paratrooper! We own the night!!!
I smell an underground grow room.:growin: Well, I would but thats just me. Thats a nice plot of land you guys have there Herb. The garden is coming along great.:thumbsup: Keep it up man.
awww man what i would do to have land potential like that!!!! good to see you use it wisely!, hell of a job herb, looks pro TEX
Here's a couple of cheap generators for ya. They need a little work but they don't require gas. www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOAEbpPtlrY&feature=related www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YIj4rLYo0c Sprite
Nope...no underground grow op here I'm afraid. This land belongs to the g-friend's parents and I would never put them at risk like that. I'd LOVE to do it...don't get me wrong...I just have great respect for them and their land. Eat my goats eh? Most likely you'd end up on the business side of one of the male goat's 'yard stick'.....they are some HORNY bastards! Enter at your own risk! :icon_confused: Now...on to the update: Finally got a chance to drop back and build some racks for the cucumbers. I'll be making 4 more of these to accommodate the three beds of melons and the other bed of cukes. The plan is to train the runners on to the racks to keep them up off the ground. There's snakes here...and gophers...neither of which I like very much. The snakes bite and the gophers find and eat anything on the ground. This should prevent either being a problem for us. All in all things are looking good. The little lady and I spent a whole weekend mixing soil and planting everything we had on deck which took us two full days. Me preparing planters, mixing/moving soil, and her planting things. We had 44 tomato plants to transplant alone! I got a few barrels in place to train the grapes along the outside of the fence line too. I cut the bottoms out and lined them with wire to keep those pesky lil varmints at bay since grapes like deep roots with full Sun. Now for the rest of the show.....if you have any questions about things feel free to ask. :thumbsup:
wow man....that is totally awesome....i really wanna start gettin into growin my own veggies and fruits......i got a strawberry plant in a five gallon pot....lame compared to this but gotta start somewhere hahahaha...... im readin a book(toilet material, its the only way i read) by a guy named mel bartholomew its called squared foot gardening....its a pretty interesting method...have you ever heard of it herb?? i like how you got all kinds of plants in pots too.....if i dont do the square foot thing i wanna do that....what an inspiration man:thumbsup:
i got 2 quick questions herb... 1. what kinda goats ya got? we have 2 sables i think they are. should have some fresh goats milk this fall and a few more kids. 2. are most of your veggies there heirlooms? i'm workin on gettin a nice collection of seeds together. i saw on ebay a lot of 1000 seeds, all heirloom being sold as like an end times package deal. kinda crazy, but these are kinda crazy times. lastly, shits lookin awesome man. keep it up.
That sucks Bogart....if only we could give one another a little bit of our environment....it's hot and dry this year for us. I'm out there every day watering or the damn plants wilt. Not off the grid yet Dan, but working on it. I've not heard of that no. I just know I have a limited footprint to work with so I try my best to make the most of the space. The pots and raised beds are actually to prevent gophers from eating my crop. Glad I could inspire you. 1. Kinder and Pigmy goats. My newest is a cross between the two. 2. What we have going right now is not heirloom....well except some tomato plants down in the lower garden. We bought a bunch of over the counter seeds before purchasing a vast list of heirlooms.....right now we're working on using up the regular seeds before we bust into the heirlooms. If you can get your hands on that package it will be a good investment I'm sure. Thanks for the props too. I work my butt off out there, but it's worth every second.
Now for an update....I took these pics a few days ago. You could say things are rockin' along. The lower garden first...this is what ya see when ya walk in. Not nearly as overgrown as last year. We finally got smart. assit: Looking back at the entrance.... These are the 'yellow plum' heirloom tomatoes...damn things are the weirdest tomato plant I've ever seen. I'll be going in to tie things up soon...I've been lagging. These are the heirloom cherry tomatoes. The ceiling is 7' tall so that gives you an idea of how tall these are getting. They're almost to the ceiling today. :icon_confused: These are a few of the tomatoes that came up on their own from the compost I added in to the soil. More maters from the compost....
And the upper garden. My how things have changed. I added a couple more shades to keep the Sun from beating my crop to hell. The racks I built are working like a charm. The cucumbers on the left were getting nailed by aphids so I had to break out the bug killer. They're finally making a comeback now so I'll be building one more set of racks soon. Here are more of the compost maters. I ended up running out of my own compst so I had to buy some mushroom compost from the local rock yard. I'm not very impressed either. I'll take my compost any day. Some peppers in the same compost soil. There are bells, cayenne, jalapeno, and Thai culinary peppers in this bed. These are the Hungarian wax peppers in MY compost. The diference is striking. We've already pulled pounds of peppers off of these plants and they're still producing like mad! And finally...the mellons. I had to build triple level racks for these guys. Wow do they grow fast! Krenshaw and Honeydue Watermelons. These were also out of the compost soil. Guess we musta had a bunch of seeds in there. :laughing1: That's it for now.
Herb- What are you doing with all that produce? Canning, farmer's market? When MJ becomes legal (it will happen.....it will happen....it will happen) you and I need to hook up. Those talents would be useful in a weedery. cheers,
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: I love your garden and u gave me soooooooooooooooooo many ideas for my garden next year!!!!!! keep the show goin man this is soooo great!!!
So far we've been trading away what we can't consume...and I consume a lot of it. We get different things from my parents as well as from my woman's parents and give them things they mau not have in their gardens in return. She also takes a lot of it to work and exchanges there or just gives it away. The tomatoes really haven't hit full force yet but I imagine we'll be swimming in them soon. So far we've harvested onions, peppers, red potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets (beet tops), spinach, lettuce, and strawberries. I'm also working on building up my dried spice collection. My main goal right now is learning how to preserve what we grow. I think that's going to be a big plus when the shit hits the fan. What use is growing all this if I can't preserve it for leaner months? To me that's priority #1. As for my talents being useful in weedery. I got so many ideas in my head it makes it spin sometimes. I'm just waiting for the day. May not be long now in Cali. :thumbsup: I can only imagine what I could do.....:fly: Well....that depends. I've put a LOT of time into it getting things set up, but once that's done it's all about maintenance. That's not too bad in itself. I water in the mornings and that takes up 1 - 2 hours of my time depending on issues I need to deal with. I do other types of tending during that time as well. Work is slow right now so I might as well use my time getting the learning curve out of the way. Besides...I love to grow stuff. Cool...another inspired. :thumbsup: Have fun with it man and let your mind run. I'm looking at expanding yet again. Not quite sure how I'll do it, but I know me...I'll think of something. :laughing1:
Wow TA bro looking good man. I dont have nearly as much land as you but I intend to make the best use of it possible. I had intentions of doing this summer but surgery has put a damper on any outdoor work so far this year. Fortunately the cast comes off next Wednesday if all goes well. I plan to do raised beds. Ive always had outdoor veggy gardens since I was a kid. I grew up on a farm and would do be able to have a small one of my own like you are doing. Someday I'll own land in the country to do it. Keep up the great work man, very inspiring. Peace
Well done HERB, looks sweet! Well layed out also... Hahaahhaahahahahahhaahahahaha,LMFAO Couldnt STOP myself from Laughing at yer STONER moment brother GreenJeans...!!!.lmfao Brilliant "STONER MO'"....lololol... :thumbsup: P.S, Great looking GARDEN HERBSPARKEYYYYYYY.... :thumbsup: Yav did some real good solid work there SPARKY, Bring it on bro, Let us into your world of tricks n Gardens,lol :thumbsup: UBB.........