Here we go again.

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by SFC, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Your most likely right Indi. I did some more research, and it appears that some of the organics are famous for causing a ph imbalance. But hey my flowers are the largest I have grown indoors to date.The AK47's in particular are fantastic.Since I flushed them they seem to have straightened out a little.I flushed with my tap/well water.The well ph is like 7.6 so hopefully if it was on the acidic side which is what I assume it likely brought them back up to a healthier level.More pics later today
  2. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Due to Nobogart exposing the fac that he can read our ISP's, internet connection,and operating system I am deleting my garden,and pics. Right now. Sorry.
  3. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    **** me pink
  4. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    sfc, that information is sent to every website you visit. how nobogart is (supposedly) accessing that information is another question. if you ever follow a link to another website it's possible that the person who posted the link could receive such data...if he runs the webpage.

    i wouldn't be too concerned...check out these links: and

    other than your IP address there is no personal information. even knowing your IP address isn't very useful because your ISP maintains the privacy of its customers, and many ISPs change your IP periodically as well.
  5. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Alright Dood. You know how it gets come harvest time:erm:
  6. Indica

    Indica Guest

    (Edited by starfleetcommand at 5:24 pm on Nov. 8, 2005)
  7. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur



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