How broke have you been?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by greenthumbwhitethumb, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    Im glad you were able to come back from that, man. Hope things are a LOT better now!

  2. daytrypper

    daytrypper A Fat Sticky Bud

    Being poor is a way of life for me, working in the auto industry you get used to layoffs every couple of years.

    But hell, I was raised poor so its no big deal.

    I've done the wire stripping thing, a heat gun does wonders to soften up the insulation. The aluminum can thing, daily through a state park picnic areas on my bicycle. Dumpster dived for sale-able shit, refinished furniture left at the curbside for garbage pick up. Along wiht all the little odd jobs i pick up.

    But hell, I would be seriously screwed if I had to quit growing, Its become a necessity at this point..
  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Brokest I ever was had to be summer 1980. Hitchhiking in Montana, had $2 in change and hadn't eaten for a day or two. Pretty much everything I owned was on my back. Rancher picks me up and stops at a local bar then proceeds to by me beer after beer...everything kind of goes fuzzy around the pool table....

    I woke up the next morning in a freeway ditch across the road from a Stuckies. The shit in my back pack was thrown everywhere, some hairy fungus had taken over my mouth and an empty jar of Jiff peanut butter lay next to my head. To this day I'll never figure out where the peanut butter came from. It was crusted to my face and fingers in testament to some odd feeding frenzy in the moonlight and glare of an occasional headlight.

    I stumbled into the Stuckies covered in stale brown crud mixed with road dust, plunked down my last $2 on a toothbrush. Hitchhiked outta there and got a job flipping burgers the next day in North Dakota.
  4. greenthumbwhitethumb

    greenthumbwhitethumb down w the moral majority

    Any story that entails waking up in a ditch somewhere is usually a good one!!!:thumbs-up:


  5. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    I love stories, especially ones from old heads

    Hitchhiking.......ol truckers.......the 70's.....drugs.....panhandlin.....etc...etc...

    I feel like im in an episode of some sort when i close my eyes
  6. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    LMAO!! Too funny and true!!

    Think everyone is feeling the effect of this shitty economy. Always been thrifty so I am just riding the tide till it passes. Good thing my daughter keeps hatching chickens every year as I never have to buy eggs. Even give plenty away for we have too many. I cut coupons to help with those pesky grocery bills. I grew up with a dad who taught me how to make a dollar stretch so I thank him for that. Passed it on to my children but yes times are tough for many many people. I do not know how people go shopping all the time dropping hundreds of dollars on things they just do not need? Have a g/frd who I grew up with who literally will spend over 300.00 on a purse?? I feel for her hubby, she has always been spoiled and has NO conception of how to save a buck. I told her that purse could pay a bill or two but she was raised to be materialistic...oh well. Money does not buy happiness... ;)

    Love, food, shelter, heat with good frds plus family is all you truly need. But if you have the money to spend it is fine as long as you are not putting yourself in debt. I only meant that those who do not have the cash, go on a spending spree to only have NO money to pay their bills is just insane IMO. Why I do not believe in credit cards unless it is for an emergency.

    Hope the gas price does not go up anymore...ughh. LOL the people scrapping are making money right now. If you have a truck & out of work, that is the route to go. When gas prices go up so does the price of metal. :)
  7. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    Shopping with coupons and watching for the grocery deals can and will save ALOT of :$ $$:

    I can eat NY Strip Steaks ($4.99 lb) EVERY day with jumbo raw shrimp cooked on the grill, for about $10 a day. (This is this weeks special)

    Next week it's London Broil ($1.99 lb) or Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast ($1.99 lb).

    I always seek out the deals and ONLY buy whats on sale unless I really need it.

    Saves me a ton of :$ $$:

    :alienwink: :affro:
  8. Tiger Shark

    Tiger Shark Profoundly Deep

    This is a good tip. Especially if you have 2 or 3 grocery chains in your area. Check all of the store's specials, every week. You can indeed do well. Even better if you have the high quality coupons like buy one get one free or free items. Double coupons are also powerful.
  9. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    Ok, here's one for ya.

    In 1969, I was 19. I met this guy who had been released from Riker's Island, where he had done four years for the Sullivan Act (unliscensed guns--they take that seriously in NY) and had then jumped parole and gone to Georgia. Being 19, naturally I found him terribly exciting and sexy/dangerous.

    I had smoked plenty, but he turned me on to acid. So, we dropped the acid in the Whiskey a' Go-Go and he wandered off, leaving me alone, under age and starting to get off on the acid.

    I ordered a beer and it was the first time Id ever seen those little "pony" beer bottles. Other than being very small, it looked like a regular long neck PBR, except a pony is about seven oz. But, I thought it was the regular size, so I thought, "man...Im really getting off...look how HUGE my hand is!"

    Meantime the strobe lights are flashing, and the huge multi-color light show is pulsing on all the walls and Inagadda da vida is playing LOUD and Im REALLY getting off BIG TIME when a gun shot goes off and I, naturally, dive under the table.

    Only the gunshot is just a waitress dropping a tray of beers, but now Im already UNDER the table, just as my guy is walking toward me with a red-haired girl I dont know, which didnt bother me because I was SO tripped out, my guy appeared to be about eight feet tall. The girl, on the other hand , who I thought was normal-sized is peering at me under the table without even bending, clearly the table has grown considerably higher and my guy is shouting over the music, "What are you doing? Why are you under the fucking table? Come out of there . This is Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."

    I say, "no, It's Inagadda da Vida", as I begin to crawl out from under the grown-much-taller table.

    He says, "WHAT"? I scream, "NO! It's INAGADDA DA VIDA!"

    He and the girl are laughing their asses off as he shouts, "No, man, her NAME is LUCY In The Sky With Diamonds. I wanted you to meet her."

    Only nobody seems to GET IT that the world has gone all weird and the table has grown about three feet taller and clearly, so have I, with my huge big hand still clutching that tiny little beer and Im towering over this red-haired chick in white cowboy boots who I still havent figured out is a midget Go-Go dancer.....

    And I burst into tears, sobbing, "I just want to go home, man...I really need to get home...sniff, sob...

    So, my guy is still laughing, leads me out of the Whiskey a'Go-Go just as Jefferson Airplane begins, "One pill makes you taller....and one pill makes you small...", saying, "man...I cant take you anywhere..."

  10. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    Jefferson Airplane is deffinitely not as fun to listen to as they used to be.

    I mean, shit, their music used to obviously be for stoners and acid trippers. I listened to something they came up with several years ago, and it was just.. lame.

    a Midget go-go dancer, huh? That's pretty wierd.
  11. greenthumbwhitethumb

    greenthumbwhitethumb down w the moral majority

    Dix - that's awesome. I have yet to hear a "lame" trip story. I think mostly because I loved it so much, even if it's lame, I can imagine being there, and it sounds fun!

    Here's a good money-saving tip if you can swing it:

    I only buy beef by the half or third of a cow. The downside, you have to pony up hundreds of dollars up front, BUT you pay $3 for ALL your beef! The best Tbones I've ever had, prime rib, tons and tons of burger! I prefer free-range, because it's leaner, none of that unnatural marbling shit. It's the tenderest, juiciest meat I've ever had, and it's all $3 a pound. I paid total around $600 last time, and that's for the beef and the butcher, and that lasts the better part of a year. Plus, I know where my meat is coming from. For some that may not matter, but I'm pretty obsessive with what kind of food I eat.


  12. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Runned me over a turkey once. Tasted real good too. Save $$, kill a turkey.
  13. dlr42

    dlr42 King of GrowKind

    Right now is prob the brokest I've been in a really long time.

    Even if my apartment hadn't been burned out from under me I would have still had to move out because I could no longer pay my bills. I am only working part time. I have been looking for a 2nd job for months and have had no luck.

    I am blessed that my brother opened his home to me. My only other option would have been to quit the job I have and move in with my Mom. That would have meant that I would have to move 7 hours away from my boys. That would have killed me.

  14. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Ahhh I do the same!

    BIG benefit of workin with hicks, a good bit of them have farms in their of my co workers is the "pig/pork" guy, we got a "chicken" guy and a "cow" guy too........Everything freezer/vacuum sealed top quality 100% organic.....I love bein able to go downstairs 24/7, grabbin any steak I want and goin to town, ribs of all sorts, roasts, etc etc....
  15. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast

    I work where I get food for 20% cheaper1

    and it still killlllllls me.
  16. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    So broke i could not pay attention:passsit:
  17. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    In '69 weird was the norm.

    Yeah...Jef A didnt stand the test of time too well, that's for sure.

  18. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    It was quite funny to me LATER, once I GOT it. Not fun at all at the time, tho, LOL. I just couldnt make it all make sense. Not to mention the HUMILIATION!

    Since I live alone, and dont have a freezer...buying a half a cow isnt a good plan for me, but for folks with families...hell yeah.

    Reminded me of when I was little, my mom opened a meat store and hired a butcher and bought halves of beef and so on.

    Sadly, the biz went bankrupt, but we toted boxes and boxes of steaks, roasts, ground beef home, along with one of the big chest type freezers. So, we were broke as hell, had no money for milk or bread or eggs....buit we were eating filet mignon for breakfast, LOL, NY strips for lunch and prime rib for dinner for months.. I was about 7...and kept saying, "Cant I PLEASE have a peanutbutter sandwich?"


  19. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    Good on ya! We have lots of wild turkeys here, too. Every Spring I see many Mom turkeys leading a line of little baby turkeys across the road.

    Ive never eaten one, but I have thought, "hmmmm...if I ever run out of food...."

  20. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    Now yer talkin!

    The Good Ole Boys in my neck of the woods do the same. Plus, almost everybody does a garden and the women can or freeze tons of veggies. My neighbor has a generator in case the electricity goes out so that all that food stays safe.

    I have room for a gardem, but my yard is full of Black Walnut trees. I tried a garden once and it did crap. I was bemoaning my bad lucjk to a neighbor who said, "well, everybody KNOWS wont NUTHIN grow where a Black Walnut tree is...."

    Everybody but ME, evidently. Tuurns out Nature provides BW with a substance that acts as a weed killer that's extruded from the tree's roots to keep undergrowth from crowding out the young BW trees. Unfortunately, it works on corn and beans and 'maters, too.

    So, I do a little bale garden in my front yard, but I dont produce enough to can.

    There's a Goat Guy down the road...and every summer I think about asking if I can RENT a goat or two to clear my slopes that are too steep to mow, LOL.


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