Chris in the 4 bucket there's 1400w and in the 6 bucket 2kw. I have been vegging under the 1kwr's for atleast 2 weeks if not 3.
Hell yes they do. Steel, how do you keep mold from forming deep inside the really firm tightly clustered nuggs? I get out some big colas too, but I can't let them grow as big as their potential would allow them cuz I gotta chop the colas before bud-rot starts down inside the buds near the stem.
Holy shit how did I miss this one! Steel, gotta give it to ya, that is one hell of a grow. Congrats bro, you're gonna be swimming in buds
Scott, as crete said airflow and I keep as low humidity as possible in winter it's about 18-20% and in summer 30% which is with central ac running grow ac and a dehumidifier. There are 4 6" can fans intaking or circulating and an 8" exhausting in winter. I am going to try to overtake the heat this summer. I get more concerned with warm water temps than mold though (knock on wood). I did build a chiller system so I'm curious to see how it plays out... I am going to post a couple post chop pics the #2 delivered... Steel
Steelcity is extremely intelligent. I'm not surprised that he is pulling down monsters. As for my problem: I flower in a simple grow tent with a 400 and a 600. I have a 6" exhaust fan and a 4" active intake fan bringing up fresh cold air from down stairs. Steel, my active intake fan looks exactly like a fan I saw in one of your pics. It's the blue plastic fan hanging from a screwed on bracket. I think the brand is SunLeaves. Anyway, I also have a oscilating fan in there. It's like these buds get air-tight. I really have to pry into them when inspecting for mold. Sometimes the humidity does get up past 50% in the tent....but even when it does it doesn't stay that high for even 1 12/12 cycle. I'm sure it comes down to airflow, but I don't know what else to do. It's starting to get warm enough to pull in air from the outside. Humidity stays pretty low up here. We constantly get the static-electricity sparks when we touch anything. I have to literally ground myself before I kiss my wife or pet one of the cats. I'm talking about 1/8" blue arcs! hah hah seriously. One time I had a hard-on and I asked her to grab my rod without grounding herself and it literally hurt my dick. I lost my wood for a minute. So...that's some pretty dry air.
Another oscillating fan blowing directly across the tops of the buds can help. That is if you're not doing this already. Steel? He's scary smart.
Don't feed my ego it's already got plenty of momentum. I just like to see how things work. Luckily I've found jobs that reward creative thinking. My current job almost makes me give up growing it's too good to risk but I love that green. On the topic of intelligence/schooling I was all ready to start down the path of a Masters in Electrical Engineering when I got caught up with the dream of a BAS in Mechatronics. Any input is welcome cause I'm on the fence pretty badly and the summer term is close at hand and I wanna get any prereqs out of the way. My iq has been tested at 126 which is considered High Intelligence but pales in the comparison of my brother at 139 just shy of genius...Steelcity
I don't usually post chop pics but the #2 I had lurching in the corner DELIVERED. She's not dry to weigh yet but I'm guessing about 7oz dry from one plant.Check it out. 10 Hours of trimming later That's my Hashbong never had anything but ran through her. She's a must during a clipothon. Friggin tree branch. Ready for transport to the drying rack.
Wow what a harvest. 7 oz of bud from one plant is mighty impresive. Pics to back it up. Great grow. GJ SteelCity. :good job::thumbs-up:
Thank you Gentleman. I love me some Yuengling aka Yinzling. Link, that beer handle is the best valentine's day gift ever! It keeps me from getting it warm in summer and from freezing my hand off during winter tailgates. It has a built in coaster as well sooo it's damn near perfect.
I don't know how I forgot to mention Yuengling! I'm from where the old, original brewery is at. Tour is cool :thumbsup: