watching with interest.... ORGANICS is the way i learned but theirs organics and then theirs ORGANICS!Specializing in them aint my scene,i like all my organic nutes and soil pre mixed and pre bottled,thats organic enough for me(the soil comes with worm castings and guano,etc)... organic nutes rock
This is my first ENTIRE organic grow....and I can already tell a differnce 4 weeks in...Amen to nature
hey randy high do youlive somewhere you are able to have a compost all year round? does anyone here live in northern climates with cold winters but still keeps a composter in a heated garage or something..just wondering if I could do that because over the winter months I hate having to through all those good organic nutes into the trash
friend I spaced out on the thread. Well yes and no... I could all year make a pile but yes because I feed my soil box with raw materials. When I say I'm spreading a feeding layer I am saying I take a bucket and mix things together in some compost or oirganic soil and sprinkle it out on the soil surface. The microorganisms then eat these materials and so yes I compost but not a hot pile just mother nature in action. Now I have watched many a show about organic gardening on TV and in cold places they insulate the pile with bails of straw and cover it to keep the heat. I would assume a high nitrogen level would help as well. There is aslo worms you can keep under the sink if you have kitchen scraps.
TOTALLY my friend!!! TOTALLY RandyHigh, thats what IM talking about, thats what i wana learn , the pro's n con's of doing those processes my man!!! Learning the In's n Out's of COMPOSTING and how to make it NPK Trustworthy , if ya know what i Peace n good growing all, UrBigBuddie.............
Organics is thee ONLY way... Randy i see on another thread(calling out alienbait:LED) that you use honey as a rooting agent... do you have any other 'naturally organic' tips like that defo starting to take a major interest in REAL organics and your the resident organics guy randy Will the honey work with a rooting gel randy What about vinegar for adjusting ph...does it work as good as lemon juice,etc?Any organic tips appreciated.Peaceotleaf:
I didn't think up the Honey but I did reserch on using honey and in general sugars. So I have some insight on molasses and honey. TA, I learn every season. I take what I know and have a general expectation of what I want to acheive then work towards that. That goes for my garden and the room. It's a fantastic thing to do IMO. As for honey.. I read that one only needs honey to root a clone. Raw uncooked organic honey. I covered my ass and rolled the honey dipped clones in rooting hormone. I haven't used vinegar or really had a need to do anything to my PH to be honest. I am among several growers I know that believe a living soil deals with it. This I hold as a belief till I see different. But I am impressed with real organic vinegar, It has much more in it then the off the shelf stuff. Sure thing TA anything I can share I will. Feel safe to clone with honey and see if it works. The two ways I read are dip in honey and stick in soil or mix honey in water and put the clone in the water. I assume an air stone whould be helpful.