I received word this weekend that the Warzone is at the shop. Sannie just needs to list them. Keep your eyes peeled.
High!!!!!!!! Useless, Brother that's great news!!! Stickybud, :jj: Warzone m8!! Damn, I can't wait!!!:coolbounce: Leo's
High!!!!!!!! all the best wishes for 2014!!!! [YOUTUBE]_nIQzeFMQJU[/YOUTUBE] For sure i don't forget you brothers and sisters!! Talking about a real come back in 2014! I really don't forget how to grow also!! Leo's:coolbounce: asssit:
High,, Biggy B, Talking about not by over here for to long brother! :icon_confused: (homesick) warzone outdoor...asssit:.... Friendlyfarmer, Thanks men! ones in a live time.. Bigbud, :roffl::roffl::roffl: Warzone, in the end of september,,, the one whit a bat end.. great lookl/ New skill.... Leo's:jj:
Dayum dude! :not-worthy: I just got bubble bags too for the first time. My new skill is NOT making bubble hash. :roffl: Those pics are amazing! Stay away from our calendar contest :kidding:
Happy new year!!! [YOUTUBE]TsrKloxhfaw[/YOUTUBE] asssit: drl42, Come and get:coolbounce: Friendly, thanks men! GOOD LUCK NEXT TIME..:thumbsup: (more ice) Bigbudd, try it brother! mrgreen, get my best picture in it...:not-worthy: 2014,, katsu bubba kush, SSH x Cheesdiesel and Uruzgani.. [YOUTUBE]IR2-eS4MkHU[/YOUTUBE] Leo'sasssit:
Leos I'm trying to decide how I want to process my trim and pop corn... Bubble, qwiso, bho, edibles......
High,, Back to the roods...:jj: [YOUTUBE]symmEkjFn38[/YOUTUBE] Bigbud, Bubble and BHO i see!! Thank's be over here..!!:thumbsup: Katsu Kush and SSH x CheesDiesel,, Leo'sasssit:
High,,organic B.A.C shit!! Friend,:good job: Katsu Bubba Kush, Uruzgani (left side), SHH x diesel (back side).. // SSH x Cheesdiesel, Peace Leo'sasssit:
High!!!!!!!! asssit:Sound,, find this track today..i don't know if it's real good but i like his voice,,:kidding: [YOUTUBE]XyGSQjyaoDA[/YOUTUBE] Ganja, Katsu / SSH x CheesDiesel.. Give it a hit, turn on 12/12... it's because keep the lady's green..(go for big bud's) SSH x CheesDiesel..she's ready.. knock down yesterday..:roffl: Leo'sasssit: