Leo's den...

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Leo's, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    I received word this weekend that the Warzone is at the shop. Sannie just needs to list them. Keep your eyes peeled.
  2. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    Hupla, those done by cfl's? :flipando:
  3. Leo's

    Leo's Developed Alternating Nodes


    Useless, Brother that's great news!!!

    Stickybud, :jj: Warzone m8!!

    Damn, I can't wait!!!:coolbounce:


  4. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal



  5. Leo's

    Leo's Developed Alternating Nodes


    all the best wishes for 2014!!!!


    For sure i don't forget you brothers and sisters!! Talking about a real come back in 2014!

    I really don't forget how to grow also!!


  6. Bigbud214

    Bigbud214 Ganja Guru Extreme

    Hey Leos..
  7. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    Very cool song bro thanks. Makes me want to go to Jamaica.

    Happy holidays to you :pass sit:
  8. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    What up little brother. Hope all is well across the pond.
  9. Leo's

    Leo's Developed Alternating Nodes


    Biggy B, Talking about not by over here for to long brother! :icon_confused: (homesick) warzone outdoor...:passsit:....

    Friendlyfarmer, Thanks men! ones in a live time..:pimp:

    Bigbud, :roffl::roffl::roffl:

    Warzone, in the end of september,,,





    the one whit a bat end..


    great lookl/

    New skill....




  10. dlr42

    dlr42 King of GrowKind

    Great looking buds.

    REALLY wanting some of that hash.

  11. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    Dayum dude! :not-worthy: I just got bubble bags too for the first time. My new skill is NOT making bubble hash. :roffl:

    Those pics are amazing! Stay away from our calendar contest :kidding:
  12. Bigbud214

    Bigbud214 Ganja Guru Extreme

    Mmm I want bubble hash....
  13. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    The hash does look yummy. Leo you should enter the next bud contest dude. seriously!:thumbs-up:
  14. Leo's

    Leo's Developed Alternating Nodes

    Happy new year!!!



    drl42, Come and get:coolbounce:

    Friendly, thanks men! GOOD LUCK NEXT TIME..:thumbsup: (more ice:idea:)

    Bigbudd, try it brother! :smokin:

    mrgreen, get my best picture in it...:not-worthy:

    2014,, katsu bubba kush, SSH x Cheesdiesel and Uruzgani..





  15. Bigbud214

    Bigbud214 Ganja Guru Extreme


    I'm trying to decide how I want to process my trim and pop corn... Bubble, qwiso, bho, edibles......
  16. Leo's

    Leo's Developed Alternating Nodes


    Back to the roods...:jj:


    Bigbud, Bubble and BHO i see!! Thank's be over here..!!:thumbsup:

    Katsu Kush and SSH x CheesDiesel,,




  17. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    Looking good man. :not-worthy:

  18. Leo's

    Leo's Developed Alternating Nodes

    High,,organic B.A.C shit!!

    Friend,:good job:

    Katsu Bubba Kush, Uruzgani (left side), SHH x diesel (back side)..



    SSH x Cheesdiesel,


    Peace Leo's:passsit:
  19. bigbudztoo

    bigbudztoo growin the good stuff

    Those look great, Leo. I am liking that Haze cross a lot !

    :thumbs-up::thumbs-up: BBT
  20. Leo's

    Leo's Developed Alternating Nodes


    :passsit:Sound,, find this track today..i don't know if it's real good but i like his voice,,:kidding:


    Ganja, Katsu / SSH x CheesDiesel..



    Give it a hit, turn on 12/12... it's because keep the lady's green..(go for big bud's)



    SSH x CheesDiesel..she's ready.. knock down yesterday..:roffl:




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