Live Grow Cam

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Midnight Garden, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    New fuck and already he's trying to up his post count.

    Feel free to only use one post to reply to everyone who's posted since your last :thumbs-up:

    Oh; and when you quote a post, I wouldn't be annoyed if you just quoted the relevant info (delete, delete, delete).

  2. enduser

    enduser Germinating

    I'm just waiting for more photos of this garden and will post it for you in a bit. By the way all those are grown with CNS17.
    Yes thats a flame defedner unfortunately I can't find a proper wide angle webcam to get the whole garden but gonna try to do a multiple cam set up for the next grow.But here are some fish eye photos of the set up View attachment 16009 View attachment 16010 Here are some videos of it P1272202.jpg



  3. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Thank you.
  4. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Not really.... I have just found that when you show up somewhere as a new guy, that coming all strong with boasts of how HUGE your yields are without being proven first, it comes off as pompous and arrogant.

    I like the garden setup. The plants look good too. I'm in no way implying that yields like that are not possible or that enduser has not achieved them. I just think it's a bit arrogant for a new member to come in and in their first few posts they are already telling people how much more they yield than the rest of us.
  5. enduser

    enduser Germinating

    You don't have to believe me but you can see from the plants in the photos. Here are some that he just sent me. There's more but my mail server seems to be not liking the size of the photos and bouncing some of the emails back. View attachment 16011 View attachment 16012 View attachment 16013 Med-001.jpg





  6. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    How long of a veg? and in soil none the less, its gotta be a 10week veg

    2.5 seems to be an exxagerated number by the looks of those few pics, 1 or so maybe....but thats by the looks of it
  7. enduser

    enduser Germinating

    8 week veg and topped 4 times. The plants are taken from beer cups > 1gal > 2gal > 3gal > 5gal> 25 gal in Pro Mix HPHere's a photo of a person standing next to them to show size. I blured the person out as requested by them. View attachment 16014 Med-001-(22-2).jpg

  8. 420madness

    420madness Established Healthy Roots

    Just a side note to anyone interested, I was watching and lights on are at 6:42 p.m. CST. I thought it was cool to see the lights come on.
  9. RKinG

    RKinG Full Flowering

    GK Community will lay the beat down just as well as they'll help you grow! Love it haha.

    :-welcome-: Maybe drop a line in the intoductions sometime playa
  10. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    I refuse to see a 2.5 dry weight plant in them pics.....and that guy looks pasted
  11. ScottyG420

    ScottyG420 Marijuana Handler

    2.5 lb dry? no way.
  12. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    It's not his grow CC so why even bother. EndUser is only 'helping'. My guess is he's handling the pics or feed. You do any gardening of your own EndUser? Just trying to get a handle on how good your eye is for weight.

    Kind of a cool thing to look in on once in awhile.


  13. enduser

    enduser Germinating

    I just blurred him out on his request.
  14. enduser

    enduser Germinating

    I only do SOG, 49-64 plants per light. The video stream is my buddies license and I set it up for him and got the equipment. I've never grown trees before so its gonna take a few grows to get it right. In the video his license was only for 15 plants but its since been increased to 70+. For now till we upgrade his electrical service to 200A were gonna run 4 lights with 60 or so plants (will be Master Kush). Once the 200A service is in where gonna grow em big again.As for me growing here are some photos of my set up. I'm always trying new equipment so never do the same set up too many times. Not sire if linking to other forums is ok so here are some photos.The first set is OG Kush in a modified tent made from two DR100's View attachment 16025 View attachment 16026 View attachment 16027 og-sog-03.jpg





  15. enduser

    enduser Germinating

  16. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Hey Chris, that bulb looks really large compared to the person that is in that picture. You may have apoint.
  17. enduser

    enduser Germinating

    Yah he sure does View attachment 16033 If you didn't read those are 25GAL pots. gk-001.jpg

  18. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Very nice. :thumbs-up:
  19. enduser

    enduser Germinating

    We chopped down the Bubba's today. Will be putting in 53 Master Kush in on Tuesday. The five in the live stream are Diesel but we'll move those to a different area once the MK's go in.

    Would be nice to be able to grow them like the big MK's but I don't have the resources at the moment to do that. I can't reveal the specs on the big MK garden but its quite the set up. I'm trying to convince the owner to do a video but will see if he agrees to it.

    I also switched the video format to 640x360 but didn't realise it cut off so much. Will change to 640-480 on tuesday. Wish they made proper wide angle lens cameras not sure wide angle like in wide screen.
  20. enduser

    enduser Germinating

    We got the MK's in but run out of dirt so will have to transplant the rest on Monday Since where vegging lighs are on 6am-12am PST

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