My Ice in my trays is from filtered R/O water, but I did buy bagged ice. I'll have to get the paint stirrer for my drill for the next batch.
The thing is that they're too damn big! Crushed ice would prob be the shit! I just know that I'll never use tray ice again
You'll LOVE how much easier the paint stirrer is. The first time I did mine, I used the mixer like you. but, once I got the paint stirrer I never looked back. I recommend the black plastic "turbine" type mixer, that way you won't damage your bags. Something very similar to this. :alienwink:
Holy cow!, I would be honored to have my tutorial featured in the FAQ. My aim was to demonstrate just how easy Hash making can be, even for a first timer. I know i did a good job for my first time, but like anything I will get better with practice. I hope everyone enjoys this thread and the hopefully helpful information contained within. :thumbs-up: :bong-2:
Ok, I'm a total dumb newbie with hash, having only smoked it twice in my life, that I can remember. I see there are tons of ways of making hash - what makes one way better than the other? ie do they smoke differently? Taste different? without using anything but water, is the ice hash smoother? GTWT :XXhippylove:
IMHO, Bubble Hash or BTO are the only ways to go. And since BTO is dangerous indoors and I don't want to have to buy more supplies than just ice and my bags. Bubble hash is the purest form of homemade hash. IMHO
Payload is the brand of the bags. I got them from The Hydro Source here is a link to the site where I ordered mine from.