Marijuana Addiction?

Discussion in 'Cannabis Politics' started by GrassNGlass, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. GrassNGlass

    GrassNGlass Germinating

    I always considered marijuana a non-addictive drug but this morning I read this story claiming that marijuana addiction is on the rise. Can anyone here clarify if this is just media propaganda? Or are they talking about a purely psychological addiction?
  2. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Oh. My. Gawd.:BangHead:

    I was going to rebut this article after the first two paragraphs....the it got sooooo weird and full of false or twisted info I realized it would be a multi paged, footnoted, wall-o-text nobody would ever read.

    Read, please please read it. Then pass it along with your pro pot friends so they know how insane many anti's still are. Race baiting, hysteria tactics, overstated risk, overstated damage.

    The false associations.....Here's a lulu; "Black's are "NOW" more likely to use marijuana..." (as mentioned in the article) Now? Really? Now? Just now that's happened?:eusa_eh:

    If you look at the arrest rates I'd assume that's been the case for a generation or two. Unless the Prosecution rates are just exponentially higher for blacks? But then, of course, that may lead to a rational discussion about something that actually matters to somebody who actually thinks for themselves.....which the above linked article most

  3. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Marijuana use disorders, holy shit I got it BAD!!!!I got this to blame,,,I should of sent it in for the oct contest.


  4. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    I don't know...I knew a kid named gene the fiend that,would smoke seeds and stems and shit when I was young
  5. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    lmao, I think we all knew an idiot like that.
  6. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Dude....look at it this way. The first awareness altering behavior any of us exhibits is spinning. Yes spinning. We spun as kids until we got stupid dizzy and fell down. The dizzier the better. Ever since, we've used chemicals as adults to recreate various aspects of that initial experience. Might as well call it a "Dizziness disorder" and try to reform kids who spin know who are.

    Humans seek altered consciousness, either habitually, or, recreationally. The chemical, or inducing behavior, of choice is irrelevant. The extreme of the behavior and dangerousness of chemical is the relevant issue. At this point, cannabis is far below the inherent risk involved in almost every other awareness altering drug and behavior known to man. Period. End. Absolutely conclusive.

    The choice? Avoid overindulgence of anything and be aware of "real" risk factors. Or abstain. But ignore hypersensationalized trash put out by the author of the linked article.

    Sorry about ranting...this kind of shit makes my blood boil.:bong-2:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2015
  7. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    I smoke all day long, 7 days a week and have been doing that for ten years. When I have had to quit cold turkey because of a job I had no withdrawals or any thing like that. I did miss the feeling of being stoned, because I enjoy it! :pimp:

    My wife a ex cig smoker will tell you cigs were addictive. It took her 3 times to quit. MJ, she can go on a work related trip and have no problem with any kind of craving because she cant smoke weed.

    I think it's bullshit for the most part. :passsit:
  8. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    i think the physical addiction is bullshit but i do feel some truth to the mental addiction.

    but i think it's abnormal to become mentally addicted, but people have porn addictions, i'm pretty sure you won't die from not watching porn...but they are addicted in their mind non the less

    but just because some people can't get off without watching porn, doesn't mean it's the porn industry's just means that dude has a mental disorder.

    it's like 12 step NA/AA or anything else, people that need those progrms just have addictive personalities. They are trading one addiction (drugs) for another (meetings)
  9. GrassNGlass

    GrassNGlass Germinating

    Thanks for clarifying, everyone! I'm on the same page as you guys. When I read the article, I was kind of like "WTF?" but at the same time I didn't want to be an insensitive a-hole if this kind of addiction was a real issue and I just hadn't experienced it.
  10. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    I have never met anyone who has been physical addicted to weed, love smoking yes and some smoke more than others and the mental part I think is just the wanting to get high not like your going to get sick if you dont. The people who wright these articles most likely either never smoked or still have the reefer madness mentality.
  11. GrassNGlass

    GrassNGlass Germinating

    I think they definitely still have the reefer madness mentality. Or at least get their checks from someone who does.

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